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Central Bath to Bristol airport for 1900 arrival

Posted: September 7th, 2018, 8:26 am
by didds
I'm in Bath this afternoon from 1530-1600 for a couple of errands. I have to collect somebody from Bristol airport for a 1710 landing. We live not far from bath but East of it, so there's no point going back home to then leave again.

Its a classic case of "how to I get to Brizzle airport from Bath" with the answer being "don't start from bath"!

Its either go directly through Bristol itself (on Friday early evening....) or Bath-M4-M5-airport... on a Friday early evening. The Mway route really doesn't appeal one iota... its a blinking long way round and Bath-M4 is a horrible torturous road.

Also, could be I need to kill a little time nearby the airport rather than pay a small fortune in parking while I wait there.

Any ideas?

Re: Central Bath to Bristol airport for 1900 arrival

Posted: September 7th, 2018, 9:04 am
by swill453
didds wrote:Its either go directly through Bristol itself (on Friday early evening....) or Bath-M4-M5-airport... on a Friday early evening. The Mway route really doesn't appeal one iota... its a blinking long way round and Bath-M4 is a horrible torturous road.
Google maps says neither, go south west on A39, A368 then north west through Chew Magna.
