Easy way to check Sector/Index allocation of my stocks?

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Joined: July 4th, 2018, 1:34 pm

Easy way to check Sector/Index allocation of my stocks?

Post by eversmannx »

What is a quick and easy way to look at the sector allocation of my stocks?

I can export the portfolio (currently I am with II) into a spreadsheet, and can have ticker, allocation, cost etc. like below .
DVO.L 172
GSK.L 62
GPH.L 135

I want a nice and quick way to upload into some website and see a breakdown by sector. or pull that information from somewhere into excel/google spreadsheets.

Many Thanks
  • digitallook offers the view I want, but there is no quick way to add all the stocks - you have to do one by one. and I have about 25 items
    I remember doing this a few years back using google finance and google docs, but they seem to have changed a lot on their finance website.

Posts: 4
Joined: July 4th, 2018, 1:34 pm

Re: Easy way to check Sector/Index allocation of my stocks?

Post by eversmannx »

:-( Never mind. Found out II themselves had tools internally to do this easily.


Lemon Half
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Re: Easy way to check Sector/Index allocation of my stocks?

Post by Itsallaguess »

eversmannx wrote:
What is a quick and easy way to look at the sector allocation of my stocks?

I can export the portfolio (currently I am with II) into a spreadsheet, and can have ticker, allocation, cost etc. like below .
DVO.L 172
GSK.L 62
GPH.L 135

I want a nice and quick way to upload into some website and see a breakdown by sector. or pull that information from somewhere into excel/google spreadsheets.
It looks like you've got an online solution to this question now, but if you're interested in a method that allows you to allocate stocks to different sectors of your own definition, then it might be worth looking at the HYPTUSS spreadsheet tool to see if it might help.

It's primarily developed to help with the running and maintenance of HYP Portfolio's, but it can also be used as a standalone investment portfolio monitoring tool, and the sector-weighting feature is a useful benefit for any type of portfolio, especially given the simple way that you're allowed to add your own sector-definitions on the data-sheets.

Some screen-shots here and a download link if it's something that might interest you -

http://lemonfoolfinancialsoftware.weebl ... shots.html

http://lemonfoolfinancialsoftware.weebl ... op-up.html

The tool is free, and is available in both Excel and Open Office / Libre Office versions.



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