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Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 20th, 2023, 8:48 am
by AsleepInYorkshire
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes".

Do some human's enjoy negativity? I suspect they do. How many? Sometimes I feel more than I can cope with. Is it just me. Should I buy a pair of rose tinted glasses?


Re: Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 20th, 2023, 8:53 am
by pje16
I am always happy, nearly all the time, negativity makes "your" world and others miserable
life is too short :D

Re: Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 20th, 2023, 10:22 am
by UncleEbenezer
pje16 wrote:I am always happy, nearly all the time, negativity makes "your" world and others miserable
life is too short :D
Bah, humbug.

Drama? Yes, I enjoy the theatre.

Re: Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 20th, 2023, 12:35 pm
by redsturgeon
The human brain is hard wired by evolution to pay attention to things that could cause you harm.


Re: Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 20th, 2023, 12:44 pm
by pje16
redsturgeon wrote:The human brain is hard wired by evolution to pay attention to things that could cause you harm.


There's more up there than you might imagine :D
and that's just for your head, neck, and trunk

Sad I know, but I have a medical interest at the moment :o

Re: Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 20th, 2023, 12:59 pm
by Gerry557
AsleepInYorkshire wrote:"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes".

Do some human's enjoy negativity? I suspect they do. How many? Sometimes I feel more than I can cope with. Is it just me. Should I buy a pair of rose tinted glasses?

I think a lot of people like the social media attention. They post cyptic messages so all their "friends" enquire.

It's sad really.

Make the best of whatever happens.

Re: Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 20th, 2023, 1:47 pm
by bungeejumper
I've had a wonderful day. I have a wonderful wife, and a lovely home, and kids I can be proud of, and a granddaughter who's all of that and then some more. I've got enough money (well, nearly), and life has got better and better since I was cured of cancer five years ago.

But none of that will ever make the papers or the gossip columns, and I'll be a guaranteed prize bore at parties if I go on about it too much. :|

On the other hand, if my conversation were to centre on my lurid battles with my brother, and why my uncaring dad doesn't want me to attend his stupid coronation, and the wretched state of my south pole, and why Oprah doesn't invite me to her parties any more, I'd have your attention in moments. (Relax, it doesn't.)

Some of us are listeners, and some of us are broadcasters. The broadcasters know that you wouldn't give them a single second of your time unless they injected a bit of soap-opera drama. Or, ideally, a lot.


Re: Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 21st, 2023, 6:52 am
by Gerry557
bungeejumper wrote:I've had a wonderful day. I have a wonderful wife, and a lovely home, and kids I can be proud of, and a granddaughter who's all of that and then some more. I've got enough money (well, nearly), and life has got better and better since I was cured of cancer five years ago.

But none of that will ever make the papers or the gossip columns, and I'll be a guaranteed prize bore at parties if I go on about it too much. :|

On the other hand, if my conversation were to centre on my lurid battles with my brother, and why my uncaring dad doesn't want me to attend his stupid coronation, and the wretched state of my south pole, and why Oprah doesn't invite me to her parties any more, I'd have your attention in moments. (Relax, it doesn't.)

Some of us are listeners, and some of us are broadcasters. The broadcasters know that you wouldn't give them a single second of your time unless they injected a bit of soap-opera drama. Or, ideally, a lot.

This has made my day already, so glad I read it. Please do another one for tomorrow

Re: Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 21st, 2023, 7:18 am
by servodude
AsleepInYorkshire wrote:"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes".

Do some human's enjoy negativity? I suspect they do. How many? Sometimes I feel more than I can cope with. Is it just me. Should I buy a pair of rose tinted glasses?

I'm disappointed D
This ain't your usual up-beat life affirming output!

But away - who says lies have to be negative?
Plenty of Muppets have been sold a dummy promise over the course of history (can't think of any examples though ;) )

(Slightly tickled because promise was autocorrected to petunias on first pass :) )

Re: Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 21st, 2023, 7:54 am
by Leothebear
I find it hard to believe that a state of perpetual happiness is possible. It'd be the norm. Surely happiness has to contrast with your normal state to be enjoyable?

Re: Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 21st, 2023, 8:10 am
by doug2500
I firmly believe it's a choice, but most people don't realise or think about it - they just react.

You can't control what happens but you can control how you react, you have options.

You can choose to let negative things go, to not focus on them. You can choose to seek out positives and you can choose to be happy. You can have a crap morning and choose to enjoy the rest of your day, or you can choose to dwell on it, tell everyone about it and wallow in misery.

It's undoubtably much harder with big things like a bereavement for example, but even then you can try to focus on the joy of life rather than loss. It won't always work but it's better than giving in.

I also think the more you practice the easier it gets, like most things.

Re: Is this true? - I think "too many" human beings enjoy "drama"

Posted: February 21st, 2023, 8:13 am
by pje16
Leothebear wrote:I find it hard to believe that a state of perpetual happiness is possible. It'd be the norm. Surely happiness has to contrast with your normal state to be enjoyable?
I don't go round grinning all the time
but I am very rarely unhappy.
I see what you mean though