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Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 10th, 2022, 7:04 am
by NomoneyNohoney
Seen in an obituary today in East Anglian Daily Times-

"He was a generous man who spent his money over the Bar at the football club for many years."

Re: Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 10th, 2022, 8:10 am
by dealtn
NomoneyNohoney wrote:Seen in an obituary today in East Anglian Daily Times-

"He was a generous man who spent his money over the Bar at the football club for many years."
Wish I'd met him.

Re: Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 10th, 2022, 8:18 am
by bungeejumper
NomoneyNohoney wrote:"He was a generous man who spent his money over the Bar at the football club for many years."
Hopefully an affectionate in-joke that those who knew him would appreciate? It would be a sad sort of funeral that didn't include at least a little bit of a tease at the departed's expense. I know I'd want some of those at mine. ;)


Re: Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 10th, 2022, 8:52 am
by Howyoudoin
NomoneyNohoney wrote:Seen in an obituary today in East Anglian Daily Times-

"He was a generous man who spent his money over the Bar at the football club for many years."
Love this. Just having an obituary in the paper means that he obviously meant a lot to some people or someone.

Great to see and I imagine he would’ve had a good chuckle at this.


Re: Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 10th, 2022, 9:26 am
by MrFoolish
bungeejumper wrote:Hopefully an affectionate in-joke that those who knew him would appreciate? It would be a sad sort of funeral that didn't include at least a little bit of a tease at the departed's expense. I know I'd want some of those at mine. ;)

Let's hope they don't recall your last words as being "This rope has seen better days".

Re: Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 10th, 2022, 9:38 am
by swill453
NomoneyNohoney wrote:Seen in an obituary today in East Anglian Daily Times-

"He was a generous man who spent his money over the Bar at the football club for many years."
And wasted the rest...?


Re: Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 10th, 2022, 10:11 am
by NomoneyNohoney
No, That was George WasTheBest

(Talking of whom, IIRC, was caught in bed with Miss World, and was asked, "George, George, where did it all go wrong?")

Re: Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 10th, 2022, 11:15 pm
by Rhyd6
Surely better than 'he was a miserable old sod who never put his hand in his pocket'. Which was heard in a loud voice after a funeral bun scuffle I attended earlier this year.


Re: Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 12th, 2022, 1:40 pm
by didds
Rhyd6 wrote:Surely better than 'he was a miserable old sod who never put his hand in his pocket'. Which was heard in a loud voice after a funeral bun scuffle I attended earlier this year.


TBH that is EXACTLY what I thought the original quote "really meant" for those in the know!

Re: Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 12th, 2022, 8:03 pm
by NomoneyNohoney
Really? My interpretation was that they were signalling he was a total piss-head.

Re: Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 12th, 2022, 9:42 pm
by Howyoudoin
NomoneyNohoney wrote:Really? My interpretation was that they were signalling he was a total piss-head.
That’s a bit harsh NmNh.

Until relatively recently I had never married, never had children.
And then at the age of 50 everything changed in the blink of an eye. Now I have an amazing wife and a 4 month old son.

Before then, I was just another guy propping up the bar, feeling sorry for himself. Do I wish it happened earlier for me in life? Every day. But it didn’t. C’est La Vie.

And maybe it never happened at all for the guy mentioned in your OP Obituary. But I hope he was happy anyway.


Re: Not sure I'd want this said about me!

Posted: December 13th, 2022, 12:30 am
by NomoneyNohoney
I had a re-read of the obituary story, and perhaps my interpretation was off, as you suggest. It was the phrasing that made me look at it that way, but the rest of the article seems to convey he was a genial guy, so maybe I took it differently to how it was meant.