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80% salary payments ?

Posted: March 21st, 2020, 7:34 pm
by dspp
Has anybody got any detail at all on the 80% salary payments announcement.

The only thing I have really managed to find out is that we will know details by the end of April.

That's quite a long time to be paying salaries on trust, hoping that there won't be a bait & switch & small print.


Re: 80% salary payments ?

Posted: March 21st, 2020, 8:37 pm
by johnhemming
This is the best I can find ... ion-scheme

AIUI the objective is cash by the end of April.

Re: 80% salary payments ?

Posted: March 21st, 2020, 8:39 pm
by PinkDalek
Snippets and expected timings are within the ICAEW link over at Taxes (on a separate matter): ... 72#p292872

I thought it best not to c&p too much.

Re: 80% salary payments ?

Posted: March 22nd, 2020, 4:23 pm
by dspp
John & PD,

Thank you both. It is exactly as I feared, that solution (generous as it is) will not work for the circumstances I am managing. It appears you have to furlough the workers to access that support. But it doesn't work when you have to keep folk in the factory in order to meet minimum crew requirements (safety etc) but have extremely low throughput due to orders / materials reduced.

Most difficult. But thanks for the links.

Regards, dspp

Re: 80% salary payments ?

Posted: March 22nd, 2020, 9:57 pm
by redsturgeon
dspp wrote:John & PD,

Thank you both. It is exactly as I feared, that solution (generous as it is) will not work for the circumstances I am managing. It appears you have to furlough the workers to access that support. But it doesn't work when you have to keep folk in the factory in order to meet minimum crew requirements (safety etc) but have extremely low throughput due to orders / materials reduced.

Most difficult. But thanks for the links.

Regards, dspp

Are you having to keep on all of your workers or can you furlough some of them and keep a skeleton crew?


Re: 80% salary payments ?

Posted: March 23rd, 2020, 11:05 am
by dspp
redsturgeon wrote:
dspp wrote:John & PD,

Thank you both. It is exactly as I feared, that solution (generous as it is) will not work for the circumstances I am managing. It appears you have to furlough the workers to access that support. But it doesn't work when you have to keep folk in the factory in order to meet minimum crew requirements (safety etc) but have extremely low throughput due to orders / materials reduced.

Most difficult. But thanks for the links.

Regards, dspp

Are you having to keep on all of your workers or can you furlough some of them and keep a skeleton crew?

John, sorry but I can't discuss details here, and in any case it is an evolving situation, and there are a lot of moving pieces. regards, dspp

Re: 80% salary payments ?

Posted: March 23rd, 2020, 11:06 am
by redsturgeon
dspp wrote:
redsturgeon wrote:
Are you having to keep on all of your workers or can you furlough some of them and keep a skeleton crew?

John, sorry but I can't discuss details here, and in any case it is an evolving situation, and there are a lot of moving pieces. regards, dspp
I understand.


Re: 80% salary payments ?

Posted: March 25th, 2020, 11:37 am
by dspp
Snorvey wrote:Without starting a new thread, it would seem that the Scottish Government are taking significant steps to support small businesses....
My understanding is that almost all of of this is the standard UK package repbranded with a blue & white flag. There are some additions for some Scottish pecularities (whisky). If you see anything more significant than this in differences could you highlight it as that might help me with something I am dealing with (and I don't have a great deal of spare time).

regards, dspp