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Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: March 25th, 2019, 12:01 am
by Sparkling

can someone suggest any book on retirement saving or planning please?
Any recommendations highly appreciated. Can be pretty basic, just to get started.


Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: March 25th, 2019, 9:03 am
by xxd09
Any one by John Bogle of Vanguard fame

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: March 25th, 2019, 10:03 am
by dspp
Sparkling wrote:Hello,

can someone suggest any book on retirement saving or planning please?
Any recommendations highly appreciated. Can be pretty basic, just to get started.

See the topic on books:

regards, dspp

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: March 25th, 2019, 11:59 am
by Sparkling
Thank you!

The Bogle books look great! Will start with the Little Book of Commen Sense Investing.

And also many thanks for the link!

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: March 26th, 2019, 9:06 am
by xxd09
Lars Kroijer.Investing Demystified is the UK version of John Bogle
Read it after you have got Bogles principles clear in your thoughts from reading his book(s)

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: March 28th, 2019, 8:52 am
by DanielBaksley
Wow, thank you very much for this topic. I even could not imagine that there are such books, I was reading only general business and investing books.

Are there any special books that describe retirement saving situation in Eastern Europe? Hungary, in particular?

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: March 28th, 2019, 9:03 am
by xxd09
If you go over to the Bogleheads Forum (John Bogle,s followers)
Look for Non US Investors section and ask there

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: June 12th, 2019, 12:11 pm
by ReboAndy
The Intelligent Asset Allocator by William Bernstein in a really accessible introduction to the concepts of asset allocation and risk-adjusted returns.

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: June 13th, 2019, 5:56 pm
by Hariseldon58
Intelligent Asset Allocator by William Bernstein is very good, but even better is the more recent Rational Expectations from the same author.

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: June 13th, 2019, 9:23 pm
by monabri
I'd suggest checking out the free videos (typical 15mins each) on the Pension Craft website on YouTube. Ramin Nakisa explains things very well. He also produced a free booklet download. ... est-funds/

(link is half way down the page on the RHS under the picture of the book).

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: June 13th, 2019, 9:44 pm
by PhaseThree
One of the best UK biased ones I've come across :-
Beyond The 4% Rule: The science of retirement portfolios that last a lifetime, Abraham Okusanya

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: June 14th, 2019, 12:18 pm
by gbjbaanb
Morningstar has an interesting set of articles for retirees: ... ement.aspx

one of which links to:
safe withdrawal rates (hint: more like 3% for UK retirees).

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: June 16th, 2019, 6:49 pm
by b0f77
I can recommend the RESET book by David Sawyer.

A review here ... id-sawyer/

"RESET: How to Restart Your Life and Get F.U. Money: The Unconventional Early Retirement Plan for Midlife Careerists Who Want to Be Happy Paperback – 18 Aug 2018"

Worth looking at for links to other articles and books

Re: Books on Retirement Saving/Investing

Posted: June 24th, 2019, 7:14 pm
by SDN123
I’m sure many here will scoff, but if you are younger, or prefer stories and general philosophy to hard facts (FWIW I like both) try “The Richest Man in Babylon” which is cheap to buy and also available as a free ebook if you google the title.