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Trains, London > Wymondham [Norfolk]

Posted: September 15th, 2018, 12:12 pm
by DiamondEcho
Wymondam is 10-15 minutes before Norwich on the London > Norwich train. It used to be possible to get a direct train from London that stopped at Wymondham. DAK if you can still get a direct train London > Wymondham?
I've checked both Redspottedhanky and Trainline, and they both seem to suggest routes via/with stops Cambridge or Ely.

Re: Trains, London > Wymondham [Norfolk]

Posted: September 15th, 2018, 5:59 pm
by Slarti
Depends on which London station you start from.

Liverpool St gives go to Norwich and then come back, Kings Cross gives the routes you found.

I searched the other way round Wymondham to London Any as I was a bit surprised at Cambridge coming into the equation at all as I often caught Norwich bound trains to get to Witham in Essex.


Re: Trains, London > Wymondham [Norfolk]

Posted: September 15th, 2018, 9:29 pm
by Alaric
DiamondEcho wrote: DAK if you can still get a direct train London > Wymondham?
I've checked both Redspottedhanky and Trainline
Looks like from Liverpool Street you now have to go via Norwich and double back. Alternatively (and quicker), you go from Kings Cross via Cambridge and pick up a Cambridge to Norwich stopping train.

You don't need to use redspottedhanky or Trainline. They both add fees if buying tickets, enables both the planning of journeys and the buying of tickets.