Forgive me Lord of Living Below My Means For I Have Sinned

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Lemon Quarter
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Re: Forgive me Lord of Living Below My Means For I Have Sinned

Post by DrFfybes »

Dod101 wrote:
Yes I sometimes use a car park where I need to enter the registration number. I have taken to carrying it with me on my phone because I have got the letters transposed more than once and have had to find the office to get them to do whatever it is they do to match with the number plate recognition camera. Maybe it is just because I am old!

Going seriously OT now, but the other day in the supermarket someone was asked to verify their card by PIN.

She whipped her phone out of her back, unlocked it with her PIN, and looked up the PIN for the card. Now assuming it was actually her card (rather than someoone she was shopping for), I can think of a simpler solution :)

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Forgive me Lord of Living Below My Means For I Have Sinned

Post by gryffron »

LBYM is about Living too. I recall one of TMF LBYM regulars collected vintage cars. Many others of us also have expensive hobbies. It isn't about not spending money, it is about not wasting money unnecessarily.

Guilt wiped


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Re: Forgive me Lord of Living Below My Means For I Have Sinned

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

gryffron wrote:LBYM is about Living too. I recall one of TMF LBYM regulars collected vintage cars. Many others of us also have expensive hobbies. It isn't about not spending money, it is about not wasting money unnecessarily.

Guilt wiped

I'd like, if I may please, to augment this post. It's quite difficult to know where to start, so please bear with me. I am sure that, like us, every other household has been through lean times. Times when interest rates were 14%. A three day week. Blackouts. Paradigm changes as we have moved from an industrial to a service based economy. Job losses. Job insecurity. Increases in retirement age support. In the last 22 years we have seen the problems caused by the collapse of companies, the collapse of the banks, Brexit, Covid 19 and the illegal and abhorrent invasion of the sovereign nation of Ukraine. We have watched in horror as Iraq invaded Kuwait and terrorists attacked the USA on 9/11 and subsequently the UK and France.

In my opinion the UK has a disease that is costing its economy billions in lost productivity. Sad middle management bullies. Sucked into positions with little or no training on how to manage people without resorting to the standard toolbox of intimidation, micro-management, ridicule, impossible workloads and all the other negative techniques that, as I've said, in my opinion are endemic in UK's middle management resource.

Living below your means has been something we have embraced from an early age. We purchased our first detached home when I was 24 and my good lady was 19. It cost £37K and we needed a £30K mortgage. We hadn't been in long when interest rates hit 13.9%. Fortunately we had protected ourselves from interest rate rises so the impact wasn't as great. For 18 months we lived in our new home without carpets. We couldn't afford them. We had little or no furniture. We opened up four separate building society accounts and on the front of each savings book added a label. Gas, electric, water and phone. And we put money into each account monthly to pay our bills as they appeared. We had about £100 month left over for decorating our home, furnishing it and contingencies such as vet bills. So we saved a little each month.

We never went overdrawn in our account and we didn't borrow money. The only debt we had was our mortgage.

Over the next two years my salary rose dramatically as I was promoted at work. We were able to start buying carpets and decorating each room of the house.

As we did so, my Dad died. We decided to sell and move into town, 2 miles from my Mum, to support her. We sold our home for (iirc) £67K and moved into a new home built by the company that employed me. Obviously the mortgage rose. My good lady was now 2 miles from work. We sold her car as we couldn't justify the insurance and tax costs.

My Mum helped in her way. She paid for a new carpet in our lounge and dining room. It wasn't cheap. Bless her.

We lived in our first brand new home for just over two years. My job entailed raising appraisals and revising them for the companies construction sites. The site I lived on was marked for some heavy discounts. Long story, short version, we sold our home at a loss but purchased a larger one on the same site. We had a £66k mortgage on a £100k house. I was 32 and my good lady 27.

And, yes, we had no carpets for the first two years we lived in it.

We're still in that home. It's a good size and has served us well for 28 years.

I've had consistent problems with my health and that's reflected in my income not being consistent. Indeed from 2011 to 2014 my income was virtually non existent and the household finances were trashed.

We've learned to live below our means. I've not earned for a year now. We've over £40k in cash as a reserve. This will allow, if needed, me to never have to work again. But that would mean no holidays ... nothing really other than paying the bills.

My personal pension fund isn't great. A direct reflection of inconsistent health.

We've gone without. We've been patient. We've improvised. We've been our own decorators. We've laid our own footpaths in the garden. We've prepared ourselves for a rainy day, indeed a hurricane. We've even turned our heating down this year and we already have a credit that will pay for this years heating bill, regardless of the temperatures.

On Christmas day we will give our daughter some gifts. We haven't borrowed to buy them. We've bought many of them at discounted prices as we purchased earlier this year.

She has recently sat her GCSE mocks. Not all the results are back yet. But the results she's had so far are strong. She's a little work to do on her Astronomy as she's more capable than a B. I'd like to say she's a straight A student. She's not though. She's had to work hard to obtain these results and, yes, I'm aware she still has to get the same results in her exams next year.

She's in Rangers, is a Police Cadet and volunteers to support her local Brownie pack. Once a year we are able to reward her hard work and say thank you. We want to reward her as, like it or not, that's the society we live in and we want her to understand that closely.

We can do this this because we have remained loyal to living below our means. And I know we're not alone in this discipline. I know many denizens of the Fool also do the same.

We don't live below our means because we're poor. We live below our means because we value the gift that is independence from debt's, sad middle managers, ill health, hurricanes, inflation and all the other nasties that pervade capitalism in the UK.

I want my daughter, not only to embrace such values, but have a head start. Maybe she may just do the same for her family.

Gryff managed to sum up what living below your means is in a few words. I couldn't resist the opportunity of making a Fool of myself and adding one or two more :lol:

Take care


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Forgive me Lord of Living Below My Means For I Have Sinned

Post by brightncheerful »

I have a personalised number plate. Over the years I have had occasional offers to buy it . My reply is always the same: what size shirt collar are you? never was anyone 14 and a half inches.

An ex-gf used to visit Hong Kong regularly on business. As you may know, there are tailors in HK who provided they have your measurements will custom make a shirt for you for collection during your stay. gf used to bring shirts back for me, with monograms on the pocket. I didn't like having my name initials on shirts so gf asked if I could have something else. of course said the tailor. the something else I asked for was my number plate

Of all the alternative investments I have bought over the years I reckon my number plate has performed the best; quite possibly the only one that has risen in value. Paid £200 for it. Estimated current value £3500-£5000 - not bad for 3 numbers and 2 letters. The £200 I got back within weeks of buying it. Whist stuck in a traffic jam on the A40 in West London, a man knocked on the passenger window of my car, he'd spotted my number plate asked if i were Mr, yes, he handed me his visiting card and asked me to call him as he had a job for me. I called him next day and got the job. When I finished the work I made sure my fee exceeded the cost of the number plate.

Over the years i have found it very useful when in large car parks and wandering around looking for where I parked. Useful as an alibi but I wouldn't recommend having a personalised number plate when dating and prone to parking in side roads at night.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Forgive me Lord of Living Below My Means For I Have Sinned

Post by nimnarb »

Had various great numbers in the UK, some with 2 letters and a number and regret selling them in the 90's, but such is life. Have one plate at present,
Kiss-Me. Now everyone to their own, but first to say I am happily married for many years and I will explain that comment as what has that got to do with plates or go to do with this thread but continuing from BrightnCheerful's post

So I'm having breakfast on my own and I see this guy with a pink sweater and in shorts at a table 3 down and when I occasionally look up, he is staring at me. Get up to leave, and he comes straight over and says, and I quote virtually word for word. Hello, honey, are you free as I would love to!!!!!

Wtf is he talking about, and I think I blurted out...."excuse me?" And he said, your license tag(call them differently here) "I would love to.."

Honestly, it took me about 20 seconds to understand what he was on about. I felt my whole face burn bright, and I really can't remember my reply but must have mumbled something and when he shouted out as I was approaching the car. "Obviously it's not my lucky day, but I think you need to change your plate".

Haven't yet, but seriously thinking about it. Most smile and honk and had a few(females) blow kisses from cars :)

Lemon Slice
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Re: Forgive me Lord of Living Below My Means For I Have Sinned

Post by WickedLester »

I have a friend whose boss, for a joke, made him drive around in a company pick up with the number plate WE57 HAM. It's not really a problem in East London but as he's a Chelsea fan he was never really enamoured with it.

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