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Posted: October 4th, 2022, 10:58 am
by Leothebear
When I'm relaxed and with good friends or people I immediately like and perhaps I've consumed a beer or two, I find I can respond instantaneously and quite wittily in group conversations. I know many people do this. I'm not claiming anything special but I do wonder how it is possible for the ability to respond with such speed, often with a content that had not previously occured to the responder, and without any conscious thought beforehand.

Is the skill easier to reproduce with extroverts?

The skill leaves me when I'm with strangers or people with whom I'm not comfortable. Parties are mostly dead zones. I also can't reproduce it when writing, as you may have noticed.


Re: Spontaneity

Posted: October 4th, 2022, 5:02 pm
by TUK020
Same with me.
However, my wife explains that what has changed after a cider or two is my judgement on what qualifies as witty, rather than the actual content