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National Insurance Record Gap Confusion

Posted: November 13th, 2021, 7:33 pm

My head is spinning as I wanted to see how my State Pension forecast is doing and found that finally my NI record has been updated for 6 April 2020 to 5 April 2021 and it says "Year Not Full" and that I have "National Insurance credits: 33 weeks".

(1)I received JSA from 6th April 2020 to 30.4/2020, then had exhausted my 6 months entitlement but continued signing on without JSA and
(2) submitted a claim for Class 1 NI until I signed off on 1st of June 2021 (subsequent tax year) as I had decided to focus on my caring responsibilities and retire from work.
(3) I received Carers Allowance from 30th Nov 2021 which should entitle me to Class 1 NI.

I have evidence of 1 and 2 but cannot find any letters relating to 2 (although I can find emails showing that I had applied and asking to be signed off when my intentions changed and confirming that this would be done by my then case worker).

My rough week counts are (1) 3 weeks, (2) rest of FY so should have done it, (3) 17 weeks.

My guess is that 52-(17+3)=32 weeks so 1 and 3 are probably missing from their calculations but this would require them to have stopped 2 when my CA started not when I signed off so it would be weird for this to be the issue. How do I find out where the gap is and therefore go about fixing it?

Ultimately I can get NI for child benefit transferred from my working wife to close the gap but I shouldn't need to do this but there will be no loss to her if I do.


Re: National Insurance Record Gap Confusion

Posted: November 13th, 2021, 8:14 pm
by mc2fool
AWOL wrote:How do I find out where the gap is and therefore go about fixing it?
Best would be to simply contact HMRC's NI dept and ask. As there's no particular rush I'd personally do it by snail mail, so you get a written reply. ... ndividuals