Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

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Lemon Quarter
Posts: 2339
Joined: January 15th, 2017, 9:20 am

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Post by JohnB »

My instant reaction to Boris's withdrawal "Thank Christ for that"

Lemon Quarter
Posts: 2339
Joined: January 15th, 2017, 9:20 am

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Post by JohnB »

I bet Zahawi is regretting this article. Well done the Internet Archive for skewering him ... ain-great/
Get ready for Boris 2.0, the man who will make the Tories and Britain great again
Fresher, stronger and more compassionate than before, he is the outstanding choice to lead our country through rough seas

Lemon Half
Posts: 5980
Joined: November 24th, 2016, 3:29 am

Re: Reaction to the thought of Boris PM

Post by Mike4 »

JohnB wrote:I bet Zahawi is regretting this article. Well done the Internet Archive for skewering him ... ain-great/
Get ready for Boris 2.0, the man who will make the Tories and Britain great again
Fresher, stronger and more compassionate than before, he is the outstanding choice to lead our country through rough seas

Jeez, that Zahawi geezer has all the bullsht of Boris and none of the charisma. His turgid delivery even comes across in his writing!

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