Dog's dinner is now a dog's breakfast?

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Lemon Quarter
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Dog's dinner is now a dog's breakfast?

Post by DiamondEcho »

The term is dog's dinner, for a right horlicks of course. Twice this week I've seen the term dog's breakfast used in it's place.

Is the dinner version too posh for contemporary society or is there something more sinister at play here? ;) :lol:

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Dog's dinner is now a dog's breakfast?

Post by Lanark »

These damn whippersnappers from 1878 ... gs-dinner/

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Dog's dinner is now a dog's breakfast?

Post by kiloran »

Seems a Dog's Dinner is no longer just for dogs


Lemon Half
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Re: Dog's dinner is now a dog's breakfast?

Post by pje16 »

kiloran wrote:Seems a Dog's Dinner is no longer just for dogs

They must be barking mad :lol:

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Dog's dinner is now a dog's breakfast?

Post by DrFfybes »

If you get up at 5am to post, it could also be a dog's tea, or supper.

But I think there's a consensus it isn't a Dog's High Tea, unless there's cake.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Dog's dinner is now a dog's breakfast?

Post by stevensfo »

kiloran wrote:Seems a Dog's Dinner is no longer just for dogs

I used to stay a lot with my grandparents when I was little and they had two poodles.

From the age of approx 9-16, I used to occasionally munch some of their dog biscuits. They were really delicious! Bear in mind that this was in the 70s, so those dog biscuits were probably healthier than what us humans got!! ;)


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Dog's dinner is now a dog's breakfast?

Post by bluedonkey »

Should it be "pig's breakfast"?

Lemon Half
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Re: Dog's dinner is now a dog's breakfast?

Post by pje16 »

Making a right pig's dinner of a dog's breakfast ... 26046.html

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