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Re: Overlanding

Posted: June 3rd, 2019, 10:48 am
by UncleEbenezer
Snorvey wrote: Overlanding - or self-reliant travel where the journey is more important than the destination
I used to call that cycle touring. Nowadays backpacking.
The question is, could you live without all be benefits of having a fixed abode?
Not everyone has the choice.

Surely more important than the actual abode is the security of knowing you could get a fixed abode if you should sometime feel the need. For example, a financial buffer, or an open offer from friends or family.

Re: Overlanding

Posted: June 3rd, 2019, 12:08 pm
by Urbandreamer
Not all did it "overland".

In some circles the book "Voyaging on a Small Income" is well known and respected. ... all_Income

Possibly we should list the benefits of a FIXED abode. The ones that I see are, having a delivery and banking address. Local schools to send children to (assuming they are of school age) and physically meeting your friends.

Annie Hill mentioned other issues as well, but they related to the financial and physical risks of perminantly living on the sea. I.E. what if you became ill.

Re: Overlanding

Posted: June 4th, 2019, 9:31 am
by xxd09
I remember John Noakes of Blue Peter fame and Wendy Cope (Welsh Poet Laureate) selling all-buying a yacht to sail to the Med for the “good life”-very fashionable at the time!
Both ended up nearly dying in the Bay of Biscay and financially bust for good measure
A triumph of hope over expectation
A good thing to do for some people but common sense required!

Re: Overlanding

Posted: June 4th, 2019, 10:27 am
by UncleEbenezer
Urbandreamer wrote: Possibly we should list the benefits of a FIXED abode. The ones that I see are, having a delivery and banking address. Local schools to send children to (assuming they are of school age) and physically meeting your friends.
You can turn that around to consider drawbacks of NOT having a fixed abode, even if you're not technically poor. Dilbert has a take on it at .