Beyond Meat...Nose flavour.,

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Lemon Half
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Joined: January 7th, 2017, 9:56 am

Beyond Meat...Nose flavour.,

Post by monabri » ... ing-flesh/

The chief operating officer of the vegan food company Beyond Meat has been arrested for "terroristic threatening" after allegedly biting a man's nose during an argument" . (The headline said "arrested for 'biting flesh off' man's nose")

"Douglas Ramsey, 53, got in to a dispute with a driver on Saturday evening as he left a car park in Fayetteville, Arkansas after a football game. Mr Ramsey then allegedly got out of his car and "punched through the back windshield of the Subaru," according to the report. The Beyond Meat executive allegedly then started punching the owner of the car, who had left the vehicle, and also "bit the owner’s nose, ripping the flesh on the tip.He also "threatened to kill" the other man, according to the report."

The message is clear...don't mess with Vegans ;)

Maybe I should have posted on the Food board.. ;)

Lemon Half
Posts: 7157
Joined: November 8th, 2016, 2:30 pm

Re: Beyond Meat...Nose flavour.,

Post by bungeejumper »

Genghis Khan, Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, Charles Manson, Adolf Hitler. Or the Sandy Hook mass murderer Adam Lanza. Okay, those were veggies and not vegans, but I don't think I'd have felt safer if any of them had invited me over for dinner. :|


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