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Re: Truss

Post by pje16 »

WrenChasen wrote: For non-subscribers
Reload the page and hold down the ESC key

Lemon Half
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Re: Truss

Post by pje16 »

PM to hold press conference today
The prime minister will hold a press conference later today.
It comes as speculation builds about a potential U-turn on the mini-budget


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Re: Truss

Post by robbelg »

The Daily Star has a lettuce on a live camera, people are betting on wether or not it will still be edible when Truss goes. ... e-28235047

I an NOT a reader


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Re: Truss

Post by pje16 »

The lettuce has gone
i.e. that link fails to load

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Re: Truss

Post by bungeejumper »

pje16 wrote:The lettuce has gone
i.e. that link fails to load
I'm not surprised it's been disappeared. It was probably a heart of romaine. ;)


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Re: Truss

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

I'd suggest, as I'm reasonably sure I've seen this first hand in my own career, that Truss isn't a leader. With the little time that I've had to watch her style I am coming to quite a dreadful conclusion. She's the sort of leader that is constantly surrounded by incompetence. Of course she's perfect.

This style of leader is self serving. When something goes wrong it's nothing to do with them and the bus will remove others. On the flip side when something goes right they will make sure everyone knows that it was their leadership that brought this about.

Truss is going to deliver, deliver and deliver. In my humble opinion she likes the sound of her own voice and the zealot within her doesn't approve of others not, without question, following her. She's not a leader in my opinion. She's very insecure, has no idea what she's doing and is completely reliant upon others to carry her. Their ideas will only be hers if they work and keep her in power.

It's interesting to note that many are suggesting that she's trying to be another Thatcher. But let's not forget that Thatcher's second term only came about due to the Falklands War.

But I think I would be naïve at the very least if I thought that Truss is the only problem in the Conservative Party. She's going to "cling" to power, for the sake of "clinging" to power. She's not going to put the country's needs first. And that means the Tories have now to use a greased chain to control the snake.

I can't see the next 2 years as anything other than a farcical pantomime as the Tory ship, after faltering in the rocks, goes down as each survivor forgets the need for unity.


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Re: Truss

Post by bungeejumper »

BBC has just reported that Kwarteng is out of a job as Chancellor. Things are looking up.


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Re: Truss

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

bungeejumper wrote:BBC has just reported that Kwarteng is out of a job as Chancellor. Things are looking up.

Hi BJ,

Has Truss gone yet?

If not, can I suggest Kwasi's exit is nothing more than a disposal by Truss to save her own sorry a.rse self.

I think either she goes or there's a cabinet reshuffle with backbenchers calling the cabinet members. In other words Liz is removed from power whilst remaining Prime Minister.

I think we are in dangerous times.


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Re: Truss

Post by Beerpig »

Truss and the chancellor are toast.
Absolute burnt toast.
And there is no way back- it is just a matter of when they are scrubbed.

All this talk about some special measures at the end of the month is just nonsense. They haven't got a plan B which is why they have asked for breathing space while they try and think something up. Thing is, neither the markets or their fellow MP's will wait that long and they will have to do a serious 'U' turn and I expect it by Sunday if not before. The markets will then recover some of the ground these two hopelessly over-promoted individuals have cost the country then the chancellor will go, possibly replaced by Sunak.

As for Truss? Having promised to 'deliver' this and 'deliver' that, all she has 'delivered' is confusion and chaos and she will also go. It will be very bad press for the Tories but with Labour already 4/11 to win the next election leaving her in office is not an option and there's just enough time to mitigate some of the damage by replacing her with Sunak or Wallace.

At the end of the day Tory MPs - in fact all MPs care far more about keeping their seats than anything or anyone else and they know unless they act drastically and soon, half of them are out on their ear including some of those prats on the front bench.

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Re: Truss

Post by AF62 »

AsleepInYorkshire wrote:
bungeejumper wrote:BBC has just reported that Kwarteng is out of a job as Chancellor. Things are looking up.

Hi BJ,

Has Truss gone yet?

If not, can I suggest Kwasi's exit is nothing more than a disposal by Truss to save her own sorry a.rse self.
And how does that work?

Truss as leader sets out a policy and appoints Kwarteng as Chancellor to deliver it, and he does. The policy is a disaster and the leader fires the person who did as they were told.

If anything, doing this just makes Truss look more stupid and vulnerable than she did before.

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Re: Truss

Post by servodude »

AF62 wrote:
AsleepInYorkshire wrote: Hi BJ,

Has Truss gone yet?

If not, can I suggest Kwasi's exit is nothing more than a disposal by Truss to save her own sorry a.rse self.
And how does that work?

Truss as leader sets out a policy and appoints Kwarteng as Chancellor to deliver it, and he does. The policy is a disaster and the leader fires the person who did as they were told.

If anything, doing this just makes Truss look more stupid and vulnerable than she did before.
Yes... but...
what else could she do?
(Other than "yeah sure it's a fair cop! sorry")

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Re: Truss

Post by Dod101 »

servodude wrote:
AF62 wrote: And how does that work?

Truss as leader sets out a policy and appoints Kwarteng as Chancellor to deliver it, and he does. The policy is a disaster and the leader fires the person who did as they were told.

If anything, doing this just makes Truss look more stupid and vulnerable than she did before.
Yes... but...
what else could she do?
(Other than "yeah sure it's a fair cop! sorry")
She and Kwarteng could have gone together. That would though have been honourable but I am not sure she understands that word. After all they were clearly in it together.


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Re: Truss

Post by AF62 »

Dod101 wrote:
servodude wrote: Yes... but...
what else could she do?
(Other than "yeah sure it's a fair cop! sorry")
She and Kwarteng could have gone together. That would though have been honourable but I am not sure she understands that word. After all they were clearly in it together.

Not only honourable, just sensible.

She must know she is a dead woman walking just waiting for the axe to fall - unless she is completely deluded.

At least walking away now would protect some fragments of reputation rather than waiting for the bullet, and might not damage the party she is a member of quite as much.

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Re: Truss

Post by Dod101 »

AF62 wrote:
Dod101 wrote: She and Kwarteng could have gone together. That would though have been honourable but I am not sure she understands that word. After all they were clearly in it together.

Not only honourable, just sensible.

She must know she is a dead woman walking just waiting for the axe to fall - unless she is completely deluded.

At least walking away now would protect some fragments of reputation rather than waiting for the bullet, and might not damage the party she is a member of quite as much.
But she is deluded. Otherwise you are absolutely right. As it is she has lost any remaining authority no matter what she does, and respect from anyone except possibly the most cynical MP. I will never vote for any party except the Conservatives but there is not the slightest chance of my voting for them with her as PM, never was actually but the last few weeks have just shown her for what she is, shallow with no principles and anything but a politician.

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Re: Truss

Post by bungeejumper »

AF62 wrote:Truss as leader sets out a policy and appoints Kwarteng as Chancellor to deliver it, and he does. The policy is a disaster and the leader fires the person who did as they were told.
Fascinating, isn't it? Truss and Kwasi were two of the co-authors of the Britannia Unhinged book (2012), ... 1137032235, which first set out the basic principles of this farce. (On which they were joined at the hip. Until this morning, that is.....)

Britannia Unhinged, IIRC, accused British workers of being among the worst idlers in the world. Not a great way to curry the public's favour, then. But hey, friendships die. This year the knives have been out for two of the report's other co-authors, the equally thick Dominic Raab and Priti Patel, who just aren't the kind of people Liz wants to meet at a party any more. Or indeed, any kind of party. :evil:

My own recollection of Business Secretary Kwasi was that he wrote me a string of emails, telling me that it would be 100% my own fault if I hadn't got all my paperwork and procedures sorted for exporting to Europe after the final phase of Brexit happened. The fact that he hadn't finalised the bloody paperwork and procedures yet was a matter that didn't seem to concern him very much. :|


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Re: Truss

Post by Dod101 »

Truss is an idiot, no doubt about that. That statement will do very little I think. She is not a leader nor a politician, what on earth is she doing there as PM?


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Re: Truss

Post by monabri »

Prime Minister....<insert question here >

LT answer:

rewind, play

" I am determined to grow the economy...etc"

Two lumps of sugar, PM?

rewind, play

" I am determined to grow the economy...etc"

Jeremy Hunt...his wife is, Japanese...didn't he advocate 15% Corporation Tax? ( he'll need to do a U turn). WE, the UK Taxpayer are paying for this 'leadership '!!

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Re: Truss

Post by Hallucigenia »

bungeejumper wrote:Fascinating, isn't it? Truss and Kwasi were two of the co-authors of the Britannia Unhinged book (2012)
Unchained rather than Unhinged, although the latter was used by Paul McNamara of GAM in his recent review (which I commented on in the anti-growth coalition thread).

bungeejumper wrote:My own recollection of Business Secretary Kwasi was that he wrote me a string of emails, telling me that it would be 100% my own fault if I hadn't got all my paperwork and procedures sorted for exporting to Europe after the final phase of Brexit happened. The fact that he hadn't finalised the bloody paperwork and procedures yet was a matter that didn't seem to concern him very much. :|
That's probably less him and more just a general view of a Brexity government not interested in details. Heck the new customs software still isn't working 6 years after the vote.

To be fair, people seem to quite like the Innovation Strategy he put forward at BEIS last year, I suspect that's more his world - the big-picture stuff where he's talking to relatively few academic types and the CBI, rather than the daily firefighting in the trenches you get at the Treasury.

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Re: Truss

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

Beerpig wrote:Truss and the chancellor are toast.
Absolute burnt toast.
And there is no way back- it is just a matter of when they are scrubbed.

All this talk about some special measures at the end of the month is just nonsense. They haven't got a plan B which is why they have asked for breathing space while they try and think something up.
They never had a Plan A


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Re: Truss

Post by stewamax »

Changing the subject ever so slightly, if instead Sunak had won the race for PM, who would he have appointed Chancellor?
This individual would presumably be of like (cautious) mind about how to manage the economy - which is exactly what is needed now.

It all goes to remind us that a truss is a supportive undergarment but should never be the top layer.

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