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Re: Truss

Post by Beerpig »

Just watched a recording of BBC News Special with Miss Truss from yesterday.
It is a complete car crash imv on a par with Prince Andrew's interview following the Guffre revelations.
Really worrying this person is in charge of the country- all she can say is she is going to 'deliver' this and 'deliver' that with vacuous answers side stepping every question.
She will be toast within 7 days - this weekend I reckon- she is simply dreadful.

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Re: Truss

Post by WrenChasen »

Beerpig wrote:Just watched a recording of BBC News Special with Miss Truss from yesterday.
It is a complete car crash imv on a par with Prince Andrew's interview following the Guffre revelations.
Really worrying this person is in charge of the country- all she can say is she is going to 'deliver' this and 'deliver' that with vacuous answers side stepping every question.
She will be toast within 7 days - this weekend I reckon- she is simply dreadful.
This morning's interview with Chris Mason didn't exactly mitigate her position either.

I honestly can't decide how I feel about her: Did she enter the leadership contest believing she hadn't a hope, and was surprised as the rest of us when she landed the top job, or is she too arrogant to see the reality - that she's just not up to it and should never have gone for it in the first place?

Lemon Half
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Re: Truss

Post by servodude »

WrenChasen wrote:
Beerpig wrote:Just watched a recording of BBC News Special with Miss Truss from yesterday.
It is a complete car crash imv on a par with Prince Andrew's interview following the Guffre revelations.
Really worrying this person is in charge of the country- all she can say is she is going to 'deliver' this and 'deliver' that with vacuous answers side stepping every question.
She will be toast within 7 days - this weekend I reckon- she is simply dreadful.
This morning's interview with Chris Mason didn't exactly mitigate her position either.

I honestly can't decide how I feel about her: Did she enter the leadership contest believing she hadn't a hope, and was surprised as the rest of us when she landed the top job, or is she too arrogant to see the reality - that she's just not up to it and should never have gone for it in the first place?
going to 'deliver' this and 'deliver' that with vacuous answers side stepping every question

Aside from the manner of "presentation" how is that any different from the previous incumbent (except perhaps fewer references to building models of busses and kippers)

But anyways - I suspect she is a true believer.
Presently she can't reconcile the idea that the big super plan didn't work - which must be down to everyone else just "not getting it"

Dangerous and disconnected - but not as much so as Coffey or Mogg


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Re: Truss

Post by Mike4 »

WrenChasen wrote:
Beerpig wrote:Just watched a recording of BBC News Special with Miss Truss from yesterday.
It is a complete car crash imv on a par with Prince Andrew's interview following the Guffre revelations.
Really worrying this person is in charge of the country- all she can say is she is going to 'deliver' this and 'deliver' that with vacuous answers side stepping every question.
She will be toast within 7 days - this weekend I reckon- she is simply dreadful.
This morning's interview with Chris Mason didn't exactly mitigate her position either.

I honestly can't decide how I feel about her: Did she enter the leadership contest believing she hadn't a hope, and was surprised as the rest of us when she landed the top job, or is she too arrogant to see the reality - that she's just not up to it and should never have gone for it in the first place?
I can, after a lot of thought.

My view is she has a disturbingly high opinion of herself and her abilities developed right from birth, mainly from being told by her parents everything she does is utterly and completely brilliant, probably. Partly because she actually has quite a good brain (to have got a degree in PPE at Oxford) but mainly from the constant parental reinforcement.

Also the narcissism in her has been relentlessly encouraged and supported leading to her unerring (lol) self belief and arrogance.

I suspect finally being held to account for her immediate and disastrous failings as PM has come as a brutal and shattering shock, hence the way she reverts to her clichéd tropes of "deliver, deliver", "what I recognise is..." etc etc. in response to the challenging questions she has never had to face until now.

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Re: Truss

Post by Hallucigenia »

WrenChasen wrote:I honestly can't decide how I feel about her: Did she enter the leadership contest believing she hadn't a hope
Definitely not that - she was leading the ConHome members popularity poll for most of the 2 years or so before the contest.

She clearly has a ruthless, ambitious side though - and seems to be quite flexible in regards to ideology and her marriage vows if it helps her get ahead.

Lemon Half
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Re: Truss

Post by redsturgeon » ... narcissist?
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) lists nine criteria for NPD, but it specifies that someone only needs to meet five of them to clinically qualify as a narcissist.

grandiose sense of self-importance
preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
the belief they’re special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
need for excessive admiration
sense of entitlement
interpersonally exploitative behavior
lack of empathy
envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them
demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes

Lemon Half
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Re: Truss

Post by Mike4 »

redsturgeon wrote: ... narcissist?
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) lists nine criteria for NPD, but it specifies that someone only needs to meet five of them to clinically qualify as a narcissist.

grandiose sense of self-importance
preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
the belief they’re special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
need for excessive admiration
sense of entitlement
interpersonally exploitative behavior
lack of empathy
envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them
demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes

NPD always seems to me (as a plumber!) similar or related to psychopathy. The Hare Psychopathy Checklist is however a little different and a lot longer. I don't think Truss would score highly on the HPC but her predecessor I suspect would!

No all of these traits are necessary for a subject to get the psychopathy label.

Item 1: Glibness/superficial charm
Item 2: Grandiose sense of self-worth
Item 3: Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Item 4: Pathological lying
Item 5: Conning/manipulative
Item 6: Lack of remorse or guilt
Item 7: Shallow affect
Item 8: Callous/lack of empathy
Item 9: Parasitic lifestyle
Item 10: Poor behavioral controls
Item 11: Promiscuous sexual behavior
Item 12: Early behavior problems
Item 13: Lack of realistic long-term goals
Item 14: Impulsivity
Item 15: Irresponsibility
Item 16: Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
Item 17: Many short-term marital relationships
Item 18: Juvenile delinquency
Item 19: Revocation of conditional release
Item 20: Criminal versatility

Lemon Half
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Re: Truss

Post by servodude »

Mike4 wrote: I don't think Truss would score highly on the HPC but her predecessor I suspect would!
I'm not sure Truss would score highly on the Glasgow Coma Score!

She seems like a slouching drooping inanimate non-playing character from a computer game.

Lemon Half
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Re: Truss

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

servodude wrote:
Mike4 wrote: I don't think Truss would score highly on the HPC but her predecessor I suspect would!
I'm not sure Truss would score highly on the Glasgow Coma Score!

She seems like a slouching drooping inanimate non-playing character from a computer game.
Let it all out sd, you'll feel much better.

I think I know the computer game your referring to - Doom!

Truss is raising pensions in line with inflations. One minute she's raising them, then she's not, now she is. Not clue what she's doing (NAFCWSD).


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Re: Truss

Post by didds »

Mike4 wrote: My view is she has a disturbingly high opinion of herself and her abilities developed right from birth, mainly from being told by her parents everything she does is utterly and completely brilliant, probably. Partly because she actually has quite a good brain (to have got a degree in PPE at Oxford) but mainly from the constant parental reinforcement.
well, at least until she abandoned her LibDem, Remainer credentials - ISTR reading somewhere she'd basically been blackballed by her parents when she gave up on her more liberal background.


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Re: Truss

Post by WrenChasen »

The shambles continues: Suella Braverman has resigned as Home Secretary telling Truss, "Pretending we haven't made mistakes is not serious politics."

Haven't we been here before, isn't this how Boris was forced to resign, with the rats leaving the sinking ship?

Lemon Half
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Re: Truss

Post by Mike4 »

WrenChasen wrote:The shambles continues: Suella Braverman has resigned as Home Secretary telling Truss, "Pretending we haven't made mistakes is not serious politics."

Haven't we been here before, isn't this how Boris was forced to resign, with the rats leaving the sinking ship?
At least Boris's ministers resigned up front, saying they could not serve in the cabinet of such a knob head (I'm paraphrasing).

Braverman resigned using some feeble imaginary security breach carried out deliberately, in order to create an excuse for resigning instead of just saying up front "I don't want serve in this shyte-show of a guvvermint".

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Truss

Post by TUK020 »

redsturgeon wrote: ... narcissist?
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) lists nine criteria for NPD, but it specifies that someone only needs to meet five of them to clinically qualify as a narcissist.

grandiose sense of self-importance
preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
the belief they’re special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
need for excessive admiration
sense of entitlement
interpersonally exploitative behavior
lack of empathy
envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them
demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes
How many in the HoC would score lower than 5 of these?

The full Lemon
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Re: Truss

Post by Lootman »

TUK020 wrote:
How many in the HoC would score lower than 5 of these?
How many in TLF would?

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Truss

Post by Hallucigenia »

Mike4 wrote:Braverman resigned using some feeble imaginary security breach carried out deliberately, in order to create an excuse for resigning instead of just saying up front "I don't want serve in this shyte-show of a guvvermint".
Given that it's alleged it was only discovered because she copied in the wrong address on an email, it probably wasn't the first - although it's a bit harsh given Truss' reputation for leaking like a sieve. The ConHome editor suggests the real reason was a huge row as Braverman was under pressure to relax immigration rules in order to allow the OBR to take a more optimistic view of the economy which would mean fewer cuts. Now the member of the anti-growth coalition has been replaced by Schapps who took in Ukrainian immigrants into his own house earlier this year, it suggests we will have a more pro-growth approach to immigration.

At this point I could make a joke about tofu, but it's tasteless.

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Re: Truss

Post by UncleEbenezer »

Hallucigenia wrote: At this point I could make a joke about tofu, but it's tasteless.
Tasteless, but acquires the flavour of whatever it's cooked with.

In this context, tasteless becomes a distinct improvement. Hmmm ...

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Re: Truss

Post by Rhyd6 »

Well now she's finally gone the fighting can really begin. What a bunch of back stabbing horrors they've turned out to be. I don't think it's worth any of the women putting their hats in the ring as Liz Truss seems to have made sure most male MPs won't trust a woman leader for some time.
Interesting to see if Boris puts his name forward.


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Re: Truss

Post by WrenChasen »

Rhyd6 wrote:Well now she's finally gone the fighting can really begin. What a bunch of back stabbing horrors they've turned out to be. I don't think it's worth any of the women putting their hats in the ring as Liz Truss seems to have made sure most male MPs won't trust a woman leader for some time.
Interesting to see if Boris puts his name forward.
The problem seems to be there is a shortage of likely candidates for PM on both sides of the House (I realise we're talking about the Conservatives only at this point). Really, I can't think of any I would describe as a statesman.

Boris's reputation goes before him and Sunak's role in the former's eventual resignation hasn't been forgotten by many. What a mess.

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Re: Truss

Post by Arborbridge »

WrenChasen wrote:
Boris's reputation goes before him and Sunak's role in the former's eventual resignation hasn't been forgotten by many. What a mess.
Rishi is certainly toxic among the Tory party members, but he won the MPs vote (did he?) and anecdotally I think he is popular in the country with electors. As for his role in Boris's resignation: he had a part but was one of only 50 resignations, as I remember.


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Re: Truss

Post by redsturgeon »

Lunchtime 19th October 2022. " I'm a fighter not a quitter"

Lunchtime 20th October 2022. "I quit"

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