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Accumulation funds Notional Dividends

Posted: March 26th, 2022, 8:41 am
by DrFfybes
MrsF has some Marlborough Micro Cap, which is only available as Acc units.

Last year I carefully worked out her total income, divis, interest, etc to calculate her SIPP top up to bring 'earned income' to under £50k and make use of my unused NRB transfer. Her ii annual statement then included a Dividend from the Marlborough Fund of £34.33, taking her a whole £20 over the threshold and losing the £250 transferred allowance :(

I nearly sold it at the start of the year because of this, but after doubling the previous 12 months I held on which, up until September, looked like a good decision.

So i've looked everywhere to find what the current tax year Notional payment is, to no avail. Even their own account statement doesn't mention it. I can find historic yield of 0.7%, although based on the divi on circa £17k holding I make it nearer 0.2% for last year.

Anyone here able to point me in the right direction?



Re: Accumulation funds Notional Dividends

Posted: March 26th, 2022, 9:28 am
by mc2fool

Re: Accumulation funds Notional Dividends

Posted: March 26th, 2022, 11:21 am
by DrFfybes
Thanks, not sure why I didn't find those, but I looked at HL, Morningstar, Fundslibrary, Fidelity, and their own annual report, and still couldn't see it.

Out of interest, what was your search term? I used "Marlborough microcap dividend history"


Re: Accumulation funds Notional Dividends

Posted: March 26th, 2022, 12:03 pm
by mc2fool
DrFfybes wrote:Thanks, not sure why I didn't find those, but I looked at HL, Morningstar, Fundslibrary, Fidelity, and their own annual report, and still couldn't see it.

Out of interest, what was your search term? I used "Marlborough microcap dividend history"

"Marlborough Micro Cap dividend history" :D

Re: Accumulation funds Notional Dividends

Posted: March 27th, 2022, 12:05 pm
by DrFfybes
