FIRE starts today!

Including Financial Independence and Retiring Early (FIRE)
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Lemon Pip
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FIRE starts today!

Post by Shelford »

Well, two weeks ago actually. Handed in my notice just before summer holiday at end of July.

See for background

I have had to give 12 months' notice (PLC director). On the upside, it gives me plenty of time to plan for the future, and save some cash for a buffer.

Have been ruminating on the recent part of the journey viz. handing in notice & the decision making that led up to it. It took a lot of hard-thinking in the first part of this year to decide when to light the blue touch paper. Having been at my place of work for best part of 20 years, it proved to be not as easy as it sounds (I still enjoy many parts of my job). However, having told my boss, who was gracious about my reasons for departing, it's been a curious relief having been mulling this big decision for best part of two years.

I feel I can now get on with the exciting FI part of my life (I'm not a believer per se in the Retirement Early bit - simply doing different 'work' of a type and at a time of my choosing)

The prospect of relinquishing 3 hours of commuting a day though is highly attractive. And I'm already planning a four week holiday next August!

Thanks to all on this bulletin board for practical help and input and inspiration. I expect to be posting a bit more as the boring practicalities of drawing on a SIPP next financial year kick in. But at last, enough theorising, and a time for action, after joining TMF in 1999 with a view of taking control over my finances...... now it's really happening - and at 55 next year, five years earlier than I would ever have dreamed of then!


Lemon Half
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Re: FIRE starts today!

Post by Itsallaguess »

Shelford wrote:
But at last, enough theorising, and a time for action, after joining TMF in 1999 with a view of taking control over my finances...... now it's really happening - and at 55 next year, five years earlier than I would ever have dreamed of then!
I wish a little bell rang every time someone on these boards was able to retire due to their financial discipline and investment planning - I don't think I'd ever get bored of hearing it ring....

I've said it before, but as someone who's still working it really does encourage me to hear these stories. I enjoy my work, but I know the primary reasons for getting up every morning and going in, and this end goal is definitely one of them....




Lemon Quarter
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Re: FIRE starts today!

Post by TUK020 »

Shelford wrote: Thanks to all on this bulletin board for practical help and input and inspiration. I expect to be posting a bit more as the boring practicalities of drawing on a SIPP next financial year kick in. But at last, enough theorising, and a time for action, after joining TMF in 1999 with a view of taking control over my finances...... now it's really happening - and at 55 next year, five years earlier than I would ever have dreamed of then!

Well done. Cue bell ring. (we have a counter-top service bell at work for "well done" moments!).

In addition to posting on the "boring practicalities of drawing on a SIPP", please can you also chronicle for us the other aspects of gearing your life to retirement/career change.
Trying to line up the planets to trigger events, and I suspect that the financials are one of the simpler parts of this

2 Lemon pips
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Re: FIRE starts today!

Post by Pheidippides »

I feel I can now get on with the exciting FI part of my life (I'm not a believer per se in the Retirement Early bit - simply doing different 'work' of a type and at a time of my choosing)
I did a day’s work yesterday. Getting paid my old hourly rate for a whole day running an archery event at a country show. All day in the sunshine doing something I enjoy, rather than stuck in a sterile office which I’ve done for the last 36 years. Different IS better
The prospect of relinquishing 3 hours of commuting a day though is highly attractive. And I'm already planning a four week holiday next August!
After nearly six weeks of FIRE this is one particular joy that I can recommend. I’ve been up to town about once a week, all social and to travel off-peak on empty trains with no real schedule pressure is so much more pleasant
Thanks to all on this bulletin board for practical help and input and inspiration. I expect to be posting a bit more as the boring practicalities of drawing on a SIPP next financial year kick in. But at last, enough theorising, and a time for action, after joining TMF in 1999 with a view of taking control over my finances...... now it's really happening - and at 55 next year, five years earlier than I would ever have dreamed of then!
Our trajectory is massively similar, I wish you every happiness



Lemon Slice
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Joined: November 5th, 2016, 4:02 pm

Re: FIRE starts today!

Post by Kantwebefriends »

Shelford wrote:And I'm already planning a four week holiday next August!

Are you mad, holidaying in a world full of screaming schoolchildren? Unless, of course, you are off to somewhere like Oz or NZ. August is a bit wintry for NZ: it would be good for Queensland though.

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