The (melting) Snowball 2018 - YeeWo's AR

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Lemon Slice
Posts: 419
Joined: November 5th, 2016, 10:12 am

The (melting) Snowball 2018 - YeeWo's AR

Post by YeeWo »

Code: Select all

05-Jan-18 | SP      | % PFO | XIRR   | 31-Dec-18 | SP     | % PFO | XIRR   | SP 18+/-
AZN       |  £52.04 |  2.2% |  16.3% | AZN       | £58.73 |  2.6% |  23.4% |   12.86%
BP        |   £5.30 |  6.1% |  17.3% | BP        |  £4.96 |  5.8% |  13.2% |   -6.35%
BATS      |  £49.70 |  5.0% |   3.0% | BATS      | £25.00 |  9.2% | -41.8% |  -49.70%
BLND      |   £6.75 |  4.2% |  18.7% | BLND      |  £5.33 |  3.4% |  -0.8% |  -20.98%
CCH       |  £23.83 |  2.0% |   4.0% | CCH       | £24.52 |  2.1% |   5.7% |    2.90%
DGE       |  £26.72 |  4.8% |  16.4% | DGE       | £27.95 |  3.9% |  11.9% |    4.60%
G4S       |   £2.75 |  4.8% |  48.1% | G4S       |  £1.97 |  4.3% |   7.6% |  -28.43%
GSK       |  £13.61 |  6.3% | -15.5% | GSK       | £14.91 |  4.7% |  -1.5% |    9.57%
HSBA      |   £7.64 |  4.1% |  12.9% | HSBA      |  £6.47 |  4.8% |   9.2% |  -15.27%
IMB       |  £31.70 |  5.7% |  -8.4% | IMB       | £23.77 |  6.6% | -15.7% |  -25.02%
INCH      |   £7.85 |  5.6% |  13.2% | INCH      |  £5.52 |  4.1% |  11.9% |  -29.75%
IHG       |  £46.91 |  1.9% |   5.8% | IHG       | £42.37 |  3.9% |  -1.7% |   -9.68%
RB        |  £68.41 |  3.7% |  -3.9% | RB        | £60.13 |  4.4% |  -8.4% |  -12.10%
REL       |  £17.14 |  4.6% |  21.6% | REL       | £16.17 |  4.5% |  19.8% |   -5.66%
RR        |   £8.64 |  4.3% |   6.0% | RR        |  £8.30 |  2.7% |   6.2% |   -3.94%
RDSB      |  £25.63 |  8.0% |  39.2% | RDSB      | £23.40 |  7.5% |  29.7% |   -8.70%
SN        |  £12.86 |  4.6% |   9.2% | SN        | £14.64 |  5.4% |  12.3% |   13.89%
ULVR      |  £40.93 |  5.5% |  12.7% | ULVR      | £41.09 |  5.7% |  12.0% |    0.39%
VOD       |   £2.37 |  4.7% |  17.6% | VOD       |  £1.53 |  8.4% | -17.3% |  -35.43%
          |         |       |        |           |        |       |        |         
SOLD      |         |       |        | BOUGHT    |        |       |        |         
BRK       | £148.52 |  0.5% |   3.4% | RIO       | £37.30 |  3.8% |  -4.1% |         
JLT       |  £14.04 |  4.0% |  35.7% | TATE      |  £6.60 |  2.0% |   0.1% |         
WPP       |  £13.40 |  7.2% | -17.7% |           |        |       |        |         
The left of the table is the portfolio on the 5th January 2018, the right on 31st December 2018. The far right column shows the performance (invariably negative!) during the year.

Full ISA allowance used as Additional Capital and all Dividend Income reinvested

2018 - £11,495.92, 2017 - £9586.05, 2016 - £7317.31, 2015 - £6821.33, 2014 - £6693.64

A synopsis of where by stock my dividend payouts came from (% of Total Income & Stock code): -

Code: Select all

13.0% | VOD  | 4.8% | INCH | 2.6% | REL
10.8% | RDSB | 4.6% | BLND | 2.3% | SN 
10.0% | IMB  | 4.3% | ULVR | 2.1% | AZN
 8.5% | BP   | 4.1% | G4S  | 1.6% | WPP
 6.8% | GSK  | 3.2% | JLT  | 1.1% | RR 
 6.4% | BATS | 2.8% | DGE  | 1.1% | IHG
 5.9% | HSBA | 2.7% | RB   | 1.0% | CCH
YIELD - 4.23% based upon total cash payouts received relative to capital value at year end.

VALUE DECREASE - -10.15% Including Added Cash contributions, -14.26% Including Dividends received and Added Cash, -2.79% Total Loss of actual Net Worth. Not good one to blame but myself :roll:

Overall Stock performance during 2018 was poor as witnessed by the table below: -

Code: Select all

BATS | -49.70% | BP   | -6.35%
VOD  | -35.43% | REL  | -5.66%
INCH | -29.75% | RR   | -3.94%
G4S  | -28.43% | ULVR |  0.39%
IMB  | -25.02% | CCH  |  2.90%
BLND | -20.98% | DGE  |  4.60%
HSBA | -15.27% | GSK  |  9.57%
RB   | -12.10% | AZN  | 12.86%
IHG  |  -9.68% | SN   | 13.89%
RDSB |  -8.70% |      |       
As you can see of the 19 stocks I held for the whole year only 1) AstraZeneca, 2) Coca Cola HBC, 3) Diageo, 4) Smith & Nephew, & 5) Unilever ended positively in the context of SP alone (not including dividends). Of the BIG losers I have added considerably to BAT (5.0% > 9.2% of portfolio) and Vodafone (4.7% > 8.4% of portfolio). As long as BAT & VOD sustain their dividend payouts I have faith the SP will recover over time.

Disposals during the year :
Berkshire Hathaway – I never really had a meaningful holding and decided to use the money elsewhere.
Jardine Lloyd Thompson – bitter/sweet as JLT is being acquired so I decided to bank an XIRR of 38%+ and a decent 5 figure sum and move on!
WPP – source of much deliberation I decided to through-in-the-towel on 27th July @ £11.80, as of year-end the SP of £8.46 validates my decision. WPP seemed to be held together by Sir Martin Sorrell, if he couldn’t profitably run his creation I’m wary of anybody being able to.

New holdings during the year :
Rio Tinto – stable seemingly sustainable dividend, a business with no/low amounts of debt and durable positions globally. Currently sitting on my books at a small loss though (XIRR -4.1%)
Tate & Lyle – high yield at time of acquisition, FTSE250 did seem to through up some bargains during 2018 as the political environment got increasingly volatile.

Stock Tip for 2019
Last Year I tipped GE @ $17.45, which is currently $7.45!!! So perhaps I shouldn’t hold too much weight to this and neither should you! However BAT, Inchcape and Vodafone may very well pull in decent recoveries during 2019 and are worth closer examination.

Let's Hope for a Happier 2019! Good Luck All!

Lemon Quarter
Posts: 3256
Joined: November 7th, 2016, 1:56 pm

Re: The (melting) Snowball 2018 - YeeWo's AR

Post by moorfield »

YeeWo wrote: DIVIDENDS
2018 - £11,495.92, 2017 - £9586.05, 2016 - £7317.31, 2015 - £6821.33, 2014 - £6693.64
That’s impressive progress YeeWo, and the only metric that matters in any income oriented portfolio IMO. You're underselling yourself by describing your Snowball as melting – it isn’t. Keep that up and you should be able to double your portfolio income comfortably within the next 5 years.

Lemon Slice
Posts: 419
Joined: November 5th, 2016, 10:12 am

Q1 2019 YTD

Post by YeeWo »

%P = % of Portfolio

Code: Select all

     | 04-Jan | %P    | XIRR    | 03-Apr | %P    | XIRR    | YTD SP +/-
RIO  | £37.94 | 3.78% |  -2.48% | £46.36 | 4.36% |  22.17% |  22.2%
BATS | £25.83 | 9.34% | -38.16% | £31.36 | 5.36% | -38.30% |  21.4%
BLND |  £5.31 | 3.36% |  -1.01% |  £6.11 | 1.83% |   3.97% |  15.0%
DGE  | £27.41 | 3.72% |  11.75% | £30.92 | 7.92% |  13.00% |  12.8%
IHG  | £42.12 | 3.81% |  -2.18% | £47.30 | 3.83% |   6.26% |  12.3%
RR   |  £8.26 | 2.62% |   6.13% |  £9.05 | 1.85% |   6.97% |   9.5%
BP   |  £5.21 | 6.03% |  14.35% |  £5.62 | 5.51% |  15.60% |   8.0%
TATE |  £6.73 | 1.97% |   3.40% |  £7.23 | 2.00% |  11.50% |   7.5%
CCH  | £24.42 | 2.08% |   5.41% | £26.04 | 2.09% |   8.36% |   6.6%
SN   | £14.33 | 5.18% |  11.18% | £15.18 | 4.41% |  12.41% |   5.9%
RB   | £59.64 | 4.32% |  -8.89% | £63.15 | 4.32% |  -3.82% |   5.9%
INCH |  £5.55 | 4.02% |  11.94% |  £5.86 | 6.00% |  11.99% |   5.5%
IMB  | £24.53 | 6.66% | -13.83% | £25.71 | 6.59% |  -8.28% |   4.8%
ULVR | £41.52 | 5.63% |  12.10% | £43.30 | 7.40% |  12.44% |   4.3%
GSK  | £15.19 | 4.67% |  -0.74% | £15.80 | 4.59% |   1.26% |   4.0%
RDSB | £24.00 | 7.60% |  30.23% | £24.49 | 7.32% |  29.52% |   2.0%
AZN  | £60.89 | 2.64% |  26.30% | £61.87 | 2.54% |  24.93% |   1.6%
REL  | £16.31 | 4.43% |  19.85% | £16.47 | 4.78% |  19.59% |   1.0%
HSBA |  £6.57 | 4.75% |   9.23% |  £6.46 | 4.42% |   9.02% |  -1.6%
G4S  |  £2.02 | 4.38% |   8.81% |  £1.87 | 3.83% |   3.99% |  -7.4%
VOD  |  £1.58 | 8.58% | -14.85% |  £1.43 | 7.31% | -16.85% |  -9.7%
- YTD +7.05% (including Dividends received).
- I added a small StanChart holding on the 22 Jan @ £6.18.
- I panicked :oops: 25 Jan and trimmed BATS @ £23.94, not all lost though as proceeds profitably added to DGE (£27.29) & ULVR (£39.96).
- A small position opened in StanChart 24 Jan @ £6.18. Reasonably sure this business is at bargain basement values and isn't going to be rendered obsolete by bit-coin etc.
- Inchcape topped up 13 Feb @ £5.81. Despite cyclicality concerns this business has some excellent defensive distribution revenues and is cheap!
- Dividends received YTD £3,430.91 versus £1,788.31 by this time in '18. This figure has been flattered by the outsize, now reduced, exposure to BATS and a Special received from Intercontinental Hotel Group as part of it's consolidation process.
The rest of 2019
- Babcock is looking very good value, has a new ex-RDSB CEO and seems to have a sustainable dividend. Opinions Gratefully received!
- Good to Luck to all for 19/20........

Lemon Slice
Posts: 419
Joined: November 5th, 2016, 10:12 am

Q2 - 2019

Post by YeeWo »

%P = % of Portfolio

Code: Select all

     | 04-Jan | %P   | XIRR    | 05-Jul | %P    | XIRR    | YTD SP +/-
IHG  | £42.12 | 3.8% |  -2.18% | £53.21 |  3.8% |  13.61% |      26.3%
DGE  | £27.41 | 3.7% |  11.75% | £34.27 |  7.8% |  14.05% |      25.0%
RIO  | £37.94 | 3.8% |  -2.48% | £47.24 |  3.9% |  32.91% |      24.5%
ULVR | £41.52 | 5.6% |  12.10% | £50.45 |  7.7% |  13.86% |      21.5%
STAN |  £6.07 | NA   | NA      |  £7.35 |  3.3% |  22.99% |      21.1%
SN   | £14.33 | 5.2% |  11.18% | £17.19 |  4.4% |  16.26% |      20.0%
REL  | £16.31 | 4.4% |  19.85% | £19.45 |  6.6% |  21.00% |      19.3%
CCH  | £24.42 | 2.1% |   5.41% | £28.43 |  2.0% |  11.93% |      16.4%
BATS | £25.83 | 9.3% | -38.16% | £29.84 |  5.3% | -32.45% |      15.5%
INCH |  £5.55 | 4.0% |  11.94% |  £6.30 |  5.7% |  12.27% |      13.4%
TATE |  £6.73 | 2.0% |   3.40% |  £7.53 |  1.8% |  15.87% |      11.9%
RDSB | £24.00 | 7.6% |  30.23% | £25.87 |  6.9% |  29.62% |       7.8%
GSK  | £15.19 | 4.7% |  -0.74% | £16.37 |  4.2% |   2.86% |       7.8%
AZN  | £60.89 | 2.6% |  26.30% | £65.27 |  4.0% |  24.76% |       7.2%
RB   | £59.64 | 4.3% |  -8.89% | £63.89 |  3.9% |  -1.77% |       7.1%
BLND |  £5.31 | 3.4% |  -1.01% |  £5.57 |  1.5% |   2.09% |       5.0%
RR   |  £8.26 | 2.6% |   6.13% |  £8.64 |  1.6% |   6.49% |       4.6%
BP   |  £5.21 | 6.0% |  14.35% |  £5.43 |  5.2% |  14.49% |       4.2%
HSBA |  £6.57 | 4.8% |   9.23% |  £6.73 |  4.1% |   9.31% |       2.4%
G4S  |  £2.02 | 4.4% |   8.81% |  £2.02 |  3.1% |   8.91% |       0.3%
VOD  |  £1.58 | 8.6% | -14.85% |  £1.35 |  8.5% | -17.19% |     -14.8%
IMB  | £24.53 | 6.7% | -13.83% | £19.61 |  4.5% | -18.17% |     -20.0%
- YTD +11.29% (including Dividends received).
- Dividends received YTD £8,262.51 versus £5,266.66 by this time in '18.
- AZN topped up 08 Apr 19 @ £61.50 with fresh cash.
- BP topped up 10 May 19 @ £5.27.
- BATS added a tiny sliver on 28 Jun 19 @ £27.50.
- G4S sold a tiny sliver on 11 Apr 19 @ £2.19. The bid/disposal talk around G4S has gone glacially quiet.
- STAN added more on 10 Jun 19 @ £7.06. StanChart must, if nothing else, represent a hedge against EU/USA volatility.
- VOD added more on 11 Apr 19 @ £1.382. The dividend-cut was inevitable I guess, I have faith Vodafone will come-good and I'm paid handsomely to wait while it does.
The rest of 2019
- I never did press-the-button on Babcock, just-as-well as £5.12 has turned into £4.36 since 03 Apr 19.
- This bull-market does seem to have run for far too long. Is a significant correction due?
- Can anybody suggest a fixed-interest LSE listed entity to hold just-in-case?

Lemon Quarter
Posts: 1519
Joined: November 5th, 2016, 11:16 am

Re: The (melting) Snowball 2018 - YeeWo's AR

Post by ADrunkenMarcus »

Good work. Your international earners will benefit you if the £ continues its current decline!

Best wishes


Lemon Slice
Posts: 419
Joined: November 5th, 2016, 10:12 am

Q3 - 2019

Post by YeeWo »

Code: Select all

     | 04-Jan | %P   | XIRR    | 04-Oct | %P   | XIRR    | YTD SP +/-
SN   | £14.33 | 5.2% |  11.18% | £18.35 | 4.9% |  17.23% |      28.1%
DGE  | £27.41 | 3.7% |  11.75% | £32.60 | 7.7% |  13.17% |      18.9%
ULVR | £41.52 | 5.6% |  12.10% | £47.74 | 7.5% |  13.01% |      15.0%
IHG  | £42.12 | 3.8% |  -2.18% | £48.09 | 3.6% |   6.57% |      14.2%
AZN  | £60.89 | 2.6% |  26.30% | £68.99 | 3.3% |  26.94% |      13.3%
REL  | £16.31 | 4.4% |  19.85% | £18.21 | 6.4% |  20.16% |      11.6%
INCH |  £5.55 | 4.0% |  11.94% |  £6.15 | 5.8% |  12.13% |      10.7%
GSK  | £15.19 | 4.7% |  -0.74% | £16.65 | 4.4% |   3.55% |       9.7%
BATS | £25.83 | 9.3% | -38.16% | £27.86 | 5.1% | -30.05% |       7.9%
STAN |  £6.07 | NA   | NA      |  £6.41 | 4.0% |  -6.58% |       5.6%
RIO  | £37.94 | 3.8% |  -2.48% | £39.48 | 3.4% |  15.17% |       4.1%
TATE |  £6.73 | 2.0% |   3.40% |  £6.96 | 1.8% |  10.09% |       3.5%
CCH  | £24.42 | 2.1% |   5.41% | £25.18 | 1.9% |   9.13% |       3.1%
BLND |  £5.31 | 3.4% |  -1.01% |  £5.43 | 3.8% |   2.54% |       2.2%
RB   | £59.64 | 4.3% |  -8.89% | £60.26 | 3.8% |  -3.79% |       1.0%
VOD  |  £1.58 | 8.6% | -14.85% |  £1.55 | 7.3% |  -6.82% |      -2.1%
RDSB | £24.00 | 7.6% |  30.23% | £22.83 | 6.3% |  26.23% |      -4.9%
BP   |  £5.21 | 6.0% |  14.35% |  £4.87 | 4.8% |  12.13% |      -6.4%
HSBA |  £6.57 | 4.8% |   9.23% |  £6.03 | 3.8% |   8.72% |      -8.2%
G4S  |  £2.02 | 4.4% |   8.81% |  £1.85 | 2.9% |   5.25% |      -8.3%
RR   |  £8.26 | 2.6% |   6.13% |  £7.19 | 1.4% |   4.93% |     -13.0%
IMB  | £24.53 | 6.7% | -13.83% | £18.35 | 5.2% | -18.99% |     -25.2%
- YTD +8.22% (including Dividends received).
- Dividends received YTD £12,973.45 versus £9,295.84 by this time in '18.
- AZN trimmed one quarter of holding on 29 Jul @ £71.25.
- BLND added 26 Jul @ £5.39 and again 06 Aug @ £4.828.
- IMB topped up 26 Jul @ £21.455. On the basis Alison Cooper has been kicked-out and the SP has continued its drift, Imperial is becoming a bit of a problem-child in the portfolio. Opinions gratefully received.
- INCH the company recently disposed of it's sub-scale retail business in China, which was something we talked about at the AGM earlier in the year and is a decision of which I approve. Inchcape's Central American distribution businesses have great potential. I think I'd be even more enthusiastic if they disposed of their Russian retail business. Inchcape still-cheap and well worth a look........
- RB may well be my next top-up........
- REL did a bed-and-isa and sold some RELX 06 Sep @ £19.55, having bought the same number in March/April @ circa £16.50.
- RR is looking far too cheap........
- STAN added some more 29 Jul @ £6.91. :roll:
- VOD trimmed some 26 Jul @ £1.446 having bought the same number 11 Apr @ £1.382. Large dividend payments and hopefully some SP recovery should hopefully revive the Vodafone investment over time........
The rest of 2019
- I'm at circa 1% of the overall portfolio value in Cash which may be a good idea going into October.
- I didn't realise until today that BP/RDSB are YTD losers in SP terms. RDSB must be getting into HY territory and is about as safe as investment gets!
- It may be time to have a serious think about giving-up on Tobacco stocks!

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