Favourite Sweetie

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What's your favourite sweetie

1. Fruit Gums
No votes
2. Fruit Pastilles
3. Midget Gems
4. Skittles
No votes
5. Eclairs
6. Chocolates of any kind
7. Liquorice
8. Retro - Black Jacks, Bon bons, Fruit Salad or any other sweet sold form a jar in the local paper shop
9. Other
10. Never enough options on these polls!
Total votes: 38

Lemon Half
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Favourite Sweetie

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

What's your favourite sweetie

Lemon Half
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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by Mike4 »

AsleepInYorkshire wrote:What's your favourite sweetie


OMG am I gonna get slaughtered?! :lol:

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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by scotia »

If only all elections had such a positive result as this one.

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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by 88V8 »

Sherbet fountain, with liquorice stick.
Or plain Toblerone.


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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by monabri »

Chocolate..or rather "UK vegelate" ( but not US chocolate).

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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by stevensfo »

Dark chocolate with either nuts, orange, coconut or mint.

One of my favourites from years ago was Mint Cracknel (spelling?). A thin wafer of green crackly mint covered with chocolate.

Shame the red bounties are so hard to find these days!


Lemon Half
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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by servodude »

stevensfo wrote:red bounties
Stuff of legend!
Like the original red coconut boost
- at least you can still get StarBars

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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by swill453 »

stevensfo wrote:One of my favourites from years ago was Mint Cracknel (spelling?). A thin wafer of green crackly mint covered with chocolate.
Ah yes, similar to the Ice Breaker, but better.

Texan or Nutty, anyone?


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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by stevensfo »

Anyone remember Bar Six? I think that was the name. My Dad loved them.

Also Golfs? The orange ones were yummy!

Maybe age, but I'm sure that KitKats taste very different these days. I seem to remember they used to have a more interesting taste.


PS While we're in nostalgia-land, remember the Ski yoghurts and the ad 'Full of Fitness Food'? I reckon that in those days, most of the artificial colourings and flavourings would be banned now! ;)

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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by pje16 »

No Turkish Delight

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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by Gersemi »

stevensfo wrote:
Also Golfs? The orange ones were yummy!
Do you mean Club biscuits? There was a 'Golf' version, but it was a plain chocolate version (very nice IMO). The orange one was called 'Orange', also nice. But they still make them, they often have them at my blood donor sessions.

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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by stevensfo »

Gersemi wrote:
stevensfo wrote:
Also Golfs? The orange ones were yummy!
Do you mean Club biscuits? There was a 'Golf' version, but it was a plain chocolate version (very nice IMO). The orange one was called 'Orange', also nice. But they still make them, they often have them at my blood donor sessions.
Yes, you're quite right. My Dad used to buy boxes of them from Cash 'n Carry.


PS The NHS have upgraded to Club biscuits? No wonder they're broke! ;)

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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by swill453 »

stevensfo wrote:Anyone remember Bar Six? I think that was the name. My Dad loved them.
Always thought they were a poor man's KitKat.
Maybe age, but I'm sure that KitKats taste very different these days. I seem to remember they used to have a more interesting taste.
They should come out with a 4-finger KitKat where each finger is a KitKat Chunky.


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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by dionaeamuscipula »

Snorvey wrote:
swill453 wrote: Texan or Nutty, anyone?

A the Texan Bar. If I ate one now, it would pull all my teeth out. Lasted for ages though. Maybe the ultimate dietry sweetie - you probably used more calories chewing the damn thing than you absorbed.
Bite through the chocolate and chew, reeeaaal slow.

Chomp is quite similar.


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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by nimnarb »

Black Jacks. 4 for a penny. Farthing for one.

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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by pje16 »

nimnarb wrote:Farthing for one.
What a trip back in time, happy memories :lol:

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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by WrenChasen »

Maltesers, but for Christmas or when I'm feeling flush Prestat or Valhrona chocolate.

2 Lemon pips
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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by 6Tricia »

Lindt dark chocolate truffles - in addition to Stevensfo's list :D .


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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by bungeejumper »

I rarely eat chocolate - it makes me feel slow and heavy, and maybe a bit depressed. Doesn't happen with other sweet things, although I'd definitely rather have savoury stuff any day. Strong peppermints are my main sweet indulgence.

Possible explanation. :) In my student days, I spent a summer working at Cadburys in Bournville, as a sort of human pit pony - hauling huge loads of chocs on a hydraulic hand cart out to the Milk Tray assembly lines, where the girls would then hand-place them into the plastic inner trays before they were boxed up.

It was well known that Cadburys had an all-you-could-eat policy for employees. The theory was that you'd stuff your face with chocs for the first two weeks on the job, after which you'd never want to eat chocolate again. The deterrent effect seemed to work less well on the females than on the males. Apparently it has a physiological/hormonal effect which we males will never properly understand. Google it at your peril. :lol:

Anyway, I had my very own Willy Wonka moment when I was very nearly killed by half a tonne of strawberry creams as they crashed to earth from my cart. An aluminium tray had buckled, somewhere down at the bottom of the stacks, and the whole shebang had tilted dangerously as I entered the room.

For a split-second, I tried to shore up the collapsing tower, but I swiftly decided that it would be safer to run away. Good call. Half a tonne of death by chocolate hit the decks with an enormous crash, and all the girls cheered loudly because they had to stop work for half an hour while the manager sent me off to fetch a shovel before health and safety found out.

Some things are only funny in retrospect because of survivor bias! :D


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Re: Favourite Sweetie

Post by redsturgeon »

Lindt chocolate is definitely the best IMHO. The chunky Lindt hazelnut bar is my fave.


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