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Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 26th, 2021, 4:53 pm
by Alaric
Lootman wrote: (Of course, the CTC can be wrong as well).
Unless you research at the time, you are often reliant on the CTC to identify exceptions. These can include ITs paying interest under streaming rules, ETFs paying interest, shares listed abroad, which includes the Channel Isles, PIDs and very possibly others that I have yet to encounter. Brokers won't necessarily flag a dividend as "unusual" when first paid.

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 26th, 2021, 4:58 pm
by SalvorHardin
Lootman wrote:Yes, I miss the walk-in tax offices. Everything was so easy back then.

There are two reasons I would not submit on April 6th. The first is what I said earlier. Unless I made no trades in the last 30 days of the tax year, I would want to be certain there isn't a new trade that invokes the 30-day rule. This could even be something involuntary like a corporate action. I got caught out that way once.

The second thing is that if I was keeping a spreadsheet of dividends and planning on using that for my return, which I do not, then I think I would still want to cross-check that against the CTC to reduce the risk of a transcription error finding its way into my return. (Of course, the CTC can be wrong as well).
What I really liked about the walk-in tax office was that you could actually discuss matters with a person (sometimes even the local inspector of taxes). Also the staff were pleasantly surprised if you got your return in super early. Those were the days :D

Point taken about the 30 day rule. I've never had to worry about that as I get my taxable sales done early in the year, though if I did sell close to 5th April I'd delay my tax return for a few weeks just in case I felt the need to buy back.

In my case dividends are double checked with the dividend spreadsheet against my ancient copy of Microsoft Money.

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 26th, 2021, 6:47 pm
by XFool
Alaric wrote:The regular Government Gateway for tax returns is
which I believe is the same as it's always been.
Or possibly not!

You cannot access the service from this page
To access this service, you must return to the government page you came from and start again.

Try this one: ... e-identity

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 8:29 am
by dealtn
Lootman wrote:
dealtn wrote: Why? In my case the required inputs aren't available then, so I would be using estimates, which would need correcting later. How is that better?
What inputs take that long?
In my case partnerships, currently 3. The accounts for which typically arrive around September.

So June or July, as proposed, would involve using estimates, and subsequent revision. With a January deadline, and in theory "interest" to be earned by delaying payment, why would it be "best" to do it in the early summer?

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 9:52 am
by bluedonkey
dealtn wrote:
Lootman wrote: What inputs take that long?
In my case partnerships, currently 3. The accounts for which typically arrive around September.

So June or July, as proposed, would involve using estimates, and subsequent revision. With a January deadline, and in theory "interest" to be earned by delaying payment, why would it be "best" to do it in the early summer?
In your specific case then perhaps do it after September but before January. The tax is due 31 January after the end of the tax year, regardless of when the return was submitted.

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 8:14 pm
by Bouleversee
Getting back to basics, having been told I must pay any tax due before Jan. 31 to the Cumbernauld office's sort code and account no., I paid what I calculate to be rather more than the tax due to be on the safe side, printed out the SA return forms, and having been given till Feb. 14 to submit the paper return as it had proved impossible to submit my return online, and having had to deal with another domestic emergency, I sat down late this afternoon to fill in the umpteen pages of the form. I hit a query straight away: Top left of first page has a box headed "HM Revenue and Customs Office address", with "telephone" underneath. Top right has a box headed "Issue address" with the words "For" and "Reference" underneath each other. I assume that I should put the Cumbernauld office's address (which I found on the internet) in the left hand box and their phone no And I suppose that Issue Address must be my address, but what about the For and Reference? I have already put my UTR and NINO at the top of the form. They don't make life easy, do they?

I shall have to do computations for share disposals because my net gains were over £13k which is a bore, but at least they were simple purchases and sales or takeovers of the whole holdings and there won't be tax to pay because I have agreed c/f losses of considerably more than that, I regret to say.

I see my phone calls to HMRC over the weekend and on Monday cost me nearly £6. I shall try to get that back since they were due to some glitch in their system, without which I could have submitted my return online without any problems.

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 8:25 pm
by bluedonkey
Bouleversee wrote:Getting back to basics, having been told I must pay any tax due before Jan. 31 to the Cumbernauld office's sort code and account no., I paid what I calculate to be rather more than the tax due to be on the safe side, printed out the SA return forms, and having been given till Feb. 14 to submit the paper return as it had proved impossible to submit my return online, and having had to deal with another domestic emergency, I sat down late this afternoon to fill in the umpteen pages of the form. I hit a query straight away: Top left of first page has a box headed "HM Revenue and Customs Office address", with "telephone" underneath. Top right has a box headed "Issue address" with the words "For" and "Reference" underneath each other. I assume that I should put the Cumbernauld office's address (which I found on the internet) in the left hand box and their phone no And I suppose that Issue Address must be my address, but what about the For and Reference? I have already put my UTR and NINO at the top of the form. They don't make life easy, do they?

I shall have to do computations for share disposals because my net gains were over £13k which is a bore, but at least they were simple purchases and sales or takeovers of the whole holdings and there won't be tax to pay because I have agreed c/f losses of considerably more than that, I regret to say.

I see my phone calls to HMRC over the weekend and on Monday cost me nearly £6. I shall try to get that back since they were due to some glitch in their system, without which I could have submitted my return online without any problems.
Issue address: your address
For: your name
HMRC office: HMRC, BX9 1AS [the absence of a postal town is correct]

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 9:29 pm
by Bouleversee
Many thanks, Blue Donkey. So the BX address is the same for all paper returns? Just as well I checked. What about Ref: ? And what about their office phone no? I'd found the Cumbernauld one but no idea how to find one for BXN 1AS.
How are we supposed to know this? Pity I am not psychic. I couldn't find anything about this on their website.

I may be back with more queries.

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 9:45 pm
by bluedonkey
Bouleversee wrote:Many thanks, Blue Donkey. So the BX address is the same for all paper returns? Just as well I checked. What about Ref: ? And what about their office phone no? I'd found the Cumbernauld one but no idea how to find one for BXN 1AS.
How are we supposed to know this? Pity I am not psychic. I couldn't find anything about this on their website.

I may be back with more queries.
Don't bother with entering the HMRC tel no. Ref: you've already put your UTR. I think you're sorted, TBH.

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 10:02 pm
by Gersemi
bluedonkey wrote:
Bouleversee wrote:Many thanks, Blue Donkey. So the BX address is the same for all paper returns? Just as well I checked. What about Ref: ? And what about their office phone no? I'd found the Cumbernauld one but no idea how to find one for BXN 1AS.
How are we supposed to know this? Pity I am not psychic. I couldn't find anything about this on their website.

I may be back with more queries.
Don't bother with entering the HMRC tel no. Ref: you've already put your UTR. I think you're sorted, TBH.
The general idea is that HMRC fill these boxes in before issuing the return to you, so the point of the telephone number is so that you can phone them. You don't need to tell them what their telephone number is. I think you have downloaded a copy of the paper return which is why the boxes are blank.

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 27th, 2021, 11:03 pm
by Bouleversee
If it's the same address for everyone, why on earth don't they print it on the downloadable forms? I might need their phone no. as well. And why don't they say "your name and address" rather than " Issue address"? And if they don't need a reference no, why ask for it? Waste of everyone's time. Thank you for yours,

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 28th, 2021, 10:28 am
by Gengulphus
Bouleversee wrote:And if they don't need a reference no, why ask for it?
To allow you to tell them what your own reference for the tax return is. E.g. tax advisers with many clients might give each one of them a client number when they take them on, before they know what their UTR and National Insurance numbers are (and possibly even before the client actually has those reference numbers at all), and identify each client's file by their client number. When the tax adviser sends HMRC any correspondence about a client (including tax returns), they tell HMRC what their own reference is for the client as well as what HMRC's references are, and HMRC do the same when they reply - that way, both HMRC and the tax adviser can quickly bring up their files on the client.

There are a few circumstances in which individuals would find giving their own reference useful, if e.g. they're handling both their own and their offsprings' tax returns and they've been unwise enough to give their offspring the same name as themselves. But most individuals won't have any use for it and can leave it blank.


Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 28th, 2021, 10:32 am
by Bouleversee
Thanks for the education, Geng. I had rather assumed tax advisers/accountants would do everything online.

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 28th, 2021, 10:54 am
by bluedonkey
Bouleversee wrote:Thanks for the education, Geng. I had rather assumed tax advisers/accountants would do everything online.
They do!

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 28th, 2021, 11:58 am
by Gengulphus
Bouleversee wrote:Thanks for the education, Geng. I had rather assumed tax advisers/accountants would do everything online.
At least the vast majority of them certainly do, yes. But as far as I can see in the online tax returns I have saved in the past, the end result of the online submission process is the same as the paper return, just in PDF form with the various boxes, etc, filled in electronically rather than being written / typed on a paper printout. So tax advisers/accountants will want the "Reference" area to be on the tax return form, even if they only actually use it in the PDFs that online submission produces and not in the 'template' PDF that one can download and print out for a paper return.

HMRC could of course make the 'template' PDF be a slightly simplified version of what's produced by the online system that omits the "Reference" area - but that would just mean that they would end up with twice as many tax return layouts to maintain. And there probably are a few tax return submitters who would be seriously annoyed by it - e.g. the fairly small number of individuals who have a use for the "Reference" area probably include an even smaller number who distrust the online system to the extent of refusing to use it, and there may still be a few tax advisers in business who are 'stuck in the 20th century'.

Incidentally, I suspect the "For" and "Telephone" areas are also mainly for tax advisers/accountants, especially large firms, so that they can give contact details for the person handling the case. And I should add that those details and the "Reference" do appear later in the return (page 7) - but clearly having them at the top of the tax return as well is convenient compared with having to scroll / leaf through the return to find them.


Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 28th, 2021, 12:27 pm
by PinkDalek
Bouleversee wrote:If it's the same address for everyone, why on earth don't they print it on the downloadable forms? ..
Merely to add to previous replies & to confirm the address suggested, it is not the same address for everyone.

About half way down here ... turn-sa100, under the Details header, you'll see:

You’ll need to post your completed paper tax return to HMRC.

If you live in the UK send to:

Self Assessment
HM Revenue & Customs
United Kingdom

If you live outside the UK send to:

HM Revenue & Customs
Benton Park View
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE98 1ZZ
United Kingdom

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 28th, 2021, 12:32 pm
by Bouleversee
Many thanks, PD. I wonder why I was told to pay the tax to Cumbernauld office. Maybe everyone has to do that as well.

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 28th, 2021, 12:49 pm
by bluedonkey
Bouleversee wrote:Many thanks, PD. I wonder why I was told to pay the tax to Cumbernauld office. Maybe everyone has to do that as well.
Yes, you pay the tax to Cumbernauld but you're assuming that's also the address where the return is sent - it's not!

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 28th, 2021, 12:58 pm
by Alaric
Bouleversee wrote: I wonder why I was told to pay the tax to Cumbernauld office. Maybe everyone has to do that as well.
There are two payment collection offices Cumbernauld and Shipley. I believe both are distinct from the people who nominally review the submitted return. One tip if using on-line banking to pay is to make sure your UTR is on the payment narrative. I think it's supposed to have a "K" added to the end of the number string. If the UTR isn't present there the payment may get lost in their system.

Re: Impossible extra security checks with government Gateway doing SA

Posted: January 28th, 2021, 2:19 pm
by Bouleversee
Alaric wrote:
Bouleversee wrote: I wonder why I was told to pay the tax to Cumbernauld office. Maybe everyone has to do that as well.
There are two payment collection offices Cumbernauld and Shipley. I believe both are distinct from the people who nominally review the submitted return. One tip if using on-line banking to pay is to make sure your UTR is on the payment narrative. I think it's supposed to have a "K" added to the end of the number string. If the UTR isn't present there the payment may get lost in their system.
Yes, I did that, thanks.