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Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 13th, 2023, 6:07 pm
by Dod101
Is it not saying something about our society that the BBC Six o’ Clock News leads with a story about a footballer accused of rape getting a ‘Not guilty’ verdict on most charges?

The second item was about our economy.

And the third item is Elvis Presley’s daughter dies.

Sorry, but can we get back to something of importance to we simple viewers in the UK, many concerned about world affairs but also about our own political issues?


Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 13th, 2023, 6:30 pm
by 88V8
Dod101 wrote:Is it not saying something about our society that the BBC Six o’ Clock News leads with a story about a footballer accused of rape getting a ‘Not guilty’ verdict on most charges?
The second item was about our economy.
And the third item is Elvis Presley’s daughter dies.
Sorry, but can we get back to something of importance to we simple viewers in the UK, many concerned about world affairs but also about our own political issues.
What struck me about the footballer item... never heard of him.. is that the trial took six months.
Six months!!
It would have been a danged sight quicker if I had been in charge. Put the whole lot of them on a ducking stool and see who drowns....

Different radio stations have different priorities. Times Radio often lead with lighter stuff, the Beeb tend towards the heavier end. Perhaps Friday evening has a lighter agenda.


Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 13th, 2023, 7:07 pm
by Tedx
Yes, but apart from the footballer drivel and the slightly good news about the economy, everything else is in 'crisis'.

Today, on our local news, it was the speech therapists.

Ooh ooh, look over here. We're in crisis too.

Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 13th, 2023, 7:18 pm
by Lootman
Tedx wrote:Yes, but apart from the footballer drivel and the slightly good news about the economy, everything else is in 'crisis'.

Today, on our local news, it was the speech therapists.

Ooh ooh, look over here. We're in crisis too.
Easily the most irksome aspect of all these gaggles of moderately-skilled professions lining up with their snouts near the pig trough is the absurd claim that they are not really doing it for themselves. But rather they are doing it for the public - the very same people whom they are putting at greater risk.

I am fine with someone saying that they want more moolah. Who doesn't? But please do not insult me by claiming that you are doing it pro bono publicum.

Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 13th, 2023, 8:32 pm
by ReformedCharacter
Tedx wrote:Yes, but apart from the footballer drivel and the slightly good news about the economy, everything else is in 'crisis'.

Today, on our local news, it was the speech therapists.

Ooh ooh, look over here. We're in crisis too.
Well, you'd expect them to be able to speak up for themselves :)


Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 14th, 2023, 12:02 am
by dealtn
88V8 wrote: It would have been a danged sight quicker if I had been in charge. Put the whole lot of them on a ducking stool and see who drowns....
In which case I'm glad you're not in charge.

Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 14th, 2023, 11:13 am
by bungeejumper
Look on the bright side. Prince Harry didn't make the story list that day. Unless I dozed off and missed it, of course? ;)

Ob serious point, though. Unfortunately, we intelligent, educated, enlightened, sensible, worldly-wise types are not the only people the BBC News has to cater for. So, shock horror, we get stories about obscure rappers and hip-hop artists, self-glorying film actors who've never done anything that we've ever seen, and goodness knows how many other (hawk, spit) "frivolous" people who nobody with half a brain would ever waste their time on. :lol:

We might wish that the BBC would give us more of "our" news stories and consign "their" stories to some trivial pop news service on BBC3. But that would only serve to widen the gap between "us" and "them", and it would very probably leave "us" on an increasingly shrinking island where not even the most "intelligent" twenty-something would ever have cause to wander. And if they abandon the News at Six altogether and resort to getting all their information from social media, how are we ever going to educate them up to "our" level?

Just asking?


Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 14th, 2023, 1:12 pm
by stevensfo
dealtn wrote:
88V8 wrote: It would have been a danged sight quicker if I had been in charge. Put the whole lot of them on a ducking stool and see who drowns....
In which case I'm glad you're not in charge.
Wasn't a ducking stool a punishment for gossip? It wasn't meant to drown.

Don't confuse it with the test for witches. She drowns, she's innocent. She lives, she's guilty.

Sensible policies for a new prosperous Britain!


PS Can't find Ducking stools anywhere in our Argos catalogue!

Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 14th, 2023, 1:43 pm
by Rhyd6
I've given up listening to the news unless forced to ie visiting someone else's house. £125 million has gone missing from our local hospital trust. The Betsi Cadwallader Trust here in North Wales but I've yet to hear any outcry about this. It seems as though our Labour masters regard £125 million as such a trifling amount that it's not worth mentioning. It's rather like another spot of bother regarding Drakeford's son, it took about 18 months for that to filter out, and as far as I'm aware it still hasn't made the papers. When it finally surfaced Drakeford referred to it "as a small family problem".
I'm surprised that you managed to find something other than the moans of Harry. Every time I see a newspaper this seems to be the main topic of conversation. We truly have plumbed the depths in this country.


Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 15th, 2023, 7:00 am
by servodude
Rhyd6 wrote:I'm surprised that you managed to find something other than the moans of Harry
Well he WAS a very dirty dog!
So much so (if I remember correctly) that his own family didn't recognise him until they gave him a bath!

Surprised to hear that was in the news, though I don't listen to it on the wireless personally.

Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 15th, 2023, 6:41 pm
by 88V8
stevensfo wrote:
88V8 wrote: It would have been a danged sight quicker if I had been in charge. Put the whole lot of them on a ducking stool and see who drowns....
Wasn't a ducking stool a punishment for gossip? It wasn't meant to drown.
Don't confuse it with the test for witches. She drowns, she's innocent. She lives, she's guilty.
PS Can't find Ducking stools anywhere in our Argos catalogue!
All you might wish to know here


Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 10:46 am
by dionaeamuscipula
88V8 wrote:
Dod101 wrote:Is it not saying something about our society that the BBC Six o’ Clock News leads with a story about a footballer accused of rape getting a ‘Not guilty’ verdict on most charges?
What struck me about the footballer item... never heard of him.. is that the trial took six months.
Six months!!
He is a very well known footballer at a very well known club. Its been a quite big news story for some time. Rightly or wrongly. There are ongoing prosecutions so the case remains sub judice.

Six months is, sadly, pretty quick for a rape trial. The whole justice system is in crisis and delays of a number of years are sadly relatively common which is horrible for victim, accused, and all their families. And bad for justice. Now *that's* a story that deserves more prominence. ... y-12780772


Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 12:57 pm
by Dod101
dionaeamuscipula wrote:
88V8 wrote: What struck me about the footballer item... never heard of him.. is that the trial took six months.
Six months!!
He is a very well known footballer at a very well known club. Its been a quite big news story for some time. Rightly or wrongly. There are ongoing prosecutions so the case remains sub judice.

Six months is, sadly, pretty quick for a rape trial. The whole justice system is in crisis and delays of a number of years are sadly relatively common which is horrible for victim, accused, and all their families. And bad for justice. Now *that's* a story that deserves more prominence. ... y-12780772

He may be a very well known footballer to some but I had never heard of him. Have heard of Manchester City though.

I do wish that people would stop using the word 'crisis' for just about everything these days. It is just how things are, and the 'crisis' in the NHS is in particular it would seem with the A & E Depts. I had to go for an X ray this morning. All on time and peaceful, so it is not whole of the NHS that is in crisis.


Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 1:50 pm
by Lootman
Dod101 wrote:I do wish that people would stop using the word 'crisis' for just about everything these days. It is just how things are, and the 'crisis' in the NHS is in particular it would seem with the A & E Depts. I had to go for an X ray this morning. All on time and peaceful, so it is not whole of the NHS that is in crisis.
"Crisis" has been hijacked and distorted by striking staff, folks supporting tax hikes and media sensationalising.

Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 3:24 pm
by Gersemi
Lootman wrote: "Crisis" has been hijacked and distorted by striking staff, folks supporting tax hikes and media sensationalising.
"Hike" is my pet hate. Any interest rate rise is a "hike", even if it's only 0.25%.

Re: Manchester City Footballer

Posted: January 16th, 2023, 3:39 pm
by Tedx
Yes, hike - good one.

'Perfect Storm' is my pet hate. And 'Iconic'