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Manchester FIRE Meet - after action report

Posted: February 22nd, 2020, 12:14 pm
by mattman74
So about 14 People turned up yesterday at the Salutation Pub in Manchester

Gez, Martin and myself who post on Lemonfool were present.

Also present from the blogging world were

FIUK Money (Francesca and Noel)
Quietly Saving (Weenie)
The Squirreler (Cath)

It was expertly chaired by Danny

In a bit of a change from previous events which were mainly a social meet up we had a quiet room upstairs.

It devolved into a round table discussion as people introduced themselves and Weenie gave a brief talk on her FIRE journey

Topics were many and varied in no particular order/importance.
(Please forgive me if my remembering is a bit vague or I’ve missed something)

- The idea that a lot of IFAs are not adept at looking after people’s investments and it is important to take responsibility for yourself
- Why some people may keep working part time even though they have financial independence
- Investment Trusts and world trackers seem to be popular
- A bit on Cryptocurrencies and why selling 2 bitcoin for still £400 a while ago still felt like a win
- High yield investing to retire very early
- The behaviour of some of the banks towards businesses during the banking crisis (not good - to the point of deliberately bankrupting them)
- Contracting and the new rules to stop tax avoidance
- The joy of automatically just saving from your wages and just buying a world tracker to save time/effort

Oh and Match Betting as a side hustle as a way of getting income. People were very intrigued about this.

So an excellent evening - I really enjoyed it and I think other people did as well

Cycling home into a howling gale and driving rain wasn’t fun but I am sure it was good for my soul at some level

I’ll post the date of the next meeting here - it will probably be in 2-3 months


Re: Manchester FIRE Meet - after action report

Posted: February 22nd, 2020, 5:23 pm
by MartynC27
mattman74 wrote:So about 14 People turned up yesterday at the Salutation Pub in Manchester

Gez, Martin and myself who post on Lemonfool were present.

Also present from the blogging world were

FIUK Money (Francesca and Noel)
Quietly Saving (Weenie)
The Squirreler (Cath)

It was expertly chaired by Danny

In a bit of a change from previous events which were mainly a social meet up we had a quiet room upstairs.

It devolved into a round table discussion as people introduced themselves and Weenie gave a brief talk on her FIRE journey

Topics were many and varied in no particular order/importance.
(Please forgive me if my remembering is a bit vague or I’ve missed something)

- The idea that a lot of IFAs are not adept at looking after people’s investments and it is important to take responsibility for yourself
- Why some people may keep working part time even though they have financial independence
- Investment Trusts and world trackers seem to be popular
- A bit on Cryptocurrencies and why selling 2 bitcoin for still £400 a while ago still felt like a win
- High yield investing to retire very early
- The behaviour of some of the banks towards businesses during the banking crisis (not good - to the point of deliberately bankrupting them)
- Contracting and the new rules to stop tax avoidance
- The joy of automatically just saving from your wages and just buying a world tracker to save time/effort

Oh and Match Betting as a side hustle as a way of getting income. People were very intrigued about this.

So an excellent evening - I really enjoyed it and I think other people did as well

Cycling home into a howling gale and driving rain wasn’t fun but I am sure it was good for my soul at some level

I’ll post the date of the next meeting here - it will probably be in 2-3 months

I agree - it was an excellent evening and I learnt a lot about the different methods of retirement investing as well as the experiences of those using Match Betting to generate some income.


Re: Manchester FIRE Meet - after action report

Posted: February 23rd, 2020, 6:23 pm
by gezmond
Yes, a good meeting and a warm welcome from everyone...nice to meet Martin and Matt in person!

Re: Manchester FIRE Meet - after action report

Posted: April 4th, 2020, 4:55 pm
by mrfu
Enjoyed the evening. Great to meet you and everyone else

Re: Manchester FIRE Meet - after action report

Posted: April 8th, 2020, 11:41 am
by Bigspenda
I'm interested in the matched betting as a side hustle - do you have any recommended resources? I googled but there's so much out there I'm not sure where to start for some unbiased info

Re: Manchester FIRE Meet - after action report

Posted: April 8th, 2020, 11:58 am
by dmukgr
Bigspenda wrote:I'm interested in the matched betting as a side hustle - do you have any recommended resources? I googled but there's so much out there I'm not sure where to start for some unbiased info
Match Betting is easy, just look up who Oldham Athletic are playing that week and bet on that side to win. You will be right waaay more times than you will be wrong unfortunately. :lol:

Re: Manchester FIRE Meet - after action report

Posted: April 10th, 2020, 4:20 am
by gezmond
I think oddsmonkey was mentioned by some of the attendees...

Re: Manchester FIRE Meet - after action report

Posted: April 17th, 2020, 11:35 am
by BennGunn
This thread caught my eye, I wonder if you could share some of the perspectives you discussed, I'm particularly interested in the point re continuing to work after financial independence.

I find myself in this position, I took early retirement at age 55, I lasted about 2 months gardening, walking the dog etc and am now working part time as a consultant in the industry I worked in for 27 years (software). I continually plan dates when I'll give up for good but when the date arrives keep working principally because I like the comfort of income derived from my labour rather than from investment

Does that sound familiar?

Re: Manchester FIRE Meet - after action report

Posted: April 17th, 2020, 7:27 pm
by tjh290633
If you enjoy what you are doing, why stop?


Re: Manchester FIRE Meet - after action report

Posted: April 18th, 2020, 3:30 pm
by SoBo65
tjh290633 wrote:If you enjoy what you are doing, why stop?

Exactly, I was thinking of retiring earlier in the year as I reached 55, then along came COVID-19 and seems to be addressing some of the issues that were making work less enjoyable, complacency, short termism, unrealistic top line growth targets, so I will stick around for a while more, (will give time time for the market to recover.....) People said to me, you will know when the time comes, but nice to know that you can if you want to.....