Extended tax return deadline

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Lemon Half
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Extended tax return deadline

Post by monabri »

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/tax/news/hm ... -yet-file/

"HM Revenue & Customs will waive fines for late tax returns this year, with almost half of self-assessment taxpayers yet to hand in their paperwork ahead of the January 31 deadline. The tax authority has effectively pushed back the annual tax return deadline to the end of February for a second year in a row, saying fines for late filing this year would be waived for 30 days.

Additional penalties for late payment, which normally apply a month after the January 31 deadline, will also be waived for a month, the tax office said.

It follows urgent pleas for an extension made this week, with accountants reporting widespread staff shortages caused by the spread of omicron. They said this was making it impossible for professionals to meet the cut off date, meaning taxpayers faced being unfairly punished for their accountants being off sick. "

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by scrumpyjack »

Note that you will still have to pay interest on any tax due by 31/1 but not paid by that date.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by Bouleversee »

Does this apply to everyone or just the self-employed?

I have done all my preparatory work and signed on via govt. gateway but never succeeded in getting to where I could start filling in a return. It all seemed to be geared to businesses. I found it very stressful and the chat was useless. Told me to select the year but on the page I was on there was no option to do that and no way of going back either. I gave up smoking years ago but could do with something to calm my nerves. It really shouldn't be that difficult or waste so much time. They owe me money because my interest and divs. are less than the previous year on which my tax code is based.
I'll have another go when I have calmed down.

Lemon Half
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

Bouleversee wrote:Does this apply to everyone or just the self-employed?

I have done all my preparatory work and signed on via govt. gateway but never succeeded in getting to where I could start filling in a return. It all seemed to be geared to businesses. I found it very stressful and the chat was useless. Told me to select the year but on the page I was on there was no option to do that and no way of going back either. I gave up smoking years ago but could do with something to calm my nerves. It really shouldn't be that difficult or waste so much time. They owe me money because my interest and divs. are less than the previous year on which my tax code is based.
I'll have another go when I have calmed down.
If they owe you money you'll never hear from them. I'm speaking first hand and the amount they owe me isn't insignificant. They have now promised to ring me back not once, not twice, not even three times. Well over 20 times. So it's a complaint in writing from me followed by the Ombudsman.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by Bouleversee »

AsleepInYorkshire wrote:
Bouleversee wrote:Does this apply to everyone or just the self-employed?

I have done all my preparatory work and signed on via govt. gateway but never succeeded in getting to where I could start filling in a return. It all seemed to be geared to businesses. I found it very stressful and the chat was useless. Told me to select the year but on the page I was on there was no option to do that and no way of going back either. I gave up smoking years ago but could do with something to calm my nerves. It really shouldn't be that difficult or waste so much time. They owe me money because my interest and divs. are less than the previous year on which my tax code is based.
I'll have another go when I have calmed down.
If they owe you money you'll never hear from them. I'm speaking first hand and the amount they owe me isn't insignificant. They have now promised to ring me back not once, not twice, not even three times. Well over 20 times. So it's a complaint in writing from me followed by the Ombudsman.

My question referred to the extension of the deadline.

I had another go and got as far as the further questions to confirm my identity, which my son tells me he never gets, where one has to choose 2 of 4 options which include valid passport (mine expired some time ago and I haven't bothered to renew), self assessment details (no problem there), credit reference questions e.g. when you took out a credit card of phone contract (difficult without spending a long time looking), Northern Ireland driving licence??? Why not UK, which I do have? I tried phoning the no. they give if you can't answer 2 questions and got stuck with someone with a foreign accent and unhelpful attitude who didn't give me the opportunity to ask any questions but spent ages asking me questions and then cut me off. So I selected self assessment details and credit ref. details and got as far as answering the question re what I had paid to HMRC on what date and then a message came up:

"Service unavailable
Sorry, we are currently experiencing technical issues.

You can:

try to confirm your identity again
contact HM Revenue and Customs for help
Is this page not working properly?
BETA This is a new service ‐ your feedback will help us to improve it."

This reminded me that something similar had happened last year and in the end I was advised to send a paper return. Clearly no attempt has been made to improve the system, though I know I gave them plenty of feedback at the time. If AIY can't get any response, what hope do I have? I find this sort of thing very stressful, which is bad for my health. You just go round in circles, achieving nothing. I have spent most of today on this and it is now too late to eat safely. The fact that my son can't understand what is going on reassures me that it is not just because I am senile which is some comfort but doesn't solve the problem. My feeling is that because it's so boring and probably not very well paid, HMRC does not employ people who are sufficiently intelligent/qualified to set up systems which work and are accessible to people like me. What can we do to improve this? If they want us to file online, it must be easier than this.

Best of luck with your issue, AIY. That is really disgraceful. I think they will owe me money as well, but not a huge amount.

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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by Lootman »

AsleepInYorkshire wrote:If they owe you money you'll never hear from them. I'm speaking first hand and the amount they owe me isn't insignificant. They have now promised to ring me back not once, not twice, not even three times. Well over 20 times. So it's a complaint in writing from me followed by the Ombudsman.
Yes, one of my rules about tax affairs is to always ensure that I owe the taxman rather than the taxman owes me. Not always possible due to circumstances such as being under PAYE, I will concede. But it has worked for me for the last 20 or so years.

As an aside I am always eager to get my taxes done as soon as possible after the end of each tax year, usually in May or June. I want to avoid the stress of waiting until close to the deadline. I'd rather get it over with even though it means paying earlier. And given that the taxman has 12 months to challenge a return, I know it is accepted sooner as well.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by 1nvest »

AsleepInYorkshire wrote:
Bouleversee wrote:Does this apply to everyone or just the self-employed?

I have done all my preparatory work and signed on via govt. gateway but never succeeded in getting to where I could start filling in a return. It all seemed to be geared to businesses. I found it very stressful and the chat was useless. Told me to select the year but on the page I was on there was no option to do that and no way of going back either. I gave up smoking years ago but could do with something to calm my nerves. It really shouldn't be that difficult or waste so much time. They owe me money because my interest and divs. are less than the previous year on which my tax code is based.
I'll have another go when I have calmed down.
If they owe you money you'll never hear from them. I'm speaking first hand and the amount they owe me isn't insignificant. They have now promised to ring me back not once, not twice, not even three times. Well over 20 times. So it's a complaint in writing from me followed by the Ombudsman.

In the few years where I've been owed I've always received the credited amount into my bank account pretty promptly following SA submission (that I usually make at the 'last minute' (Dec/Jan)). But the amounts were relatively small, less than £100.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by bluedonkey »

The extension of the deadline is for all self assessment tax returns for 2020/21, not just self employed taxpayers. Interest still runs from 1 February 2022 though.

In my experience, most tax repayments come through fairly promptly. There are a minority that end up being delayed for months.

Submitting a tax return shortly after the end of the tax year shouldn't affect the 31 January payment date. In other words, early submission doesn't lead to earlier tax payment.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by Bouleversee »

bluedonkey wrote:The extension of the deadline is for all self assessment tax returns for 2020/21, not just self employed taxpayers. Interest still runs from 1 February 2022 though.

In my experience, most tax repayments come through fairly promptly. There are a minority that end up being delayed for months.

Submitting a tax return shortly after the end of the tax year shouldn't affect the 31 January payment date. In other words, early submission doesn't lead to earlier tax payment.
That's good because I'm still having problems in getting to the actual filing of details. Do any of you who do personal returns have to answer two additional questions to confirm identity? I have to choose two of four options to be asked questions about: 1) Valid UK passport (mine has expired and no point in renewing it; 2) Self Assessment details (no problem) 3) Credit Reference info, e.g. date phone contracts or credit cards taken out (doesn't say whether that is the original or renewal date; 4) Northern Ireland driving licence (mine is UK). I tried to find the answer to 3 which meant hanging on the phone for hours and then got put through to an idiot who wouldn't let me ask any questions but asked me loads, was very rude and cut me off. So I tried filing again, supplied the details asked for under (2) and then a message came up saying the service was unavailable on account of technical issues. Exactly the same happened last year. I gave further feedback and this morning I had a message saying
"To access the online service, it is mandatory for customers to verify their identity by answering verification questions from 2 identity sources.
As you do not meet the current verification criteria, you cannot access the online account via Government Gateway." which is ridiculous as I never got chance to answer(3) which I had ticked as my 2nd choice.

I spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening on this and have got nowhere. My son tells me that he doesn't have to do this extra identity check and doesn't have any problems in using the service and can't understand why it is different for me. He checked that I wasn't doing anything wrong.
All our public services seem to be run by morons these days. Much more of this and I shall be travelling to somewhere which doesn't need a passport. :x

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by scrumpyjack »

Perhaps you might feel better reading A P Herbert's book "Uncommon Law: Being Sixty-six Misleading Cases"

As I recall there is one where the result is the tax inspector being sent to prison for a long sentence of solitary confinement.
The judge found him guilty of 'demanding money with menaces'

They are excellent

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by Bouleversee »

Sadly I don't have time to read anything for pleasure as I spend most of my life hanging on the phone to speak to incompetents.

I'm hoping some on here will answer my question, however.

Lemon Half
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by dealtn »

Bouleversee wrote: I'm hoping some on here will answer my question, however.
Do any of you who do personal returns have to answer two additional questions to confirm identity?

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by Bouleversee »

dealtn wrote:
Bouleversee wrote: I'm hoping some on here will answer my question, however.
Do any of you who do personal returns have to answer two additional questions to confirm identity?
Many thanks. And do you sign in via Gateway? I should have asked that before.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by scrumpyjack »

No,once your online account is set up and working all it needs is the login, password and a confirmation via your mobile phone.
(https://www.gov.uk/log-in-register-hmrc-online-services then click the Sign In button)

I think the problem is that they have made setting up the account initially far more difficult.

Lemon Half
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by dealtn »

Bouleversee wrote:
dealtn wrote: No.
Many thanks. And do you sign in via Gateway? I should have asked that before.
Through the top option here

https://www.gov.uk/log-in-file-self-ass ... e-identity

with my id and password, and then confirmation via inputting a 6 figure code sent to my mobile phone.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by Bouleversee »

Well, I did all that and received the code but then had to choose two subjects to be questioned about. I do not know why.

Lemon Half
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by dealtn »

Bouleversee wrote:Well, I did all that and received the code but then had to choose two subjects to be questioned about. I do not know why.
I have been doing online self-assessment for many years. Maybe I was "grandfathered" past the additional requirements, if they have been introduced more recently, as someone "known" to HMRC. Not sure if that's helpful.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by Bouleversee »

I have succeeded in doing it myself some years but last year and this year these questions came up. I just wish they would tell me why but it's impossible to speak to anyone intelligent.

Lemon Slice
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by Loup321 »

I have done self-assessment every year since 2011-12 tax year. I usually file in September (as I have to wait until then for one figure to be released). I have never had these additional security questions (I don't think). I certainly didn't for my 2020-21 return. I initially phoned them to say I needed to complete returns, and wanted to do them online. They sent me a login through the post (I think). I don't think it's the same as my Government Gateway ID, which I first set up many years ago (around 2000?), but I'm not certain - my Government Gateway ID is on my desk at work, and my login to self-assessment is in my tax file at home.

Maybe I started before extra identity questions were required.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Extended tax return deadline

Post by Bouleversee »

Loup321 wrote:I have done self-assessment every year since 2011-12 tax year. I usually file in September (as I have to wait until then for one figure to be released). I have never had these additional security questions (I don't think). I certainly didn't for my 2020-21 return. I initially phoned them to say I needed to complete returns, and wanted to do them online. They sent me a login through the post (I think). I don't think it's the same as my Government Gateway ID, which I first set up many years ago (around 2000?), but I'm not certain - my Government Gateway ID is on my desk at work, and my login to self-assessment is in my tax file at home.

Maybe I started before extra identity questions were required.
I received a passcode via my telephone and logged in but then these extra questions came up.

After another abortive attempt, I lodged a complaint and had a stupid reply saying that if I hadn't received a return I didn't need to submit one. I phoned back but the writer wasn't available so spoke to someone else who said she had the same problem because she didn't have a UK passport (mine has expired) and said the reason they gave N. Ireland driving licence (mine is UK) is that DVLA isn't up to dealing with the questions and answers. I asked why I couldn't be given the option of answering questions re my P60s (which had been mentioned as a possibility on the previous page) as I have them for my annuities and she said they could only be used by people in employment. She was aware of the problem and said the dept. was working on it. For God's sake, who is in charge of this shambles? I pointed out that my income is very variable and went down a lot in 2020-21 as lots of divs. were cancelled and interest down to peanuts so why would I not need to do a return? They might owe me money. I have asked for my complaint to be escalated to a higher level and to be sent a written statement of the reason for the difficulties I am experiencing. I might well pass all this on to the press and my MP.

My sister who has just died, who would also have had a reduced income in that year, had also been told she did not need to send a return, though she didn't attempt to file online. No idea how that ended; the last I heard was that she hadn't done the return for the previous year. It does make one wonder whether this is a deliberate attempt to discourage people who are owed money from claiming it but surely that must be too far fetched. All I can say is that it is little wonder that people develop stress related illnesses

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