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Re: contacting HMRC

Posted: March 3rd, 2023, 5:02 pm
by 1nvest
Tedx wrote:I did email them last year and got 2 responses 2 days apart....2 months later. Oh well.

I'd still write a letter though. It seems regressing back to Victorian times is what they want.

Or you could try a pigeon.
For quickest turn around should the letter be in old English or Latin?

Re: contacting HMRC

Posted: March 3rd, 2023, 5:48 pm
by Tedx
Hieroglyphics, probably.

Re: contacting HMRC

Posted: March 24th, 2023, 9:52 am
by ukmtk
I had a problem with my with wife's NIC3 payments that HMRC messed up.
I complained to my MP. That resulted in HMRC writing to/phoning me to sort it out. This was last year.

Re: contacting HMRC

Posted: March 24th, 2023, 3:36 pm
by scotia
scottnsilky wrote:I would suggest using the Government Gateway system. Five or six years ago I was charged excess tax on spurious charity donations and contacted HMRC via this method. Its a rather long winded process but they always replied in the end. Having said that, although they agreed I was due a refund, none ever materialised! They still owe me £50, plus interest.

Possibility, they're still WFH, so it might take even longer!
It's possible that the refund is sitting in your HMRC account - and waiting for you to tell them what to do with it. Normally, after I have used their on-line service to enter my income, they have automatically sent any refund immediately to my bank. But for tax year 21/22 they logged the refund into my account, and I needed go back a few days later to request its onward payment to my bank.

Re: contacting HMRC

Posted: March 25th, 2023, 8:21 am
by mutantpoodle
scottnsilky wrote:I would suggest using the Government Gateway system.
a few years ago there used to be a 'message us'

option in the tax return via Gateway system

but that seems to have disappeared............or at least its moved to somewhere I cannot find

any guides as to where it might now be hidden??

Re: contacting HMRC

Posted: March 25th, 2023, 9:48 am
by swill453
mutantpoodle wrote:a few years ago there used to be a 'message us'

option in the tax return via Gateway system

but that seems to have disappeared............or at least its moved to somewhere I cannot find

any guides as to where it might now be hidden??
I still have a "Messages" option in my account menu, and in it I can see my old messages, last one dated 2019.

But there's no way to create a new message, so I guess it's not a facility that they support now.


Re: contacting HMRC

Posted: March 25th, 2023, 10:33 am
by XFool
...Perhaps it's my age but, every time I go to that site, it seems to have changed from what I remember of the previous time.

It's either 'memory' or 'Agile Development'. :)

Re: contacting HMRC

Posted: March 26th, 2023, 8:23 am
by mutantpoodle
XFool wrote:...Perhaps it's my age but, every time I go to that site, it seems to have changed from what I remember of the previous time.

It's either 'memory' or 'Agile Development'. :)'re wrong
its neither of those

its change for change sake
sadly the old.....

''if it aint broke dont fix it'' maxim is not applicable in government circles........000's of examples almost every department

Re: contacting HMRC

Posted: March 26th, 2023, 10:00 am
by AF62
mutantpoodle wrote:''if it aint broke dont fix it'' maxim is not applicable in government circles........000's of examples almost every department
You would be surprised - some of HMRC's computer systems date back to the 1970s, with the PCs the staff use to access running an emulator of the 'green screen' terminals the mainframe was designed to output to.

Re: contacting HMRC

Posted: March 26th, 2023, 5:35 pm
by XFool
...So even predating SSADM? ... tion/SSADM

But I guess that is 'out' nowadays. Agile being the latest 'solution'.

Re: contacting HMRC

Posted: March 26th, 2023, 8:47 pm
by chas49
Moderator Message:
The discussion is veering off-topic for Taxes (Practical). Please stick to on-topic matters now (chas49)