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Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 10th, 2016, 5:03 pm
by poundcoin
Cheers AC !

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 11th, 2016, 8:40 pm
by Wuzwine

Spent 3 days on a trip to Penzance in May, the HST's with the slam doors with opening windows were more enjoyable than anything else. Remember the HST Golden Hind is the last UK train with a full dining service.

Lots of money wasted on consultants makes me doubt that even Bere Alston - Tavistock will ever be built. Should be especially as Network Rail and their consultants want to move the S Devon line out to sea on a causeway!

Although even though both Okehampton and Tavistock towns are growing the sheep as the main residents between Okehampton and Tavistock have no clout with the sheep in Westminster.

Wuz (pleased to have his first post on the new site - well done to Stooz and Clariman)

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 14th, 2016, 3:21 pm
by Paultry
And imagine after electrification the journey time will be miniscule and train frequency infinate.

Or so we are told. The claim was 4 trains per hour Bath to Paddington taking 75 minutes.

All I heard is it is behind schedule. Paul

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 14th, 2016, 4:33 pm
by UncleEbenezer
Paultry wrote:And imagine after electrification the journey time will be miniscule and train frequency infinate.

Or so we are told. The claim was 4 trains per hour Bath to Paddington taking 75 minutes.

All I heard is it is behind schedule. Paul
Bath-Paddington has been about 75 minutes (or fractionally less) for several decades. It's just a little local journey really: it's all the south/east side of that magical line that separates southeast England - with all the infrastructure, and the high-value public spending - from the afterthought of the rest of us.

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 14th, 2016, 11:35 pm
by DrFfybes
I didn't realise there were so many Fools this far down, must be due another meet. It is probably 12+ years since the last one.

I moved back Up North in March, and am now living in Exeter again :), but still pop down to Plymouth every few weeks, mainly to keep an eye on the old house which went on the market the other week.

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 15th, 2016, 9:20 am
by will89
Paultry wrote:And imagine after electrification the journey time will be miniscule and train frequency infinate.

Or so we are told. The claim was 4 trains per hour Bath to Paddington taking 75 minutes.

All I heard is it is behind schedule. Paul

Wasn't it in the news last week that the electrification is cancelled?

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 15th, 2016, 4:59 pm
by AleisterCrowley
DrFfybes wrote: I moved back Up North in March, and am now living in Exeter again :), but still pop down to Plymouth every few weeks, mainly to keep an eye on the old house which went on the market the other week.
I haven't been back to Plymouth since 1989... Looking on Streetview it appears to have changed a bit -I lived in the Mutley area , and Mutley Plain didn't have any pubs or bars (unless you counted the Nottingham at one end, and possibly the Hyde Park on the junction)
Looks like it's gone more studenty now

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 15th, 2016, 6:04 pm
by UncleEbenezer
AleisterCrowley wrote:
DrFfybes wrote: I moved back Up North in March, and am now living in Exeter again :), but still pop down to Plymouth every few weeks, mainly to keep an eye on the old house which went on the market the other week.
I haven't been back to Plymouth since 1989... Looking on Streetview it appears to have changed a bit -I lived in the Mutley area , and Mutley Plain didn't have any pubs or bars (unless you counted the Nottingham at one end, and possibly the Hyde Park on the junction)
Looks like it's gone more studenty now
Mutley Plain with no pubs or students? The mind boggles! Though there are (still?) more estate agents than anything else, and a centrepiece is a weatherspoons converted from a bank.

Some of Plimuff's nicest houses (not that that's saying much) in the surrounding roads. Lots converted to flats and bedsits.

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 15th, 2016, 9:23 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Perhaps studenty was the wrong word - plenty of students in the 1980s, I was one of them - but Mutley Plain was a pub desert at the time. There were loads of estate agents, and even a Gieves and Hawkes (near the Spud-U-Like?!)
I lived in various places west of Mutley Plain - Ford Park Road and that cluster of streets south towards the railway line (Grafton and Kingsley?)
As far as houses go, I thought the area north and north east of Mutley plain was nice - up towards the park, and off Mannamead Rd to the east(Seymour Rd as an example) ... 312!8i6656

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 17th, 2016, 10:08 pm
by DrFfybes
AleisterCrowley wrote:Perhaps studenty was the wrong word - plenty of students in the 1980s, I was one of them - but Mutley Plain was a pub desert at the time. There were loads of estate agents, and even a Gieves and Hawkes (near the Spud-U-Like?!)
I lived in various places west of Mutley Plain - Ford Park Road and that cluster of streets south towards the railway line (Grafton and Kingsley?)
As far as houses go, I thought the area north and north east of Mutley plain was nice - up towards the park, and off Mannamead Rd to the east(Seymour Rd as an example)
It has changed quite a bit - many more students in the City in general. A huge amount of dedicated student flats being built too, the knock on effect is that prices of bedsits and 1 bed places has actually dropped over the last decade and there are people buying student houses and turning them back into family homes.

Of course THE place to live now is just off Mutley Plain between the cemetery and the station. ;)

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 17th, 2016, 10:44 pm
by AleisterCrowley
DrFfybes wrote: Of course THE place to live now is just off Mutley Plain between the cemetery and the station. ;)
Hmm, where is the house you're selling :)

Some friends lived down that way, near the impressively named Central Park Avenue (looking at the map it was Hamilton Gdns or Green Park Ave I think)

I did enjoy my years down there. Plenty of beer and Cap'n Jasper's cheap tea, and long walks along the Hoe. And Gus-bloody-Honeybun on the TV

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 18th, 2016, 4:06 am
by notherhubbard
AleisterCrowley wrote: Cap'n Jasper's cheap tea
You remember Cap'n Jasper's for the tea? Some people are beyond weird!!


Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 18th, 2016, 9:02 am
by AleisterCrowley
And Hangover Burgers or similar meat-in-a-bap stuff. But tea for (what was it?) 20p or something was a bargain

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 22nd, 2016, 12:38 pm
by DrFfybes
AleisterCrowley wrote:
DrFfybes wrote: Of course THE place to live now is just off Mutley Plain between the cemetery and the station. ;)
Hmm, where is the house you're selling :)

Some friends lived down that way, near the impressively named Central Park Avenue (looking at the map it was Hamilton Gdns or Green Park Ave I think)

I did enjoy my years down there. Plenty of beer and Cap'n Jasper's cheap tea, and long walks along the Hoe. And Gus-bloody-Honeybun on the TV
The house is pretty near where you mention, there are 2 roads between the railway and the park and I was on the Park end just far enough from the trains not to hear them.

One of the places I never visited was CJ's - no idea why as I went down a couple of times when they had bike meets there, but never got around to going inside. I liked 'Platters' though - starters the size of main courses.

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 22nd, 2016, 11:24 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Didn't realise Cap'n Jasper's had an inside - it was always al fresco dining when I was there!
There was an official Cap'n J's outlet in the student's union as well, run by my mate Chris for a while. Wonder what happened to him?

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 23rd, 2016, 12:58 pm
by MDW1954
I didn't realise there were so many Fools this far down, must be due another meet. It is probably 12+ years since the last one.

I remember it well! That was quite a jester's cap.


Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 23rd, 2016, 1:31 pm
by Clavain
Jaspers inside? Well it has a covered seating area of sorts. I stick to the Harbourside fish and chips these days.

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: November 23rd, 2016, 1:38 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Sadly I was a regular at the Pink Elephant & Caspian kebab shops...
Long time ago,and I haven't had a takeaway kebab since I lived in London

Re: The Great South West...

Posted: December 8th, 2016, 2:34 pm
by coleyfish
lootman wrote
But yes, it's a good route as long as you don't mind the old "slam" doors that involve you dangling out of the window to get out.
I love dangling out of the window. :o

I also love the old slam door carriages

And the south west


Re: The Great South West...

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 9:07 am
by redsturgeon
Has been noted will be removed soon.