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HMRC cocked up paper SA return

Posted: December 7th, 2022, 8:21 pm
by JohnB
Mum's paper SA form (the electronic submission we used for years was taken away as she has too little ID at 94) was completely cocked up. As Eric Morcambe would have said, all the right numbers, but in completely wrong order. Savings allowance not applied, dividend allowance applied wrongly, and a civil service pension labeled a 'state pension lump sum' too late in the calculation chain. £700 error in their favour. Letter written as too much wrong to wait in a phone queue for.

Re: HMRC cocked up paper SA return

Posted: December 7th, 2022, 8:48 pm
by XFool
...The online route in to HMRC personal taxes these days is via a Government Gateway Account, now that GOV.UK Verify is a dead duck. ... 58#p492158

Have you asked HMRC about third party GG accounts, or using your own GG account for third party personal tax reporting?