Final Accounts for submission to HMRC when closing a Private Limited Company?

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Final Accounts for submission to HMRC when closing a Private Limited Company?

Post by effsweet »

Hello all,

I'm a Director of a Private Limited Company which the Directors wish to wind up.

The Club has a small cash balance (ca <£100) at Bank & no other realisable assets. We've not "traded" since 2019

We've no debtors or creditors & Company House tell us to submit Final Accounts to HMRC. There's an online Form but it all looks very complicated. It's daunting to ordinary guys like us who never have dealings with HMRC.

Prevciously we've had an annual "audit" ** by professional "accountants" who have submitted tax returns for us We paid 45p tax last time IIRC & paid about £750 for the service. They tell us it's simple & we don't need their help to wind up.

Does anyone have any advice or a 'route map' we could follow so we don't get it wrong?.

Thanks in advance: Effsweet

** I'm not a financé wizard & some of my terms mightn't be correct if you are a finance professional

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Re: Final Accounts for submission to HMRC when closing a Private Limited Company?

Post by bluedonkey »

The rough and ready route is to just use Companies House form DS01 to dissolve the company. Make sure you withdraw all the funds from the company bank account first, as once the company is dissolved anything it still owned at the date of dissolution belongs to the Crown. In theory HMRC could object to the winding up but the likelihood of that is less than, say, 5%.

I assume that the company doesn't owe anything to creditors.

Ensure all directors agree to the dissolution in writing by getting all directors to sign form DS01.

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Re: Final Accounts for submission to HMRC when closing a Private Limited Company?

Post by mearnsfool »

Bad advice from the last poster.

If you have not traded for three months you need to put in a final year tax return prior to requesting the company is struck off.

If you do not do that and leave the company dormant you need to put in accounts and a conformation statement each year.

You do not to want to do that.

If you have a personal tax account you can link that to your company to provide company accounts to HMRC and in doing that you can send electronically the final accounts to HMRC and Companies House and each report should say this is the final accounts for the company.

Wait say a month for HMRC to come back but that is unlikley.

Then put the forms in to strike off the company but make sure that all the directors sign of the actions you are going to take.

You will need you last offical accounts as some figures are need from that previos set of accounts to fianlise your final account.

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