Health & Safety Warning - For Immediate Release

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Lemon Half
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Health & Safety Warning - For Immediate Release

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

Last Sunday and Monday I had toothache. The pain was a new high for me. I'm talking 10 out of 10.

The pain was exacerbated by hot or cold food and drinks. A little bit of Poirot style investigations and I worked out that the gum has receded around the tooth. It's a molar. The molar behind it was removed several years ago when it cracked.

Now ... I cope with pain quite well. Or I do up to about 8 out of 10. But this pain was off the scale. Pain killers, clove oil and hot compress' applied to my face did bring the pain down a nudge.

Yesterday, in total desperation, I applied some sensitive relief toothpaste by hand. It worked almost immediately. But ten minutes later the pain started to come back. So I applied more toothpaste.

Wash rinse, repeat.

This morning my tongue is very numb and swollen. My throat is swollen and the skin inside my mouth is peeling off. Seems that using sensitive toothpaste with a whitening agent isn't the greatest idea :oops: :lol:

I'm waiting for the dentist to ring. Does anyone know how to negotiate with them when you're in extreme pain, with the only way of bringing the pain to heel is with toothpaste :lol:

Love my teeth :shock:

Lemon Half
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Re: Health & Safety Warning - For Immediate Release

Post by redsturgeon »

Just make sure you lay it on thick regarding the pain and other symptoms. I would not mention the relief from toothpaste.

My tooth cracked a couple of weeks ago and I was "triaged" by the receptionist.

Any pain? No.

Any swelling. No.

Any bleeding? No.

Her. OK I can make an appointment for December 29th.

Me. Sorry I am out of the country on that date.

Her. Ok How about January 27th?

Me. Er, I think it is starting to throb a bit. I think the pain might be unbearable by then.

Her. How about an appointment this Saturday?

Me. Thank you very much.

Lemon Half
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Re: Health & Safety Warning - For Immediate Release

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

redsturgeon wrote:Just make sure you lay it on thick regarding the pain and other symptoms. I would not mention the relief from toothpaste.

My tooth cracked a couple of weeks ago and I was "triaged" by the receptionist.
I was triaged by the GP's receptionist on Monday. They eventually agreed I could go in and see a specific nurse. I've seen "specific nurse" before and wasn't impressed. So based on that experience I declined. Which came as a complete shock to the receptionist and out came the "naughty boy" script. We're trying to help you and we don't have a GP available today and your symptoms don't sound really bad so you can see the nurse. No thanks I'll leave it and go to A&E.

Anyway that aside the tooth that was removed years ago behind the one now causing pain was cracked. The dentist never noticed this, despite filling it three times.

I only noticed it when I had a small bit of food on the top of my tooth so I ran my tongue across it to clean it. My tooth bit me :lol: . Now not being the sharpest knife in the draw I tried the exercise again. And my tooth bit me again :shock: :lol:

I am considering setting up an online course in dealing with "triage receptionists" and how to get past them 8-)

Thank you

Take care


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Health & Safety Warning - For Immediate Release

Post by MrFoolish »

AsleepInYorkshire wrote:Last Sunday and Monday I had toothache. The pain was a new high for me. I'm talking 10 out of 10.

The pain was exacerbated by hot or cold food and drinks.
It must have gone to 11 then?

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Health & Safety Warning - For Immediate Release

Post by stevensfo »

Teeth are annoying, aren't they? I once had an infection around a wisdom tooth that used to come and go, each time the pain getting worse. It was only when I realised that I couldn't even sleep due to the pain that I finally went to a dentist to get it extracted. No appointment but when he saw the state I was in, he ordered me straight through.

In terms of pain though, this was just pipped to the post by an ear infection that came on over the course of a day. In the afternoon, the pain was so unbearable that I thought I might faint while running to the pharmacy for painkillers. Saw a doctor the same day and was given antibiotic ear-drops and tablets to sort it out.

The pain from my fractured tibia, broken toes and torsion of the testicle came nowhere close!


Lemon Half
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Re: Health & Safety Warning - For Immediate Release

Post by UncleEbenezer »

stevensfo wrote: In terms of pain though, this was just pipped to the post by an ear infection that came on over the course of a day.
Ah, yes. I think the ear infection may very well top the list of pains I've experienced.

And it was an interesting one, 'cos it was my only experience of calling upon the Italian health service while I was there, not knowing where to go or what to do. After a night in agony I went to my GP, who sent me to A&E at the hospital. The latter looked in the ear, and prescribed antibiotics and painkillers for it. Took the prescription to the pharmacy, and ... yes, all much the same as our NHS when that's working properly and not refusing to see you. Well, except for the prescription charge, which was significantly higher than in Blighty.

Lemon Half
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Re: Health & Safety Warning - For Immediate Release

Post by UncleEbenezer »

Snorvey wrote:Whats a 'prescription charge'?

£0.00 since hitting 60 last year.

Not that I approve of that kind of discrimination.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Health & Safety Warning - For Immediate Release

Post by MrFoolish »

Snorvey wrote:Whats a 'prescription charge'?

You'll probably find out if Scotland goes for independence.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Health & Safety Warning - For Immediate Release

Post by scotia »

Snorvey wrote: Nah. I'll be 60 by then and I'll move to England.
And miss that new bridge to the beautiful beach, and the nearby cafes, and the views over the Moray Firth, with the salmon rivers and the Mountains and Glens in the hinterland. Not to mention the distilleries.
There are some pains worth enduring to avoid more serious losses. ;)

Lemon Half
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Re: Health & Safety Warning - For Immediate Release

Post by pje16 »

Snorvey wrote: Nah. I'll be 60 by then and I'll move to England.
Congratulations on your move South :D

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