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Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 24th, 2023, 12:04 pm
by AsleepInYorkshire
I’ve looked for turnip soup in the supermarkets and been unable to find any.

So here’s my favourite recipe for succulent turnip soup.

Take 2 turnips and boil them in water for 3hrs.

Using a blender mash the turnips up.

Pour into a bowl & add lots of this, sit back and enjoy


Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 24th, 2023, 12:16 pm
by terminal7
The man from Del Monte says yes AiY(D)


Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 24th, 2023, 12:21 pm
by 88V8
AsleepInYorkshire wrote:...turnip soup ... Take 2 turnips and boil them in water for 3hrs.
Extravagant destroyer of the planet :o .... 10 minutes in a pressure cooker ...


Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 24th, 2023, 1:15 pm
by redsturgeon
So, you're looking for turnip soup in the supermarket and you can't find any? Well, maybe that's because turnips have been staging a protest against being boiled for three hours! They're just not having it anymore. So, I'm afraid you'll have to take matters into your own hands and make your own soup.

Here's a recipe that's guaranteed to make your taste buds do a happy dance. First, you'll need two turnips. Now, I know what you're thinking - "Two turnips? That's it?" But trust me, two turnips can make a world of difference when they're boiled for three hours.

Next, boil the turnips in water for three hours. Yes, three hours. That's longer than most movies these days. But don't worry, you can use the time to catch up on your favorite TV show or maybe even write a novel.

Once the turnips are tender enough to be mashed with a blender, go ahead and do that. Now, this is the fun part - pour the mashed turnips into a bowl and add lots of...well, add whatever you want! Some people like to add cream, or butter, or even bacon bits. I won't judge.

And there you have it - a succulent turnip soup that's sure to make you forget all about those elusive supermarket turnips. Just don't forget to give your blender a break after all that turnip-mashing. It's been through a lot.

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 24th, 2023, 1:25 pm
by ReformedCharacter
As a lecturer of mine used to say, 'Turnips, there's not a lot in 'em, but sheep do wonderfully well on them' :)


Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 24th, 2023, 1:48 pm
by CliffEdge
The brexit effect...
Turnip soup and mud huts for the proles. Back to the middle ages, the golden age of GB. You had it so good.

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 24th, 2023, 1:51 pm
by 88V8
CliffEdge wrote:The brexit effect...
Turnip soup and mud huts for the proles. Back to the middle ages, the golden age of GB. You had it so good.
At least we know what a turnip is, unlike the Scots.


Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 24th, 2023, 2:13 pm
by doolally
redsturgeon wrote:So, you're looking for turnip soup in the supermarket and you can't find any? Well, maybe that's because turnips have been staging a protest against being boiled for three hours! They're just not having it anymore. So, I'm afraid you'll have to take matters into your own hands and make your own soup.

Here's a recipe that's guaranteed to make your taste buds do a happy dance. First, you'll need two turnips. Now, I know what you're thinking - "Two turnips? That's it?" But trust me, two turnips can make a world of difference when they're boiled for three hours.

Next, boil the turnips in water for three hours. Yes, three hours. That's longer than most movies these days. But don't worry, you can use the time to catch up on your favorite TV show or maybe even write a novel.

Once the turnips are tender enough to be mashed with a blender, go ahead and do that. Now, this is the fun part - pour the mashed turnips into a bowl and add lots of...well, add whatever you want! Some people like to add cream, or butter, or even bacon bits. I won't judge.

And there you have it - a succulent turnip soup that's sure to make you forget all about those elusive supermarket turnips. Just don't forget to give your blender a break after all that turnip-mashing. It's been through a lot.
You missed out the vital last step to turn it into a really tasty meal....... flush the soup down the loo and order a take-away

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 24th, 2023, 2:23 pm
by Nimrod103
What is so funny about turnips?

A close relative is the cornerstone of Borscht, which many think is fantastic.
Another relative is the basis of Sauerkraut.

The Brits have just forgotten how to turn turnips and swedes into a delectable dish.

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 24th, 2023, 3:31 pm
by didds
Nimrod103 wrote:
The Brits have just forgotten how to turn turnips and swedes into a delectable dish.

cue mandatory salacious remark about 50% of swedes between ages 20-50 being delectable

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 24th, 2023, 6:09 pm
by Nimrod103
didds wrote:
Nimrod103 wrote:
The Brits have just forgotten how to turn turnips and swedes into a delectable dish.

cue mandatory salacious remark about 50% of swedes between ages 20-50 being delectable
You couldn't feel the same way about a mangolwurzel?

PSI'm a bit doubtful about a 50 year old Swede. But whatever floats your boat.

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 25th, 2023, 12:34 am
by servodude
Nimrod103 wrote:
didds wrote:
cue mandatory salacious remark about 50% of swedes between ages 20-50 being delectable
You couldn't feel the same way about a mangolwurzel?

PSI'm a bit doubtful about a 50 year old Swede. But whatever floats your boat.
One of the lassies in my share house in Sweden was a school friend of Nina Persson so she must be pushing 50 now
- she would probably still float a few boats

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 25th, 2023, 1:07 am
by UncleEbenezer
I eat quite a lot of root veg in winter, very largely in the form of big, hearty soups. For example, parsnips, swedes, artichokes.

But not turnips. At least not the veg we English call turnips: I understand the word means different things in different places, and that even within this island the Jocks differ. I have tried making a turnip soup, but it failed to inspire.

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 25th, 2023, 9:11 am
by Gersemi
Nimrod103 wrote:
PSI'm a bit doubtful about a 50 year old Swede. But whatever floats your boat.
I have one and am very happy with it!

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 25th, 2023, 9:26 am
by Dod101
On another thread , some were expressing nostalgia for the 1950s. My recollection of that period was that turnips were all the rage, not for soup but as a vegetable to accompany what little meat there was, turnips and potatoes of course, both of which were easy to grow in a domestic vegetable plot. My father grew a lot of both.

The red turnip, known as a Swede, was more popular than the white one.


Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 25th, 2023, 11:03 am
by kempiejon
I've just returned from the supermarket. No empty shelves, no signs of rationing, plenty of peppers 3 colours and jarred, tomatoes of different sizes and origins, cucumbers whole and half but I'm stocking up on turnips and swedes as I expect there'll be a run on them and the shelf life is excellent.

When I was exploring Ireland in a van and had no income sacks of potatoes and for variety swedes or turnips were an excellent way to really stretch the catering budget. Swedes make great string fries, today I'd dust them with parmesan and polenta and do them in air fryer before sticking them on the 'Gram. Turnips, swap for white cabbage in coleslaw.

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 25th, 2023, 11:22 am
by servodude
Surely there must be a tome dedicated to these recipes!
A "Book for the Turnips"?

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 25th, 2023, 1:42 pm
by Hallucigenia
servodude wrote:One of the lassies in my share house in Sweden was a school friend of Nina Persson so she must be pushing 50 now
- she would probably still float a few boats
48 apparently.

A quick look at her Instagram purely for research purposes suggests she's holding up pretty well. (and weirdly looks *really* like my missus from some angles, which I'd not noticed before. Shame she's not really into music so wouldn't get the compliment.)

ISTR the TMF interviews asked something along the lines of what song represents your life? My choice was :

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 25th, 2023, 3:18 pm
by XFool
Vegetable shortages in UK could be ‘tip of iceberg’, says farming union

The Guardian

Energy prices, Brexit and climate crisis mean growers lack confidence to plant crops, says NFU deputy

"Shortages of some fresh fruit and vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers could be the “tip of the iceberg”, the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has said."

I thenk you! :lol:

Re: Turnip Recipes

Posted: February 25th, 2023, 4:05 pm
by doolally
XFool wrote:Vegetable shortages in UK could be ‘tip of iceberg’, says farming union

The Guardian

Energy prices, Brexit and climate crisis mean growers lack confidence to plant crops, says NFU deputy

"Shortages of some fresh fruit and vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers could be the “tip of the iceberg”, the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has said."

I thenk you! :lol:
Lettuce be thankful that they try to brighten our day with such comments