No More Money for BBC from Me

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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by stewamax »

Bamber, Bamber, Bamber .... no abrasive comments, no smugness, just effortless gentlemanly erudition and a light touch.
A touch elitist perhaps: to quote Sir Humphrey, "Government needs to support the universities. Both of them"

In Bamber's day it was - perhaps surprisingly - a Granada production (as was the wonderful Brideshead) and not a Beeb jobbie, and was reincarnated with Paxman on BBC2 in 1994.

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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by swill453 »

stewamax wrote:In Bamber's day it was - perhaps surprisingly - a Granada production
It still is. Or rather ITV Studios, as it is now known.


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by Dod101 »

Clariman wrote:
Redmires wrote:I've a confession to make. For a long time, in fact for most of my life, I've been a habitual user of 'beeb'. OK, I know it's an addiction and I know there are other products and suppliers out there but it works for me. Sometimes I've dabbled with other, more commercial stuff but nothing gives me the rush of a good BBC 4 documentary or a Radio 3 concert. I fully get why the government want to abolish it, and the right wing press want to hustle in with their own product though. There are huge profits to be made from feeding the masses with the new breed of synthetic concoctions such as 'luveyeland', 24hourgolf, international paint drying and trashy American dope. What's more, they charge the poor punter to pay double or triple the cost of 'beeb' and even then, contaminate their lines with impurities such as 'advert' and 'sponsor'. Then, once hooked, they mess about with the punters head. What they thought you were scoring will be moved to a new supplier, enticing them to spend more just to get the same hit. Soon, their kids will be going without food and clothes just so they can get high on the new batch of 'tigerking'. So no thanks, I know it's not fashionable in these parts but I'll stick with 'beeb'

PS. Roger Waters was out by a factor of 100
I'm a fan too. If all these people hate it so much, cancel your license and go to Sky/Netflix/AnyTVwill do and stop moaning about it. Move on.
And break the law by doing so. As we keep saying whether you watch BBC or not if you watch any TV you need a licence.


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by swill453 »

Dod101 wrote:
Clariman wrote: I'm a fan too. If all these people hate it so much, cancel your license and go to Sky/Netflix/AnyTVwill do and stop moaning about it. Move on.
And break the law by doing so. As we keep saying whether you watch BBC or not if you watch any TV you need a licence.
Not "any" TV. Sky (generally) will need a licence, Netflix won't.


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by Rhyd6 »

Attention Arb. Thank you for pointing out my spelling mistake but why did you assume that I was male? :o I quite agree with you re Samira Ahmed I would have been delighted to have seen her in the inquisitor's chair.
I believe you don't require a TV licence if you watch via apps. We use ITV Hub, Amazon app and Amazon Firestick. We have been watching a European News channel which gives a broader view of life outside the UK and I can read newspapers online when I wish for a purely English or Welsh perspective. The met office has several sites where a daily weather forecast can be obtained and so far we haven't missed the BBC at all. I've never watched daytime TV though I do listen to radio 4 from about 7.00am as I do enjoy the Today programme. Have to say that I do miss John Humphries.
I have a Kindle and prefer reading to watching TV, we've turned a small bedroom into a library for all our "proper" books but I find the Kindle easy to use especially as the old eyesight is not what is was, it's so convenient to be able to adjust the size of the print.


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by swill453 »

Rhyd6 wrote:I believe you don't require a TV licence if you watch via apps. We use ITV Hub, Amazon app and Amazon Firestick.
Depends what you watch. The ITV Hub presumably lets you watch live ITV channels, and if you use it to do so then you need a TV licence. Similarly the Amazon Firestick lets you use BBC iPlayer and also to watch live TV, again you need a TV licence for this.

If you only use the apps (other than BBC iPlayer) and devices to stream stored content, then you don't need a TV licence.

And yes, it is pretty impossible to police.


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by Rhyd6 »

The only programme we've ever watched live was University Challenge, we record anything else we fancy and watch it when the weather means we can't be out and about or we're not :) :) out meeting friends etc. I must admit I know nothing about apps and what does and doesn't require a licence but OH assures me that everything is run through the computer and doesn't require a licence so I trust that he knows what he's talking about.


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by swill453 »

Rhyd6 wrote:The only programme we've ever watched live was University Challenge, we record anything else we fancy and watch it when the weather means we can't be out and about or we're not :) :) out meeting friends etc. I must admit I know nothing about apps and what does and doesn't require a licence but OH assures me that everything is run through the computer and doesn't require a licence so I trust that he knows what he's talking about.
He definitely doesn't. You need a TV licence.


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by CliffEdge »

BBC news is the only one with any value. Not worth watching more than once a month though. Other news channels, never.

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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by Rhyd6 »

Apparently aerial has been disconnected so everything we watch now is digital. Haven't a clue what this means except that we don't need a licence.


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by kiloran »

Rhyd6 wrote:Apparently aerial has been disconnected so everything we watch now is digital. Haven't a clue what this means except that we don't need a licence.

The aerial has nothing to do with the need for a licence, Rhyd6


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by CliffEdge »

Rhyd6 wrote:Apparently aerial has been disconnected so everything we watch now is digital. Haven't a clue what this means except that we don't need a licence.

I think all TV is now digital. Didn't they shut down the old 405 line broadcasts a couple of years ago.

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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by servodude »

Rhyd6 wrote:Apparently aerial has been disconnected so everything we watch now is digital. Haven't a clue what this means except that we don't need a licence.

It's a weird quirk of the BBC, but even if you are only watching their stuff online, digitally streamed from their wesite you have to tell them that you have a license.

So I think you are meant to have one, but they ask politely and ticking the yes box seems sufficient to keep them happy.

(Incidentally I think that this points out a bit of a hole when relying on robots to be honest when presented with an "I am not a robot" tick box :shock: )

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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by XFool »

Rhyd6 wrote:Apparently aerial has been disconnected so everything we watch now is digital. Haven't a clue what this means except that we don't need a licence.
So when asked online by the BBC "digital" service: "Do you have a TV licence?"

Do you answer "No", because you haven't got one. Or "Yes" because you "don't need one"?
CliffEdge wrote:I think all TV is now digital. Didn't they shut down the old 405 line broadcasts a couple of years ago.
The Band I/III 405 line B/W TV service ended in the 1980s.

The Band IV/V 625 line analogue TV service ended in 2012.

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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by swill453 »

Rhyd6 wrote:Apparently aerial has been disconnected so everything we watch now is digital. Haven't a clue what this means except that we don't need a licence.
You might like to point your OH at ... v-licence/ for example:
If you watch or record shows as they're being shown on telly in the UK ('live TV'), you need to be covered by a TV licence. You also need one if you use BBC iPlayer.

What many may not realise is that this is the case regardless of the device you're watching on. For example, watching live TV on a phone requires a licence
And also, as has been pointed out, you can't watch anything on BBC iPlayer unless you tell it you have a licence.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by didds »

Dod101 wrote:[
And break the law by doing so. As we keep saying whether you watch BBC or not if you watch any TV you need a licence.


Not quite. watching/recording any broadcast "as live" TV on any channel/stream. And BBC Iplayer.

The other watch again services, netflix, amazon prime films and documentaries etc are license free provision (at the moment).

But I also appreciate that is a nuance.


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by didds »

scotview wrote:
Clariman wrote: I'm a fan too. If all these people hate it so much, cancel your license and go to Sky/Netflix/AnyTVwill do and stop moaning about it. Move on.
Can you just cancel your licence fee, just like that ? What if BBC appears on the Sky scheduler ?

dont watch it.

the license is about receiving "as live" broadcasts.

Not just because you have a device that COULD receive it.

If you're reading this page you have a device capable of receiving "as live" broadcasts. It doesn't mean you have to have a TV license just because you have such a device.


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by didds »

Arborbridge wrote:I Why does everyone say "Uni" these days?

"These days" ?

Its was common parlance in the 1970s.

Unless of course the 1970s (50 years ago) counts as "these days" :-)


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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by UncleEbenezer »

didds wrote: If you're reading this page you have a device capable of receiving "as live" broadcasts. It doesn't mean you have to have a TV license just because you have such a device.

Not necessarily at all.

There are many devices that can read and write text on the internet. Some but by no means all of them can show graphics (or even video), or play sounds.

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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by Dod101 »

didds wrote:
Dod101 wrote:[
And break the law by doing so. As we keep saying whether you watch BBC or not if you watch any TV you need a licence.


Not quite. watching/recording any broadcast "as live" TV on any channel/stream. And BBC Iplayer.

The other watch again services, netflix, amazon prime films and documentaries etc are license free provision (at the moment).

But I also appreciate that is a nuance.

Thank for clarifying that. Is that because the ones you quote are not 'public broadcasters?'


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