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One less 2 weeks...

Posted: June 8th, 2021, 12:38 pm
by Darka
My plan was to retire at the end of September this year, but after a difficult couple of weeks with my idiot manager I've decided to bring it back a couple of weeks which will be on my 52nd birthday.

That will be a nice double celebration!

Re: One less 2 weeks...

Posted: June 8th, 2021, 1:06 pm
by EssDeeAitch
There are two reasons to work: 1. You really like the job or 2. You need the money. I suppose you could add that one tollerates the job and appreciates the money.

It sounds like points 1 & 2 do not apply for you so good luck on your pending retirement. No doubt you have earned it.

Re: One less 2 weeks...

Posted: June 8th, 2021, 1:20 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Forward or back ? You mean mid-Sept?
I'm very jealous! My earliest date is June next year (to get a free summer) but realistically it'll be Christmas next year (so no post holiday back to work gloom) or June 2023

Good Luck!

Re: One less 2 weeks...

Posted: June 8th, 2021, 1:25 pm
by Darka
EssDeeAitch wrote:There are two reasons to work: 1. You really like the job or 2. You need the money. I suppose you could add that one tollerates the job and appreciates the money.

It sounds like points 1 & 2 do not apply for you so good luck on your pending retirement. No doubt you have earned it.
Thank you,

1 hasn't applied for some time and as for 2, I'm happy with enough- continuing to work for more money doesn't doesn't sit well, things might be different if I enjoyed my job but I don't which was the main reason to go for early retirement in the first place.

Re: One less 2 weeks...

Posted: June 8th, 2021, 1:26 pm
by Darka
AleisterCrowley wrote:Forward or back ? You mean mid-Sept?
I'm very jealous! My earliest date is June next year (to get a free summer) but realistically it'll be Christmas next year (so no post holiday back to work gloom) or June 2023

Good Luck!

Yes, back so mid-September.

We've reached our number and whilst more is always welcome I have to be honest with myself in that my job isn't doing my health any good and I can only just tolerate my manager.

I shall be asking for voluntary redundancy the week before I intend to retire, just in case they would like to pay me to go.... :D

Re: One less 2 weeks...

Posted: June 8th, 2021, 2:02 pm
by AleisterCrowley
Yes, following structural changes affecting my employment* I'm hoping for a round of redundancies early next year :)
It would be nice to go with a redundancy payment of £??k as a leaving present!!

*I have now worked for six different companies since the early 90s, but have never actually changed 'job'

Re: One less 2 weeks...

Posted: June 8th, 2021, 2:21 pm
by Darka
AleisterCrowley wrote:Yes, following structural changes affecting my employment* I'm hoping for a round of redundancies early next year :)
It would be nice to go with a redundancy payment of £??k as a leaving present!!

*I have now worked for six different companies since the early 90s, but have never actually changed 'job'
Indeed the extra leaving present would be very nice, not sure I'll get it but it's worth a try asking.

Re: One less 2 weeks...

Posted: June 8th, 2021, 7:50 pm
by kempiejon
AleisterCrowley wrote:Yes, following structural changes affecting my employment* I'm hoping for a round of redundancies early next year :)
It would be nice to go with a redundancy payment of £??k as a leaving present!!

*I have now worked for six different companies since the early 90s, but have never actually changed 'job'
They've been promising a restructure for 2 years now, I also replied to a request for anyone looking to reduce hours any amount up to voluntary severance and I said I'd be interested in any reduction they never answering my request. Hopefully this year the restructure will finally happen and I can stop hanging on for the possibility of a redundancy.