England Commercial Register - Scam

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Lemon Slice
Posts: 361
Joined: November 6th, 2016, 11:46 pm

England Commercial Register - Scam

Post by AndyPandy »

In the absence of a 'Fool and his money' board, just thought I'd mention that I've now had a couple of letters from the "England Commercial Register" http://www.com-reg.com - a Directory of Companies.

It purports to be encouraging you to check that your details are up to date (not that I could find mine on the website in any case), but if you flesh out your details on the form and send it back, you will have just committed yourself to a shade under 3,000 euros in fees over the next 3 years.

They are based in Madrid and helpfully provide a reply-paid envelope. I wouldn't suggest for one minute that you fill it full of heavy bumph and post it back to them at their expense. That would be very naughty. You certainly wouldn't catch me doing it.

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