Is the US sinking?

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Lemon Quarter
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Is the US sinking?

Post by stewamax »

I happened to watch a few episodes of Judge Judy on YouTube - not my normal cup of tea but a light touch of schadenfreude watching blue-collar Americans sue each other via binding arbitration in a studio-set court room with a very savvy arbitrator.

I noticed that the older episodes had a remarkable number of fat dramatis personae, even accepting the somewhat odd camera angles.
Those in the newer episodes were obese, morbidly obese or positively elephantine.
Is the US average sea-level rising with global warming or are just too many fat people depressing the land mass?

The full Lemon
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Re: Is the US sinking?

Post by Lootman »

The thing is that on the coasts Americans are generally reasonably fit, slim and healthy. Or at least no worse than the average Brit.

But go just 50 miles inland and everyone looks like a pig boat.

By the way, on the Judge Judy theme, see if you can find re-runs of a similar show called "Texas Justice" It will not disappoint if you crave grossness and crassness:

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