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Base editing: Revolutionary therapy clears girl's incurable cancer

Posted: December 11th, 2022, 10:08 am
by AsleepInYorkshire
Base editing: Revolutionary therapy clears girl's incurable cancer

Putin's invasion of Ukraine with Russians murdering innocent women, children and other civilians has sickened me. In the UK we've watched in disbelief as the farce of Liz Truss unfolded. We're witnessing unbelievable problems in our NHS. And of course, we've been saddened to lose our beloved Queen. Interest rates have increased, inflation is terribly high, utility bills are crazy, and many are being thrown into unmanageable situations.

In the midst of a year of horrific and bad news I was lifted up by the good news story of a young teenage girl who has been cured of cancer by using base engineering. I thought maybe some Fools would appreciate this BBC report and perhaps they missed it or simply have given up reading the news because it's all bad.

Doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital used "base editing" to perform a feat of biological engineering to build her a new living drug.

Six months later the cancer is undetectable, but Alyssa is still being monitored

Alyssa, who is 13 and from Leicester, was diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in May last year.


Re: Base editing: Revolutionary therapy clears girl's incurable cancer

Posted: December 11th, 2022, 1:14 pm
by bonrepos
This is a wonderful story and just shows how good and important is human ingenuity.
It was the first thing I read this morning and easily balanced the shedload of dismal news
I then read afterwards.
Long live the human spirit!