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Happy 2023

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 12:28 am
by jfgw
Happy New Year everyone.

For the cheapskates among you, don't forget that you can dig out those old 2017 calendars and re-use them this year. Easter and other special days will be different, and ignore the moon phases, but the days of the week will be correct.

Julian F. G. W.

Re: Happy 2023

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 12:31 am
by kiloran
jfgw wrote:Happy New Year everyone.

For the cheapskates among you, don't forget that you can dig out those old 2017 calendars and re-use them this year. Easter and other special days will be different, and ignore the moon phases, but the days of the week will be correct.

Julian F. G. W.
It's a bit late to tell me now. I needed to know at the end of 2017 before I threw it out.

HNY anyway


Re: Happy 2023

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 12:33 am
by AsleepInYorkshire
jfgw wrote:Happy New Year everyone.

For the cheapskates among you, don't forget that you can dig out those old 2017 calendars and re-use them this year. Easter and other special days will be different, and ignore the moon phases, but the days of the week will be correct.

Julian F. G. W.
Julian you've taken living below your means to an enviable level :lol:

Happy New Year & many more :)


Re: Happy 2023

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 12:35 am
by AsleepInYorkshire
kiloran wrote:
jfgw wrote:Happy New Year everyone.

For the cheapskates among you, don't forget that you can dig out those old 2017 calendars and re-use them this year. Easter and other special days will be different, and ignore the moon phases, but the days of the week will be correct.

Julian F. G. W.
It's a bit late to tell me now. I needed to know at the end of 2017 before I threw it out.

HNY anyway

Get a garage or a large shed ... and fill it with stuff that may be needed one day :lol:

Happy New Year :)


Re: Happy 2023

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 12:48 am
by gadjet
Happy New Year to all Fools.
Good Health in 2023, if possibly not Good Wealth !
Please try to be Kind, not just when posting on here but in all your interactions with other people.


Re: Happy 2023

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 1:01 am
by jfgw
kiloran wrote:It's a bit late to tell me now. I needed to know at the end of 2017 before I threw it out.
Hang on to your old 2022 calendars and re-use them in 2033.

Julian F. G. W.

Re: Happy 2023

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 10:33 am
by bungeejumper
AsleepInYorkshire wrote:Get a garage or a large shed ... and fill it with stuff that may be needed one day :lol:
I've got one of those already. Or two, if you count the fact that it's a double garage. With overhead storage, too. :D And it's completely rammed with useful-looking long bits, boardy bits, reclaimed steel brackets of every description, twelve miles of cabling, a billion nails and screws and bolts, and assorted lumps of used plumbing that might just save me a trip to B&Q one day if I live as long as Methuselah.

The really annoying thing is that quite a lot of it does actually turn out to be useful from time to time when I need to cannibalise something. It's the stuff that won't ever be useful that I don't want. But it would take Dr Who to tell me what that would be, and he hasn't been around here much lately. :|

So the planning application goes in tomorrow for another shed/garage/barn/aircraft hangar. Should keep me in junk for the next twelve months at least.

Speaking of which, a very Happy New Year to all. And remember, the arrival of every January is a fresh opportunity to make old mistakes in new ways....


Re: Happy 2023

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 12:06 pm
by Nimrod103
bungeejumper wrote: It's the stuff that won't ever be useful that I don't want. But it would take Dr Who to tell me what that would be, and he hasn't been around here much lately.
The sure fire way of finding out whether something is useful, is to throw it away.
Because the following week you will suddenly realise that you needed it.

Re: Happy 2023

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 3:31 pm
by Rhyd6
OH has 'it might come in useful one day'- imprinted in his DNA. The amount of old computers, bits for old computers and enough cables to knit a cover for a jumbo jet. Can't complain I'm just as bad, mind you I had a bit of a shock overhearing my great grandaughter telling her little friend that Nana's house is full to the top with rubbish and it's brilliant because she lets us root about.
Happy New Year to one and all, good luck and more importantly good health.


Re: Happy 2023

Posted: January 1st, 2023, 10:56 pm
by Clariman
jfgw wrote:
kiloran wrote:It's a bit late to tell me now. I needed to know at the end of 2017 before I threw it out.
Hang on to your old 2022 calendars and re-use them in 2033.

Julian F. G. W.
Ah so is that what the Julian calendar means? I'd always wondered :lol:

Re: Happy 2023

Posted: January 2nd, 2023, 6:41 am
by Dod101
Every so often I go into my double garage and tentatively remove a couple of old paint tins, check that the remains are suitable hardened and throw them out. Makes me feel better. I might even add a couple of really old half empty packets of rooting powder or rose feed. Makes me feel so much better.

I reciprocate all the good wishes for 2023.


Re: Happy 2023

Posted: January 2nd, 2023, 11:49 am
by 88V8
Another vote for hoarding stuff... at our previous house we had three sheds packed with stuff, plus the garage, and a room that was supposed to become the library and did for about three months before we sold the house having been a stuff repository with bare bricks walls for 20 years yes twenty years and eventually so stuffed with stuff that one could barely get through the door. Tragic really when you think that it was the downstairs of an expensive extension we had built and could have been a lovely room.

The trouble with the potentially useful stuff, some which I've had for forty years and more, is that after a while one forgets what one has or at any rate where it is, so one spends a lot of time rummaging, with the nagging thought at the back of one's mind that one might already have used it.

But when one is practical and needs tools and tackle for wiring and plumbing and carpentry and joinery and metalwork and limework and glazing and painting and of course the cars with their associated tools and spares... so now we have one shed with not too much stuff and a bike shed with various planks and lengths of wood which are invariably too short or too long because one doesn't want to cut a long piece does one, or too nice to use or the wrong variety of wood, and a garage with an attic that was empty in 2014 but is empty no longer, and a lot of drawers and cupboards I built which are now rather full...and we are renting a storage unit the size of a garage for which we are paying £220/month and have been for 11 years and the stuff in there I shall probably never use and probably wouldn't get £220 if I sold it all... what I really need to do is to empty it all and index what and where... perhaps save that for 2024.

Anyway, happy new year to all.
