Keeping warm with vegetable oil?

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Lemon Quarter
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Keeping warm with vegetable oil?

Post by stevensfo »

Many years ago, a colleague suggested we start making biodiesel. I made one litre as an experiment, but the price of veg oil suddenly shot up, making the whole exercise pointless.

A few days ago, I did a search for vegetable oil ..waste oil....heaters...stoves...burners etc and was amazed at the number of DIY projects around. Some are fairly simple, e.g.

Some are very impressive! e.g.

Apparently, if you feed the veg oil through an atomiser thingy, (sorry, forgot correct term) it's quite easy to burn it.

Not sure how veg oil compares with the price of diesel, but since you can use waste veg oil, it sounds a great excuse for reintroducing that deep fat fryer and living on chips through the winter! 8-)


Lemon Half
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Re: Keeping warm with vegetable oil?

Post by pje16 »

stevensfo wrote: Not sure how veg oil compares with the price of diesel, but since you can use waste veg oil, it sounds a great excuse for reintroducing that deep fat fryer and living on chips through the winter! 8-)
Pandemic paunches all round (no pun intended) :lol:

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Keeping warm with vegetable oil?

Post by Hallucigenia »

stevensfo wrote:Not sure how veg oil compares with the price of diesel 8-)
Trouble is that the world's biggest exporter of veg oil was....Ukraine, so the price has shot up in recent months amid fears of a shortage. You'll see Walkers promoting their baked crisps "with 50% less fat" at the moment - that's because it means 50% less cooking oil.

You'll struggle to find veg oil at much below £2/litres - on a cursory search the cheapest I found was Tesco at £1.57/litre so the economics don't really work.
stevensfo wrote:it sounds a great excuse for reintroducing that deep fat fryer and living on chips through the winter! 8-)
So now you're heating multiple litres of veg oil to 180°C when you weren't before, you need to pay for the extra energy you use that you weren't before...

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