The Snowball 2017 - YeeWo's Annual Review

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Lemon Slice
Posts: 419
Joined: November 5th, 2016, 10:12 am

The Snowball 2017 - YeeWo's Annual Review

Post by YeeWo »

The Left of the above Table shows the portfolio on 30 Dec 16 and to the Right of the column 29 Dec 17 shows the portfolio yesterday. The Stocks shown below "SOLD" and "ADDED" were additions/disposals during the year. * Berkshire Hathaway SP is £ value.

Full ISA allowance used as Additional Capital and all Dividend Income reinvested

2017 - £9586.05, 2016 - £7317.31, 2015 - £6821.33, 2014 - £6693.64

A synopsis of where, by sector/stock, my dividend payouts came from: -

Code: Select all

       |      % |        |      |        |      |       |      |       |   
OIL    | 23.77% | 10.34% | BP   | 13.42% | RDSB |       |      |       |   
FMCG   | 13.44% |  0.96% | CCH  |  4.87% | DGE  | 6.35% | ULVR | 1.26% | RB
MEDIA  | 11.31% |  2.93% | REL  |  8.38% | WPP  |       |      |       |   
HEALTH |  8.70% |  0.86% | AZN  |  5.36% | GSK  | 2.48% | SN   |       |   
HSBA   |  8.29% |        |      |        |      |       |      |       |   
FAGS   |  7.48% |  3.64% | BATS |  3.83% | IMB  |       |      |       |   
VOD    |  6.54% |        |      |        |      |       |      |       |   
INCH   |  5.15% |        |      |        |      |       |      |       |   
BLND   |  5.01% |        |      |        |      |       |      |       |   
G4S    |  4.18% |        |      |        |      |       |      |       |   
JLT    |  4.12% |        |      |        |      |       |      |       |   
RR     |  1.70% |        |      |        |      |       |      |       |   
IHG    |  0.29% |        |      |        |      |       |      |       |   
YIELD - 3.43% based upon total cash payouts received relative to capital value at year end. As I've mentioned before while yield is important it's not my sole focus. Witness the small addition of non-paying Berkshire Hathaway!

VALUE INCREASE - 11.90% Including Dividends, 6.88% Excluding Dividends, 20.54% Increase in Net Worth (incl. added capital)

Reasons to be grateful: -
+ Jardine Lloyd Thompson (+41%), Diageo (+29%), Rolls Royce (+26%), RELX (+20%) all went great guns during the year.
+ Not a lot of churn with 16 stocks maintained and the majority not touched at all.
+ Trimmed 33% of G4S holding on 31 Jul 17 (@£3.277) and subsequently have been adding recently 07 Nov 17 (@£2.609) & 21 Dec 17 (@£2.601).
+ I do feel my temperament around this game has improved during the year.
Reasons to Try Harder: -
- Adding to WPP on 17 Mar 17 (@£16.98), 07 Apr 17 (@£17.17), 13 Jul 17 (@£15.65) & 20 Sep 17 (@£13.66) doesn't seem wise at todays SP of £13.41. I do worry that the business' issues may be Long Term Structural rather than Cyclical. That said I have kept the investment in WPP in rational proportion to the value of the overall portfolio. WPP is still a good payer and is engaged in massive buy-backs. I must keep well read on this issue!
- BT, I started investing in BT 24 Jan 17 (@£3.133), 17 Mar 17 (@£3.32) 07 Apr 17 (@£3.12) to the tune of 6% of the portfolio. I subsequently, as documented on these boards, got cold feet and sold everything 09 Jun 17 (@£2.95) crystallising a smallish four figure loss. As of today BT's SP is £2.71 so, even including dividends, I've avoided a larger loss of value but I shouldn't of engaged in this muddled-thinking to start with!
- GSK is sitting on my books at a larger % loss than WPP, helpfully though it's only half the value. I have faith Emma Walmsley will turn GSK in the right direction, but, exactly like WPP I need to focus more on this sector/company and form better informed opinion(s).
- GSK, Imperial Brands, RB & WPP are all sitting on my books at a loss. They all have merits but of course as things stand these merits are costing me!

General Electric NYSE:GE. At $17.45 I think GE is a highly worthwhile longer term purchase. Not sure if I will yet, but it's one helluva good global business and although it's definitely got issues the SP is far too cheap. BUY!

I'm clearly NOT a pure-HYPer and apologise to devotees! Constructive comments Really Gratefully Welcome, Thanks!
Happy New Year to All and Good Luck for 2018!!!

Lemon Quarter
Posts: 1519
Joined: November 5th, 2016, 11:16 am

Re: The Snowball 2017 - YeeWo's Annual Review

Post by ADrunkenMarcus »

Thanks for sharing, YW.

Best wishes


Lemon Slice
Posts: 419
Joined: November 5th, 2016, 10:12 am

Tinkered over the Seasonal Break, viz: -

Post by YeeWo »

- BAT topped-up 03 Jan 18 @ £49.43.
- DGE trimmed 03 Jan 18 @ £26.71. Helpfully driving XIRR of remaining holding UP and still 4.8% of portfolio.
- G4S topped-up 07 Nov 17 @ £2.609, 21 Dec 17 @ £2.601 and again today @ £2.639 back to same number of shares prior to trimming 31 Jul 17 @ £3.277.
- GSK topped-up 02 Jan 18 @ £13.158.
- HSBA trimmed 03 Jan 18 @ £7.587.
- IMB topped-up 03 Jan 18 @ £31.277.
- JLT trimmed 02 Jan 18 @ £13.86.
- RB topped-up 03 Jan 18 @ £67.657
- ULVR trimmed 03 Jan 18 @ £40.381 holding originally purchased between 2011-13 at between £19-£24.

I have yet to do any analysis on impact to Dividend values received, however, I feel the above moves may lead to a greater TR in 2017 while not burning-my-bridges with anything already held! GLA!

Lemon Half
Posts: 7675
Joined: November 4th, 2016, 11:20 am

Re: The Snowball 2017 - YeeWo's Annual Review

Post by tjh290633 »

What is MoS please?


Thanks, YeeWo. Margin of Safety.
Last edited by tjh290633 on January 4th, 2018, 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added Information.

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