The last Sultanate of the Ottoman empire

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Lemon Half
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The last Sultanate of the Ottoman empire

Post by monabri »

Interesting article in the Daily Terrograph today. ... standable/

In November 1922, 600 years of Ottoman history ended and the last Sultanate fled to Italy, a guest of Mussolini.

"Three days after the abolition of the Sultanate, a prominent journalist and politician, Ali Kemal, was sitting in a barber’s chair in an Istanbul hotel when a group of men seized him and bundled him into a waiting car. His body was found two days later; he had been beaten, his face smashed in with stones, and then hanged. He left behind in England a 13-year-old son called Osman Wilfred, who would be brought up with the surname Johnson, and whose grandson would be prime minister of the UK until his own less violent downfall in 2022."

Kemal was killed because he opposed Atatürk and the new Nationalist government.

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