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Treasury delays its programme to digitise the tax system for two more years

Posted: December 16th, 2022, 9:38 am
by yorkshirelad1
Treasury delays its programme to digitise the tax system for two more years
Times 15 Dec 2022 ... -8nv092sw6 (paywall)

The biggest changes to personal taxation in a quarter of a century are to be postponed for a further two years because the computer systems are not ready, triggering concerns that the government is set for another costly public sector IT disaster. The Treasury is to postpone its programme to digitise the tax system — which would have forced 4.2 million self-employed workers and small businesses to file tax returns multiple times a year — from April 2024 until 2026.

Re: Treasury delays its programme to digitise the tax system for two more years

Posted: December 16th, 2022, 10:56 am
by 88V8
yorkshirelad1 wrote:Treasury delays its programme to digitise the tax system for two more years...would have forced 4.2 million self-employed workers and small businesses to file tax returns multiple times a year..
Maybe it's being designed by self-employed workers, engaging in a bit of well-paid sabotage.

How long before dividends go PAYE.... once allowances are wiped out, manual collection will become ridiculously expensive.


Re: Treasury delays its programme to digitise the tax system for two more years

Posted: December 16th, 2022, 11:38 am
by bluedonkey
Accountants have known that the plans were absurd for ages. It just takes a lot longer for HMRC to admit it.

Re: Treasury delays its programme to digitise the tax system for two more years

Posted: December 16th, 2022, 12:18 pm
by scrumpyjack
Well you still cannot enter all pages of the self assessment tax return on the HMRC website - quite incredible. So if you are a vicar you have to send a paper return in or buy commercial software like TaxCalc. Quite amazing incompetence!

Re: Treasury delays its programme to digitise the tax system for two more years

Posted: January 23rd, 2023, 9:48 pm
by Bouleversee
And they still have not managed to set extra security questions that would enable me to file my return online, not having a valid UK passport or a N. Ireland driving licence or any debts. Nor am I allowed to do a paper return but have to write to them and tell them about disposals of and dividends from certificated shares and anything else they are not notified of directly. They will then calculate what tax is due and let you know in due course. I can't think that saves them any time; it certainly doesn't save me any and it delays tax getting paid to them. I feel pretty sure that many will have taken literally the letter saying they didn't have to submit a tax return any more and explains why so much tax is never collected. Filing online was so much quicker and easier and didn't have to be calculated by an individual. Must get my letter off in the morning.

Re: Treasury delays its programme to digitise the tax system for two more years

Posted: January 23rd, 2023, 11:23 pm
by JohnB
They withdrew electronic filing from Mum. In the 3 years since they've cocked up the paper returns twice, once in our favour, and this year badly against, and a complaint is in progress. HMRC are second on my list of incompetent fools. EDF are first

Re: Treasury delays its programme to digitise the tax system for two more years

Posted: February 8th, 2023, 11:07 pm
by Bouleversee
JohnB wrote:They withdrew electronic filing from Mum. In the 3 years since they've cocked up the paper returns twice, once in our favour, and this year badly against, and a complaint is in progress. HMRC are second on my list of incompetent fools. EDF are first
They seem to have cocked up my tax calculation after I sent in the letter with the figures I was told was all I needed to supply.. I'm in the same boat as your Mum. It's quite hard to find any organisation that is competent these days,