Apt name

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Lemon Half
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Re: Apt name

Post by mc2fool »

XFool wrote:An interesting sideline on this. I have a long memory from decades ago, the 1960s, when Feedback's predecessor column (Daedalus?) was mainly serious but had a light hearted end section. At the time the Vietnam war was in full flow, with its military terminology getting into everyday English, such as "escalation".

My (unreliable?) memory is the author of the NS column, while commenting on this, wondered if he could introduce his own equivalent very serious sounding word into the English language. He therefore proposed to launch the word "pivotal" into the world. The rest is history.

Or is it? I have no idea...

Use (written) of "pivotal" over time: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?c ... itive=true

Vietnam boosting "escalation" looks more likely, although the foothills of the climb start in 1945 so ... nuclear weapons, cold war, etc
https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?c ... itive=true

The full Lemon
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Re: Apt name

Post by XFool »

mc2fool wrote:
XFool wrote:An interesting sideline on this. I have a long memory from decades ago, the 1960s, when Feedback's predecessor column (Daedalus?) was mainly serious but had a light hearted end section. At the time the Vietnam war was in full flow, with its military terminology getting into everyday English, such as "escalation".

My (unreliable?) memory is the author of the NS column, while commenting on this, wondered if he could introduce his own equivalent very serious sounding word into the English language. He therefore proposed to launch the word "pivotal" into the world. The rest is history.

Or is it? I have no idea...

Use (written) of "pivotal" over time: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?c ... itive=true
Interesting that the more recent take-off in usage seems to date from around the late 60s, early 70s! :)

No way now of verifying my (unreliable?) memory apart from an online search of all NS editions from 1964 - 66.

Lemon Half
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Re: Apt name

Post by mc2fool »

XFool wrote:
mc2fool wrote: Hmmm.....

Use (written) of "pivotal" over time: https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?c ... itive=true
Interesting that the more recent take-off in usage seems to date from around the late 60s, early 70s! :)

No way now of verifying my (unreliable?) memory apart from an online search of all NS editions from 1964 - 66.
From 1970 onwards there was a steep increase, but if you look more closely at the hillock around 1960 (roll the mouse over the chart) you'll see that the peak was in 1956 and it then went downhill to the 1970 bottom.

Lemon Half
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Re: Apt name

Post by UncleEbenezer »

ReformedCharacter wrote:One of my favourites is Canaan Banana:
Canaan Sodindo Banana was a Zimbabwean Methodist minister, theologian, and politician who served as the first President of Zimbabwe from 1980 to 1987. He was Zimbabwe's first head of state after the Lancaster House Agreement that led to the country’s independence
Possibly a proponent of rule by 'carrot and stick'.

Surely the best name for a minister of religion was Cardinal Sin?

Lemon Half
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Re: Apt name

Post by AleisterCrowley »

Ah yes Cardinal Sin. a name I was searching for in the murky recesses of (what's left of) my mind

Presumably related to the eminent vicar of Dymchurch-under-the-Wall, Reverend Doctor Christopher Syn ?

Lemon Pip
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Re: Apt name

Post by garfsuncle »

It wasn’t so long ago that a US State Department spokesman was one Larry Speakes.


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