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Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 12:07 pm
by monabri
( I wouldn't have the volume too high!) ... mvhR_NGz5w

Or in the words of a Mr G Norton.. ... tr7_tcFxtA

In the interest of balance, here's his chief backer. ... CYi_lZE7yQ

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 12:26 pm
by monabri
BBC News

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 12:31 pm
by monabri
Of course, we should let the great man himself have a say..


Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 1:24 pm
by didds
Every time the UK appears to have hit rock bottom, and the bar is set so low... along comes somebody with a JCB and some dynamite.

Things are getting worse - sometimes by the week, but more often than not now by the day, if not even hour.

I went to the loo the other day, came out and found Truss had resigned. The night before I'd driven 40 minutes to the theatre [1], parked and found the tory party were in civil war in the voting lobby.

Its an incessant slide to the bottom - then that bloke with a digger and explosives turns up.

So clearly on this trajectory Johnson will become PM, there will be a big BANG and the bucket will take more stuff away so we can sink even lower.


[1] The next night I also went to the theatre - to see "Assassins" by sondheim!

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 1:53 pm
by Rhyd6
If you want to know what it's really like to be under a pile of stinking excrement do come and live in Wales. We're nearly at the bottom of the deepest abandoned coal mine and all thanks to a never ending Labour government who aren't fit to run a parish council let alone a country. Bad as he is I'd take Boris over Drakeford any day.


Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 1:56 pm
by Lootman
Rhyd6 wrote:If you want to know what it's really like to be under a pile of stinking excrement do come and live in Wales. We're nearly at the bottom of the deepest abandoned coal mine and all thanks to a never ending Labour government who aren't fit to run a parish council let alone a country. Bad as he is I'd take Boris over Drakeford any day.
Yes, whilst it is fashionable right now to hate on Boris and other Tories, you only have to look at the opposition parties to see that it would be as bad or worse if any of them were in charge, including the pack of goons in Labour.

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 3:01 pm
by Leothebear
Lootman wrote:
Rhyd6 wrote:If you want to know what it's really like to be under a pile of stinking excrement do come and live in Wales. We're nearly at the bottom of the deepest abandoned coal mine and all thanks to a never ending Labour government who aren't fit to run a parish council let alone a country. Bad as he is I'd take Boris over Drakeford any day.
Yes, whilst it is fashionable right now to hate on Boris and other Tories, you only have to look at the opposition parties to see that it would be as bad or worse if any of them were in charge, including the pack of goons in Labour.
I'd say it was more fashionable to come out with your line.


Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 3:23 pm
by Dod101
Lootman wrote:
Rhyd6 wrote:If you want to know what it's really like to be under a pile of stinking excrement do come and live in Wales. We're nearly at the bottom of the deepest abandoned coal mine and all thanks to a never ending Labour government who aren't fit to run a parish council let alone a country. Bad as he is I'd take Boris over Drakeford any day.
Yes, whilst it is fashionable right now to hate on Boris and other Tories, you only have to look at the opposition parties to see that it would be as bad or worse if any of them were in charge, including the pack of goons in Labour.
I doubt that actually. LIzz Truss and her first chancellor have been the most dangerous politicians for many a year and I do not think Starmer's lot would be any worse. I know nothing about Drakeford in Wales but certainly our Nicola does not govern; she just runs the country for the benefit of the SNP, pouring OPM everywhere she thinks there is a chance of buying a few more votes, thanks, largely, to the generosity of the Barnett formula.


Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 3:29 pm
by Mike4
didds wrote: I went to the loo the other day, came out and found Truss had resigned. The night before I'd driven 40 minutes to the theatre [1], parked and found the tory party were in civil war in the voting lobby.

An acquaintance of mine just observed that his young son has now seen four Chancellors, three Home Secretaries, two Prime Ministers and two monarchs. And he's only four months old.

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 5:22 pm
by monabri
Mike4 wrote:
didds wrote: I went to the loo the other day, came out and found Truss had resigned. The night before I'd driven 40 minutes to the theatre [1], parked and found the tory party were in civil war in the voting lobby.

An acquaintance of mine just observed that his young son has now seen four Chancellors, three Home Secretaries, two Prime Ministers and two monarchs. And he's only four months old.
PLENTY of time for him to get one of those top jobs.

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 5:24 pm
by absolutezero
Rhyd6 wrote:If you want to know what it's really like to be under a pile of stinking excrement do come and live in Wales. We're nearly at the bottom of the deepest abandoned coal mine and all thanks to a never ending Labour government who aren't fit to run a parish council let alone a country. Bad as he is I'd take Boris over Drakeford any day.

Spot on.
Johnson is better than any Momentum Party government.

I think a lot of the (wealthy) posters on here haven't twigged what the Momentum Party will do to their ISAs or somehow think that because it has an electable face that the Momentum Party has somehow changed.

They seem to be operating under the 'this is bad so ANYTHING else would be better' fallacy.

Stay tuned to find out what worse actually is once this all falls apart.
You ain't seen nothing yet!

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 5:26 pm
by absolutezero
Dod101 wrote:... I do not think Starmer's lot would be any worse...

Case in point.

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 5:50 pm
by Mike4
absolutezero wrote:
Dod101 wrote:... I do not think Starmer's lot would be any worse...

Case in point.

Although Johnson's main advantage at the last GE was that he wasn't Corbyn, this time around he will still have the massive advantage that he is not LABOUR.

OTOH should he ever decide it suits his needs to cross the floor, I think a labour government would be a racing certainty.

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 7:21 pm
by monabri
I wouldn't like to be heavily invested in utilities. We've been warned what Labour are planning.

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 7:32 pm
by JohnB
I have no idea why people here are worrying about hypothetical Labour when we've got actual Tories buggering up the economy, national reputation and the checks and balances of the British governmental system. What on earth do Welsh Labour do wrong apart from 20mph speed limits?

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 7:35 pm
by Urbandreamer
While I do understand some of the opinions expressed, surely pointing out that other parties have their faults can't be claimed as great praise for Mr Johnson?

Personally, while I can quite understand how the conservatives got in last election, I can't understand why anyone feels any desire to trust Mr Johnson. It's a matter of public record that he failed to keep promises made to his constituents while a MP and acted as if laws and parliamentary rules didn't apply to him or those close to him since becoming PM.

If he is not to be held to account shouldn't we be concerned about the actions of those who replace him, of whatever party? After all, why shouldn't they behave the same?

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 22nd, 2022, 10:21 pm
by Redmires
monabri wrote:I wouldn't like to be heavily invested in utilities. We've been warned what Labour are planning.
Are those the same utilities that are now owned by foreign private & state government companies ? Bring it on.

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 23rd, 2022, 9:46 am
by terminal7
Clearly one trend on the up for Johnson - his BMI. Get off that sun lounger!

Only three holidays since resignation. Obviously nothing going on in the UK - like parliament sitting during the worse crisis since 1992 - so good time to sun himself as well as a crucial talk/chat to the Insurance Leadership Forum in Colorado Springs.


Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 23rd, 2022, 10:35 am
by stewamax
Rhyd6 wrote:Bad as he is I'd take Boris over Drakeford any day.
Agreed. If Drakeford leaned any more left, he would fall over the edge.
Boris would really need to learn Welsh though.
They both speak Latin, but for some reason - I cannot think why - this is not an approved language in the Senedd.
The House of Commons on the other hand still occasionally uses Norman French (when announcing HM's approval of a Bill for example).

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Posted: October 23rd, 2022, 11:32 am
by UncleEbenezer
stewamax wrote: The House of Commons on the other hand still occasionally uses Norman French (when announcing HM's approval of a Bill for example).
Don't let the plebs forget who conquered this country in 1066 and still owns most of the land and the history ...