ITs and directly held shares- Conflict?

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The full Lemon
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ITs and directly held shares- Conflict?

Post by Dod101 »

Having just taken a detailed look at my outcome for 2018 (pretty poor!) there is a distinct pattern. Obviously, the tobaccos if held directly (and I hold both) have produced big losses on the capital front, which I at least did not see coming. Sadly these losses are such that they have impacted on the share prices for some ITs I also hold thus compounding the problem. I am sure we have all been aware of this but until it happens I anyway have tended to ignore this factor.

Edinburgh IT for instance is down by 15% on the year and at least some of this will be directly caused by their holdings of tobacco. Vodafone is another share widely held by income trusts and it is down by 35% on the year. (In fact it is worrying me because of its now very high yield, 8.74% calculated by taking my actual dividends for 2018 against the year end value.)

Holders of the popular City of London must also have this conflict as I am sure will be the case with other income trusts. I am now going to take this rather more seriously.


Lemon Half
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Re: ITs and directly held shares- Conflict?

Post by tjh290633 »

I just compared my ITs, OEICs and my HYP's changes in share/unit price overthe last year:

The average change for the shares held in my HYP was 16.69%. In terms of income unit value, the change was 13.55%


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