Raptor's YE Portfolio

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Lemon Quarter
Posts: 1623
Joined: November 4th, 2016, 1:39 pm

Raptor's YE Portfolio

Post by Raptor »

Last years Portfolio can be found here

As it is now all dividends are in for this financial year.

First, how did I do this year compared to last. Although this is a single portfolio I made a decision to actually track them as Shares and IT's. I wanted to see how they compare to each other. I also am thinking long-term and "managing" the lot. So moving towards IT's.

Portfolio composition. This year v Last Year. Shares 68.23% (last year 76.25%), IT's 31.77% (last year 23.75%). This was due to "selling" quite a few shares to finance a building project rather then buying of IT's. Am looking to move to 2/3 v 1/3 split.

The income yield. Very strange results (or maybe not), I actually achieved an overall 5.41%, with both IT's and Shares having the same % (last year IT's 4.96% and Shares 5.59%). The "actual" amount of income grew slightly, which surprised me considering what I did over the year. What was this per unit, IT's 53p (last year was 49p), Shares 50p (last year was 51p). Units started out as £10 per unit, they ended the year as, IT's £10.05 (last year £10.09) and Shares £8.53 (last year £9.66).

What happened to the portfolio last year. If you look at the link above you will see my thoughts at the time.

Sold. PSON and NXG in May, AMFW and SVS in June and CLLN in July.
Bed & ISA. RIO, SLA and HSBA in June.
Top-up. LLOY and DIG in April, BP in June, MRCH and SCF in July, BT in October.
Brought. MCT in December.
Top Sliced. BA in May and TW in June.

Thoughts on Next year. Still looking to reduce Dividend Tax, so need to reduce the shares in my Trading account and use the ISA limit. To this end I will Bed & ISA MKS, sell TCAP (small holding and low dividend). From the above table any share above 6% holding is on my "to do" list, but as I treat my ITs differently to my Shares, MRCH and DIG is exempt any new money, but I fully intend to put all dividends in my SIPP into MCT anyway to bring it up to Median. On the Share Side, I am "twitchy" on RIO, ADM and SSE, as they not only are a large portion of total portfolio they are also the top Income generators but RIO yield can be beaten, SSE is in my "danger zone", ADM is ok but feel I might do better. GSK I need to keep an eye on. Fortunately I have ADM and SSE in my trading account and if I sell them it will bring them both back into line. I will put this money, along with that from TCAP into my S&S ISA. I will top slice RIO in my ISA. What will I do with the money in the ISA? Well my first thoughts are to buy into another sector (median amount) and top-up 2 of my exisiitng Shares, currently that would be BT and MKS (VOD is above MKS but that would break one of my other rules about sectors, I treat VOD and BT as Telecomms). However, we all know that the market moves around so by the time I have done any of this it may have moved on.

Hope this is of interest.


Lemon Quarter
Posts: 1623
Joined: November 4th, 2016, 1:39 pm

Re: Raptor's YE Portfolio

Post by Raptor »

Raptor wrote: The income yield. Very strange results (or maybe not), I actually achieved an overall 5.41%, with both IT's and Shares having the same % (last year IT's 4.96% and Shares 5.59%). The "actual" amount of income grew slightly, which surprised me considering what I did over the year. What was this per unit, IT's 53p (last year was 49p), Shares 50p (last year was 51p). Units started out as £10 per unit, they ended the year as, IT's £10.05 (last year £10.09) and Shares £8.53 (last year £9.66).
Whoops, whilst updating spreadsheet for new year noticed a couple of errors, not major, missed a dividend and was pointing to wrong cell.
Shares yield was 5.71% and 61p per unit. Unit value was £11.08.
Overall this changes to 5.64% dividend yield.


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