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Re: Masterchef 2022

Posted: December 1st, 2022, 1:27 am
by nimnarb
Didn't realise it was on Monday. Anyway, don't read further if not watched, as spoilers below.

So all of our picks mentioned in the whole thread besides Theres(even I could see it was swimming in green murky oil) and Anastasia have gone through. Even Chris crawled in and is a decent Chef when he sticks to less is more with classic simplicity.

In order of strength. Sagar and Nikita tied. But what else can Sagar do apart from Indian cuisine? (that's just my personal opinion) Charlie very close, and I think perhaps has more up his sleeve.

Owen could be the dark horse here and surprise us all. Chris, Wilson and then Gabriella,(can't take my eyes off her bottom lip) and last James, hanging by a thread of courgette.

Re: Masterchef 2022

Posted: December 3rd, 2022, 4:23 am
by nimnarb
So we have the final six and the best ones are all up there.

Who is going to win. Sagar or Nikita or Charlie? Charlie slipped up for the first time with his pigeon overcooked, albeit could have walloped down those legs cooked in puff pastry, never seen that before. Doesn't mean he is out of it, but have to take him down a peg or two. Can't remember if it comes down to 3 or 4 for the actual final, so maybe jumping the gun somewhat, just can't see James remaining, but Wilson and Owen did pretty well but not spectacular.

For me, it's down to Sagar and Nikita who really have not put one foot wrong. Could we get a tie here for the first time ever(or maybe it's happened before?) Sagar is going to be very tough to beat but how good is he in the pastry dept against Nikita who also seems to cook dishes from various areas and not just using mainly Indian Spices. This is a tough one.

p.s. Interesting that Sagar mentioned he owes it all to his executive chef he works with Derek Johnston the 1st ever winner of Masterchef.

On next Wednesday and Thursday and they will be at the Lanesborough Hotel(Looked like it from the outside but not sure) cooking for the critics and Finals I think on Sunday 11th at 6.15 pm

Re: Masterchef 2022

Posted: December 6th, 2022, 9:56 am
by SimonS
nimnarb wrote:Didn't realise it was on Monday. Anyway, don't read further if not watched, as spoilers below.

This is a reality show, so the winner had been selected before the show was filmed. It follows the formula, nominal competition, disasters to be faced and overcome, a couple of unlikelies involved who time after time survive but will be eliminated to create that sigh of relief that justice has been done.

Strictly Decorating was an example of this formula. While nominally about skillsets in Surface pereparation, application of unusual materials and design technique the producers were simply taking the piss. They proved that the reality TV audience would actually get pleasure from watching paint dry.

Re: Masterchef 2022

Posted: December 6th, 2022, 2:48 pm
by simsqu
SimonS wrote:
nimnarb wrote:Didn't realise it was on Monday. Anyway, don't read further if not watched, as spoilers below.

This is a reality show, so the winner had been selected before the show was filmed. It follows the formula, nominal competition, disasters to be faced and overcome, a couple of unlikelies involved who time after time survive but will be eliminated to create that sigh of relief that justice has been done.
Couldn't agree with you less. You obviously have never seen this programme, or if you have, you've completely misread it. While I agree there are some similarities to so-called "reality" shows, this really is first and foremost a competition, and the success or failure of the competitors relies mostly on their abilities to produce the goods on the day.

All the stuff about disasters to be faced and overcome etc are present in the out-of-the-masterchef-kitchen bits. The only bits that really count, ie, where competitors get kicked out, are IN the Masterchef kitchen, where the reality TV manipulated outcomes seem to be minimised.

Or perhaps I'm being sensationally naive.

Nimnarb, what do you think?

Re: Masterchef 2022

Posted: December 6th, 2022, 3:38 pm
by nimnarb
simsqu wrote:
SimonS wrote:
This is a reality show, so the winner had been selected before the show was filmed. It follows the formula, nominal competition, disasters to be faced and overcome, a couple of unlikelies involved who time after time survive but will be eliminated to create that sigh of relief that justice has been done.
Couldn't agree with you less. You obviously have never seen this programme, or if you have, you've completely misread it. While I agree there are some similarities to so-called "reality" shows, this really is first and foremost a competition, and the success or failure of the competitors relies mostly on their abilities to produce the goods on the day.

All the stuff about disasters to be faced and overcome etc are present in the out-of-the-masterchef-kitchen bits. The only bits that really count, ie, where competitors get kicked out, are IN the Masterchef kitchen, where the reality TV manipulated outcomes seem to be minimised.

Or perhaps I'm being sensationally naive.

Nimnarb, what do you think?
I really am only interested in the skills of the Competitor(Chef) and usually manage to get my selection into the top three early on, based on the evidence placed in front of me and tend not to dwell on the "reality" aspect, as the true reality is whoever cooks the best, usually wins. Fairly simple formula. I'm a foodie and know great food, technique, plating, and presentation when I see it. Add a bit of drama...why not?

Sometimes reading too much into something does one no good and can make you a very cynical person. Take it for what it's worth. Your comment about the winner being selected before the show being filmed, may or may not be correct. I have no idea and couldn't give a figs tart!

Re: Masterchef 2022

Posted: December 7th, 2022, 1:58 am
by nimnarb
Right on par with James sneaking in(very likeable character the more I see him) due to Wilson and Owen totally cocking up.

Loved the way Charlie is taking huge chances and also his very calm nature. Was drooling at Sagar's desert, just looked incredible, but he nearly did one Indian too many and was saved by the cock-ups mentioned as Marcus said his meat was dry. Nikita I don't think has put one foot wrong(apart from the original invention test) and shows how multi-talented she is.

If it's down to three only, Charlie, Nikita and Sagar. Which is no real surprise.

Re: Masterchef 2022

Posted: December 7th, 2022, 10:59 am
by simsqu
nimnarb wrote:
If it's down to three only, Charlie, Nikita and Sagar. Which is no real surprise.
It will be down to three for finals day, and I agree it will be those three you mentioned. Don't think James will make it though I too have warmed to him.

I thought it was Charlie's to lose, but at the Chefs' Table last night, it was Sagar who impressed me the most: had to redo stuff multiple times, but his calm and poise throughout the ordeal impressed the hell out of me, and in the words of one of the guests, produced the dish of the day.

So I've changed my mind: I think it will be Sagar who'll clinch it, but it's close: as close as I've ever seen it.

I wonder what exotic place they'll send the chefs before the final, or is that just Amateur Masterchef?

Re: Masterchef 2022

Posted: December 8th, 2022, 5:05 pm
by nimnarb
We shall see tonight where they send them, but you may have noticed over the last few years they cut down on the lavish locations, so I expect it to be local(UK) but nice if I'm wrong.

Re: Masterchef 2022

Posted: December 8th, 2022, 11:28 pm
by nimnarb
Spoilers....................for those not seen it.

Got to really like James, but he already knew he was toast anyway. So, those three left in the final, which I believe we saw very early on, are definitely the best of the best. In fact as Simsqu said, the closest we have ever seen. Now, as per the link below, not only had I picked Charlie very early on, but felt that Marcus liked him regardless, and mainly for his brave innovations, but still think that he might have one last trick to pull up his sleeve.

However, have to make a choice here which is really difficult, as on the day, one tiny mistake, and you're done. So, I'm going for Nikita. Why? Not sure,(as each one is good enough to win this) but perhaps because of her consistency throughout, even though I have to admit, I really admire Charlie or rather his food, which is cutting edge, modern, pushing the boundaries and very different, but Nikita keeps showing her knowledge with what looks like with each mouthful, simply delicious food, which is all we ever want when eating.

Sagar, brilliant, but each judge has to be totally spiced up and in the exact mood for those spices on the day, plus will obviously open up his own Indian high-end restaurant, but that caters purely for people who only want a fine Indian meal. Probably totally wrong, but don't really care, as all three will have a fabulous future ahead of them, and may the best chef win regardless. ... s-charlie/

Re: Masterchef 2022

Posted: December 9th, 2022, 12:18 am
by nimnarb
Although I had read that Charlie was under Alaine Ducasse at the Dorchester, I had very little knowledge of Nikita's background and no wonder we don't have normal here, as they are already stars...Nikita's first job in the food industry was at the Lanesborough Hotel in London before she moved to the Michelin-starred restaurant within the hotel. From there she went on to work at Claude Bosi at Bibendum and Core by Clare Smyth before taking up the role at Kitchen W8! Just checked them out. Prices look reasonable for a one star, especially their lunches. Don't think Nikita will be there though for much longer after Sunday unless she gets a mention on their website.

Re: Masterchef 2022

Posted: December 11th, 2022, 9:22 pm
by simsqu
Just seen the final. I won't spoil it for those who have not seen it, but just to say
