2010 to 2020.

A helpful place to also put any annual reports etc, of your own portfolios
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Another decade of investing.....how has it been for you?

Pretty damn good
Not too bad.
About average
Not to great to be honest
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Lemon Quarter
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Joined: November 7th, 2016, 1:56 pm

Re: 2010 to 2020.

Post by moorfield »

Pretty damn good.

2009 was my first year of HYP-ing, and comparing its year end numbers to today:

Capital Value is has increased 4.1x, Annual Income has increased 5.4x, Portfolio Xirr is +10.5% today.

That includes some lump sum contributions along the way, and one disaster: Carillion (CLLN), one semi-disaster: Centrica (CNA).

If my HYP can keep up with its targets, annual income will have (at least) doubled again and I hope to be FIREd ten years from today.

Lemon Half
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Joined: November 4th, 2016, 11:20 am

Re: 2010 to 2020.

Post by tjh290633 »

I unitise my portfolio.

On 31st December 2009, the income units were at £3.71 and today they are at £6.32, an increase of 69.7%.

For the last 20 years, the comparison of unit value with the FTSE100 is:
Yr to    HYP    FTSE   Difference   Ratio
Dec-99   1.00   1.00         0.0%    1.00
Dec-00   0.94   0.89         5.5%    1.06
Dec-01   0.87   0.75        15.3%    1.15
Dec-02   0.68   0.57        19.5%    1.19
Dec-03   0.78   0.65        21.1%    1.21
Dec-04   0.89   0.69        28.2%    1.28
Dec-05   1.08   0.81        33.4%    1.33
Dec-06   1.31   0.90        45.5%    1.46
Dec-07   1.22   0.93        31.1%    1.31
Dec-08   0.71   0.64        10.3%    1.10
Dec-09   0.94   0.78        20.2%    1.20
Dec-10   1.03   0.85        20.6%    1.21
Dec-11   1.09   0.80        35.4%    1.35
Dec-12   1.20   0.85        40.6%    1.41
Dec-13   1.42   0.97        45.7%    1.46
Dec-14   1.40   0.95        48.2%    1.48
Dec-15   1.42   0.90        57.7%    1.58
Dec-16   1.55   1.03        50.2%    1.50
Dec-17   1.61   1.11        45.3%    1.45
Dec-18   1.38   0.97        42.6%    1.43
Dec-19   1.60   1.09        47.0%    1.47
Dec-19   1.59   1.09        46.4%    1.46
For the Accumulation units, the value on 31 Dec 2009 was £10.24 and today is £28.84, that's an increase of 181%.


The full Lemon
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Joined: October 10th, 2017, 11:33 am

Re: 2010 to 2020.

Post by Dod101 »

My problem is that I extracted a large amount, about 20% of my portfolio for capital expenditure at the end of 2012 and that makes any comparison difficult but as I am mostly investing for income, my overall result is less than spectacular even from say 1/1/13 after that expense. I have done fairly well since then but it is really only this last year that has been really good. I put myself in the second category.

OTOH incomewise has been very good and that is really what matters to me.


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