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Harvesting feedback from happy customers

Posted: January 4th, 2019, 10:17 am
by Mike4
I've got one!

A Happy Customer that is. I have a happy customer emailing me and asking for somewhere to leave feedback, saying they can't find anywhere on my website.

I used to have a guestbook this purpose but the hosting firm became so flaky (failing to display all my references despite me paying them so to do) that I took it off. And guestbooks are so passé nowadays anyway, innit.

What does the team think is a good way to collect references these days?

Many thanks for any views.

Re: Harvesting feedback from happy customers

Posted: January 4th, 2019, 2:11 pm
by GrandOiseau
I was looking for a new heating enginee recently.

One port of call was a website called that a lot of people post asking for recs. I just search the recent history or post myself.

Then there is a local facebook group that works similarily.

Then there are google reviews and things like trustedtrader.

Actually in the end I looked at Viessmann's "Find an Installer" list and cross referenced with the reviews mentioned above.

Re: Harvesting feedback from happy customers

Posted: January 4th, 2019, 5:40 pm
by gryffron
Whilst I accept there are numerous possibilities, most of them are bespoke. By far the most likely to be useful to a trader IMO is google. Because it is the one most customers are likely to see. You do have to register your business with the evil datahoarding google (free) before they can do this. But as the world's most used search engine this is surely worthwhile?


Re: Harvesting feedback from happy customers

Posted: January 4th, 2019, 6:13 pm
by Mike4
gryffron wrote:Whilst I accept there are numerous possibilities, most of them are bespoke. By far the most likely to be useful to a trader IMO is google. Because it is the one most customers are likely to see. You do have to register your business with the evil datahoarding google (free) before they can do this. But as the world's most used search engine this is surely worthwhile?


I think you're right. Google reviews are probably the most trusted. Just had a look at Google Reviews and I see I have two already, both five stars!

What isn't clear despite a bit of digging, is how to identify/find a link to put on my website which will take people to where they can read my reviews or write their own review. Right-clicking on the "Write a Review" button and copying the link just puts a Javascript command on my clipboard.

It also is not clear whether the reviews are for the reams of content on my website, or for my actual boiler repair service.

Re: Harvesting feedback from happy customers

Posted: January 4th, 2019, 6:32 pm
by gryffron
Google will even tell you the answer to that ... 2?hl=en-GB ;)


Re: Harvesting feedback from happy customers

Posted: January 4th, 2019, 8:16 pm
by PinkDalek
Mike4 wrote:It also is not clear whether the reviews are for the reams of content on my website, or for my actual boiler repair service.
I've found 3 positive reviews (of 3) for your expertise via rather than your website. They cross-refer to Facebook and you've probably already seen them. Not that this helps, in that I can remember your website address and used the narrative part only + reviews to search.

Re: Harvesting feedback from happy customers

Posted: January 5th, 2019, 5:10 am
by EssDeeAitch
When looking for reviews on various product types and companies just recently, I have been directed to Trustpilot. Perhaps that would suit you?