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Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 13th, 2018, 9:07 pm
by grizzlegeo
MaraMan wrote:PS - I am an artist/photographer by inclination so not sure how that fits with INTJ :?:
So I noticed that the difference between 'T' i.e. "Thinking" types and "F" i.e. "Feeling" types in artistic pursuits boils down to this.

'T' types tend to be more technical about their art. If it is a short story (genre I am most familiar with), they talk about how best to structure a particular dialogue, or all the possible different literal and metaphorical meanings of a particular sentence.

Whereas 'F' types tend to be more emotional. If it is a short story, they talk about how the story and words make them feel, for example, how a sentence evokes qualities and memories that are more subjective, and how to capture that feeling into the way a sentence sounds.

Generally speaking, of course. Obviously exceptions.

Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 15th, 2018, 10:54 pm
by greenrobbie
I took early retirement (technically, voluntary redundancy) at the age of 57 from relatively low-paid work as a librarian in the public sector.

I always come out as INFJ every time I have completed the Myers-Briggs personality assessment, and it does seem a reasonable summary of my personality - very much the introverted artistic type with strong opinions on, well, just about everything, and a desire/ability to lead (not that I can be bothered anymore now I am 60)

I believe it shows in my investing style, which is heavily-researched HYP, plus investment trusts and a bundle of different index trackers. Having selected investments, I don't analyse their performance in great depth calculating XIRR or anything like that, but rely on feeling, having read company information, and indeed these boards, as whether to sell, top-slice or top-up; or to move into new investments. Seems to work moderately well for me. I can live comfortably on my pension, and my wife has various income streams of her own, so we are able to be quite sanguine about market movements.

Best wishes to all,


Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 16th, 2018, 10:36 pm
by tieresias
Interesting how this thread has moved onto personality types... And everyone's begins with an I, no one with an E!

Blah blahs can go blah blah, while the quiet ones got their money :-)

Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 17th, 2018, 5:58 am
by Chrysalis
Or maybe the Es prefer to talk to real people rather than hang out on the internet!

Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 17th, 2018, 12:13 pm
by grimer
Just done the test - INTP-T

Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 17th, 2018, 12:49 pm
by Dod101
ISTJ-A Logician apparently. Reading the bumph that comes with the result, I would say it is about right for me.


Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 17th, 2018, 1:03 pm
ISTJ-T, it reckons.

Sound on the button


Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 17th, 2018, 2:45 pm
by Clitheroekid
I feel quite proud - it appears I'm the only ISTP here! :D

Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 17th, 2018, 3:02 pm
by ursaminortaur
Just took the test


Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 17th, 2018, 3:10 pm
by Itsallaguess
Just goes to show what a fantastically useful and interesting resource this Lemon Fool website continues to be for all of us introverts!

And long may that continue!



Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 17th, 2018, 3:48 pm
by tjh290633
It tells me that I am ESTJ, Consul, if I remember correctly.

Am I alone in that category?


Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 17th, 2018, 6:37 pm
by MrDoppleGanger
INFJ-T here- 'The Advocate'

Some interesting points in there. I wonder what it would imply for my investing style/biases - I can see some echos of my own style (and weaknesses) in greenrobbie's reply.

Either-way, Interesting.

Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 19th, 2018, 8:41 am
by shadowside
Fascinating thread. I'm also INTJ. We are only 1% of general population so number of INTJ's here is pretty statistically significant. I first came across Myers Briggs 35 years ago and for me it was a pretty life changing event. I'm sure there must be strong correlations between MB profile and investment style. I'm now 70 and took early retirement at 52. It was not planned and was just a combination of circumstances but had always loosely followed FIRE priciples so financially was not a stretch. I am now much better off financially than when I first retired. Having time to organise finances makes an enormous difference. When I was working 100% of my energy went into the job and personal finances took a back seat.

Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 21st, 2018, 9:48 pm
by andyalan10


Am I on the right forum?


Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 22nd, 2018, 3:16 pm
by mickeypops
Anyone got a link to taking this Briggs-Myers test for free?

Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 22nd, 2018, 3:20 pm
by DiamondEcho
mickeypops wrote:Anyone got a link to taking this Briggs-Myers test for free?
See ^thread 11th-Apr post by Tieresias.

Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 22nd, 2018, 3:35 pm
by mickeypops
DiamondEcho wrote:
mickeypops wrote:Anyone got a link to taking this Briggs-Myers test for free?
See ^thread 11th-Apr post by Tieresias.
Thanks - missed it.

I'm an ISTJ-A - Logistician.

Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: April 23rd, 2018, 9:28 pm
by Wasron
I’m an ISFJ, -A/-T, Defender. Was mostly accurate, although the wife pointed out i’m not an ‘excellent gift giver’ that remembers important dates... :lol:


Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: May 17th, 2018, 4:26 pm
by Crofty11
Hi, Just found this site, didn't realise the Motley Fool posters had migrated. I found this subject interesting because I am FIRE, but a bit different.

ENTP...worked in Hotels, local government and Corporates until about age 38.( was sacked / made redundant 5 times) Went self employed as a trainer / Consultant, joined with a few pals, built a small business sold it to some Yanks , I was aged 53 ( now 62), left immediately giving my share of the earn -out money away.

Reason , I couldn't sit with another senior management team in an away day , grappling with the question of how 'they could build a world class business / service', the answer of course was 'just be competent' , give your customers what they need, when they need it, with minimal mistakes at the price you have agreed.

But they did pay well!!

After 'retiring' we did loads of travel fancy meals ( having started work at age 16 wife and 17 me we didn't have gap years or gap 5 years..just got on with it.)

Now much quieter , small camper van, not so fancy meals , home cooking, two dogs and of course managing the money to make sure it lasts long enough , long term plan is to throw the house keys at the carers when we get really old if we make it.

No kids so the nieces and nephews will spilt it 10 ways after the donations to them a nice holiday for them and their kids with bit left over for some fancy meals

Re: First day of FIRE

Posted: May 17th, 2018, 6:26 pm
by RececaDron
Crofty11 wrote:Now much quieter , small camper van, not so fancy meals , home cooking, two dogs and of course managing the money to make sure it lasts long enough , long term plan is to throw the house keys at the carers when we get really old if we make it.
Very good.

The camper trips: UK-only or into France and beyond...? Dogs go with you? How do you find that in a smallish van?