Financial Independence UK Facebook group launched

Including Financial Independence and Retiring Early (FIRE)
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Lemon Pip
Posts: 91
Joined: November 10th, 2016, 4:39 pm

Financial Independence UK Facebook group launched

Post by Longtermyieldman »

I hope non-commercial announcements about new websites and communities are allowed here. If not, I'm sure the mods will do the necessary.

A new Facebook group has been launched for people interested in FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) in the UK. The Financial Independence UK group ( ... endenceUK/) is now live. There are already some interesting discussions up and running, such as:

- Where's a great place to live once you're financially independent?
- Could dividends soon be taxed at the same rates as earned income, and is this morally OK?
- Should you have the same stocks, or different ones, in a SIPP and an ISA?

There are also links to some fascinating relevant blogs.

Members, and relevant posts and comments, are very much welcomed.

Lemon Slice
Posts: 288
Joined: November 5th, 2016, 6:51 pm

Re: Financial Independence UK Facebook group launched

Post by Gilgongo »

Yeah. Facebook... :|

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