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Remembrance Day coverage

Posted: November 14th, 2022, 3:29 pm
by stewamax
First we have David Dimbleby pronouncing ‘equerry’ as ECK-werry - a solecism his father would never have made. Johnny Foreigner may pronounce it like this, but it’s our language.

Second, unbelievably, we have the RBL’s President handing to and subsequently retrieving his bowler hat from an aide. But where was his furled umbrella!! Have the de facto rules on plain clothes changed?? How can we be expected to fight wars without umbrellas?

Disgusted of Rutland

Re: Remembrance Day coverage

Posted: November 14th, 2022, 5:24 pm
by MrFoolish
At least we've moved on from fretting about Michael Foot's duffel coat.

Re: Remembrance Day coverage

Posted: November 15th, 2022, 11:00 am
by stewamax
One I forgot: the chaps who collect wreaths from each contingent marching past were bare-headed!
Not long ago they wore top hats.

Tourists to the City would gape with disbelief now, but I remember the flock of men - all men - who emerged from their offices in and around Lombard Street at around 10.00 every morning to visit the banks. They came from the discount houses (aka bill brokers) and they all wore top hats.
Eheu fugaces.